Simple question: Do you believe Michael Irvin's story?

I'm a father, and all the loved ones in my family that do drugs, know that I do not allow it near my kids or home, and they respect and adhere to that rule. I do not let them stay at my house, they can come by and visit, and then leave.

But I do not abandon them nor do I disown them. My children know what is right and what is wrong, because my wife and I have talked to them and we make sure that they never forget that drugs is wrong and illegal.

So If Irvin, is like I am with his loved ones and friends, then I understand that he wants to help them beat this thing.
"put it in his car to get rid of it"?? What a crock of stuff. If I had an illegal object that I didn't want anybody to find, there is NO WAY I'd put it in my car and "forget it was there."
"didn't want his kids to find it". That's commendable, but if that was true, why not destroy it and just dump it in the trash. Crack pipes are nothing special or fancy. Once disassembled or broken it would look like a odd piece of worthless trash.
Did he save it to return it to its owner?
Put in the context of his past problems, his excuse is so outlandish, so Switzer-esque, that no logically thinking person would believe it.

He was a great player for the cowboys, and I'm glad he played for the cowboys, but he is what he is. A former player with an ongoing drug problem.

And, for what it's worth, legally speaking, there is no law against owning drug paraphernalia. The law says you can't possess it. Who it belongs to is not an issue. The facts are: it was in his car, he put it there, he knew what it was, and he did not rid himself of it as soon as he realized what it was. His public excuse was actually a public confession of guilt.
CooterBrown said:
"put it in his car to get rid of it"?? What a crock of stuff. If I had an illegal object that I didn't want anybody to find, there is NO WAY I'd put it in my car and "forget it was there."
"didn't want his kids to find it". That's commendable, but if that was true, why not destroy it and just dump it in the trash. Crack pipes are nothing special or fancy. Once disassembled or broken it would look like a odd piece of worthless trash.
Did he save it to return it to its owner?
Put in the context of his past problems, his excuse is so outlandish, so Switzer-esque, that no logically thinking person would believe it.

He was a great player for the cowboys, and I'm glad he played for the cowboys, but he is what he is. A former player with an ongoing drug problem.

And, for what it's worth, legally speaking, there is no law against owning drug paraphernalia. The law says you can't possess it. Who it belongs to is not an issue. The facts are: it was in his car, he put it there, he knew what it was, and he did not rid himself of it as soon as he realized what it was. His public excuse was actually a public confession of guilt.

and for the 900th time it wasn;t a crack pipe sheesh
NO. It may have not been his, but he didnt take off one of his friends after patting him down and then place it in his car so it was away from his kids.

He's been wathcing to many PAX movies. The fact that he thinks the public is so stupid to believe this garbage is just a slap in the face to all us fans who love him.

He lost my respect in a lot of ways, but I still have to love the guy because he was a great Cowboy. I don't ESPN will have the same love once this 2005 season ends though.
BigDFan5 said:
and for the 900th time it wasn;t a crack pipe sheesh

Okay, call it a marihuana pipe. The law doesn't differentiate. Drug paraphernalia is drug paraphernalia.

And before someone replies about the spelling, "marihuana" is correct.
I thought it was a marijuana pipe?

OK then, my point is it's very common.

If Mike wants to toke up a bit, who are we to judge?

Has anybody seen him on ESPN????

Like this is some kind of surprise.

Sure I believe you, Mike (wink, wink)...
CooterBrown said:
Okay, call it a marihuana pipe. The law doesn't differentiate. Drug paraphernalia is drug paraphernalia.

And before someone replies about the spelling, "marihuana" is correct.

It does differenciate "crack" residue is an offense you can actually be arrested for having a pipe with marijuana residue is a ticket
First off, people, you do not have to defend Irvin, you are not related to him in any way, so you should not feel that you need to defend him to anyone, other teams fans etc.

Those other fans that may come here and talk smack, are very childish. They are still mad because their teams got beat consistently, and still cannot win a championship, Irvin , Emmitt, and Aikman and the rest are gone.

So those small minded fans from other teams that like to use stuff like this to try and belittle our team are idiots.
They are afraid because we are coming back into the dominant team again, and they hope that stuff like this can derail us. But Irvin is not part of the team anymore, he is a Cowboy, but he no longer plays, it would be different if he was a coach.

So if he pays his tickets or not, or smoke MJ or whatever, it is not our concern, it his his and his family to deal with.
He does not tarnish the Cowboys image, he no longer plays. he will still be a Cowboy great in my eyes, and belongs in the HOF.

Now, a lot of you are making comments, about drug users and pipes and such. I am willing to bet money that most of you do not know what you are talking about. Stuff that you here from the so called experts or media people, they do not really know.

Dan Patrick, forgot one thing about alcoholics and drug users, once you are one or were one, people do not want to give you the benefit of the doubt. So they if one came up and told truth you would not believe them, it is hard to believe them, I know I have relatives that I do not believe, but I know it takes time and they have to stay consistent in showing that they have changed.

A pipe is a pipe, MJ, crack, whatever, you can use a pipe for either one. At least that is how the it is done in my hood. Now if you are rich or have a lot of money, then I guess you can have a pipe for each drug.

I have never known a rich or well to do drug user, all the ones I know use the same pipe, for all their drugs or they take a soda can and put holes in it and smoke it that way, or they buy cigars and take some or all of the tobacco out and smoke it that way.
Use can use a regular ol tobacco pipe. You can smoke crack, the poor man's cocaine, or the pure cocaine, can be smoked. You do not have to snort it.

I grew up with a uncle that was turned out by, LSD, Cocaine, Heroine, all the drugs you can think of, Pain killers, he did it all, he sold it all and whenever he was cauchgt in put in prison it was because he was hooked on his own product.

All of my uncles, and cousins have dealt with drugs, alcohol etc. I have smoked MJ, as a teenager, but my mother stayed on me and I never fell pray to the drug monster, or alcohol. I joined the Air Force and left that environment so that also helped me, plus my mother's praying.

I know the ins and outs of the drug and alcohol demon, you can add Pimping, gambling and stealing, all that stuff.
I grew up around it, in it, but not in it. It is what my family does. If it had not been for my mother staying on me, I would have done those things too, because that is what I thought life was about, it was glamourized to me as a kid, and the rap videos continue to glamourize that stuff still this day.
parcellsguys said:
NO. It may have not been his, but he didnt take off one of his friends after patting him down and then place it in his car so it was away from his kids.

He's been wathcing to many PAX movies. The fact that he thinks the public is so stupid to believe this garbage is just a slap in the face to all us fans who love him.

He lost my respect in a lot of ways, but I still have to love the guy because he was a great Cowboy. I don't ESPN will have the same love once this 2005 season ends though.

where did you get that arrest copy? i called the Plano police dept. A investigator said that the arresting ifficer has no brother, may one of the backup officers do, but the arresting officer has no brother.

Hesaid that he would check into how the copy of the arrest form that is posted here
My vote is that yes I believe Irvin at this point based upon what I've heard which I'm sure is incomplete and in some cases perhaps even inaccurate.

It also would not shock me to learn Irvin is not totally clean in this.

I disagree with those who think one should NEVER expose ones children to risky people. That's way too absolute for me. Be prudent? Of course, but not absolute. Does the age, personality, specific circumstances, surroundings etc of both the children and the individual determine the strategy? Absolutely!

Many things in life, imo, are not totally black & white.
coco2 said:
My vote is that yes I believe Irvin at this point based upon what I've heard which I'm sure is incomplete and in some cases perhaps even inaccurate.

It also would not shock me to learn Irvin is not totally clean in this.

I disagree with those who think one should NEVER expose ones children to risky people. That's way too absolute for me. Be prudent? Of course, but not absolute. Does the age, personality, specific circumstances, surroundings etc of both the children and the individual determine the strategy? Absolutely!

Many things in life, imo, are not totally black & white.

But some are. Typically, when a thing is black and white, it's a yes or no type senario.

Do you do drugs? Yes or No? Either you do or you don't.

Do you take the risk of exposing your children to drugs? Yes or No? Either you do or you don't.

For me, it's black and white. No, I don't do drugs. No, I don't risk exposing my children.

I understand others may not agree but still, it's a yes or no thing. If you elect to answer in the affermative, that is the risk you run.

The interesting thing is that we can stand back and see what an affirmative answer can potentially mean. It can cost you a career, potentially. It can cost you in your family life because they too have to deal with the consiquences, potentially. It can cost you something as dear to you as a HOF induction, potentially. The world is a big wide place and each person is free to choose directions. However, for every direction, there are consequences. For every decision, there are potential hardships. Choose wisely if you can but there is little question in my mind that some things are absolutly black and white.
CooterBrown said:
Okay, call it a marihuana pipe. The law doesn't differentiate. Drug paraphernalia is drug paraphernalia.

And before someone replies about the spelling, "marihuana" is correct.

Where, in Mehico?
I also believe, based upon what I've heard & seen, that Irvin's Christianity is genuine.

Be reminded, or perhaps aware, that surrendering one's life to Christ does not guarantee immediate sanctification in any or all areas. The saying "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven" has some validity to it even though its incomplete by itself. The early chapters of Romans document Paul's lament that though born again and passionate about it he still does the things he does not want to do at that point in time. Succeeding chapters grapple with that balance between grace & license. Its not a simple matter and one that is very difficult for outsiders to a situation to apply to the lives of others.

Mike may be 100% con in all this. I doubt it. He may have screwed up royally and afraid to admit it publically because he has so much to lose - job, income, HOF. If the latter is the case its certainly not becoming to God, nor is it final in that God will continue imo to work on him and in him.

That's all I'll say as its difficult to concisely capture God's concept and provision of justice & grace.
I voted yes because I have not seen any evidence to prove otherwise although I will say that I am sceptical about his whole story. As I said in my previous posts on this subject, I don't know whether or not he is doing drugs but I do know that he is, and always has been, an idiot.

Based on the evidence, which he himself corroborated, he is an idiot for how he has handled his speeding tickects, for getting multiples of them in the first place, for how he is dealing with addicts, how he handled the pipe situation, and for what his stupidity is and has done to his family.
I have to straddle the answer is I just don't know.

Fully realizing the personal battle against drug abuse includes a lot of backsliding, re-re-re-re-habbing, and a constant struggle to stay straight, common sense tells me Mike slipped up. If this battle were usually won by going cold turkey, I'd believe him in a heartbeat. But it isn't a situation where a person trying to quit is ever 'home free'.

So my head tells me MI messed up, altho stranger coincidences have happened, particuarly in the lives of busy people..and that pipe (and I have not seen it confirmed that it was a 'crackpipe') under the carseat just could be there because of what he claims..

My heart, however, instinctively reminds me that 'womanizer' and user tho he was and could still be, Michael Irvin is a GOOD man. Compassionate and generous, a team player and beloved of his teammates, genuine and engaging....when the good Lord sorts us out come Judgment Day, I'd wager MI is in the endzone.

Don't know...gotta take the hedgling route....but God bless him and help him thru this latest setback in his life.
dmq said:
Didn't someone a few months back say that they were at an airport or something and Irvin was hitting on them? After hearing that, I figured he hadn't changed.

I remember that, but I don't recall anyone hammering the poster for unsubstantiated gossip.
BigDFan5 said:
It does differenciate "crack" residue is an offense you can actually be arrested for having a pipe with marijuana residue is a ticket

That's false too. Either offense will get you arrested. Marijuana paraphernelia may be a slap on the wrist and pay a fine arrested, but you will get arrested. I think having a pipe with cocaine residue may even be a felony.

Alot of people don't seem to be capable of differentiating between traffic misdemeanors and criminal misdemeanors, and I can assure you there is a BIG difference.

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