Simple question: Do you believe Michael Irvin's story?

I would question if anyone truly believes him. I can understand people saying they believe him to stand up for him but even his closest friends in the media find it very hard to believe him; both Jim Rome and Dan Patrick have said "His story is really hard to believe" as opposed to saying "He is lying." And knowing Jim Rome, he has no issues with accusing players and other celebrities of lying so that show the amount of love and respect people have for Irvin.

Cmon guys, unless you are completely devoid of common sense, you know the guy is lying. They found a bong with traces of marijuana enclosed within a sunglass container, which also included clear ziplock bags with traces of weed. And when asked if he would take a drug test, he side steps the questions and refers to attorneys. If one was truly innocent, he wouldn't hesitate to take a drug test and clear his name especially when his job and public persona is on the line.

I love Mike and he was arguably my favorite player on the team but he has a problem with drugs and he needs to address that and take care of it. Right now, his health and family should take precendence over his public image and job. I know that's easier said than done.

What people don't realize is that people can get addicted to anyting. Very good people can become addicted to things that can disrupt their life. This is a very sad thing and I hope people don't point the finger and Mike and try to persecute him.
BHendri5 said:
where did you get that arrest copy? i called the Plano police dept. A investigator said that the arresting ifficer has no brother, may one of the backup officers do, but the arresting officer has no brother.

Hesaid that he would check into how the copy of the arrest form that is posted here

Thought I'd save you and Barney Fife some detective work.
I was willing to believe his story until he avoided answering whether he would take a drug test. A person who is innocent would have taken one 3 days ago and be ridden of this incident.

Your brother is doing drugs and not you, fine take a drug test and let's get this over with.
BHendri5 said:
The arresting officer does not have a brother, maybe one of the backup officers do, but the arresting officer has no brother per the Plano investigator I spoke with.

Thank you, Sarge, for making that call.

I was goofing around when I said I would do it...but I feared the REAL arresting officer would get in dutch if someone called asking any questions. And God knows the police have enough nonsense to put up with.

But you as a Texan, community activist, and military man were the right person to call and get the truth.

Props to ya.
Kilyin said:
That's false too. Either offense will get you arrested. Marijuana paraphernelia may be a slap on the wrist and pay a fine arrested, but you will get arrested. I think having a pipe with cocaine residue may even be a felony.

Alot of people don't seem to be capable of differentiating between traffic misdemeanors and criminal misdemeanors, and I can assure you there is a BIG difference.

No Drug Paraphenelia does not get you arrested and Irvin was not arrested for it. Its a citation with up to a $500 fine

Charge Paraphernalia possession

civil citation

incareceration none

Fine $500
But some are. Typically, when a thing is black and white, it's a yes or no type senario.

Do you do drugs? Yes or No? Either you do or you don't.

Do you take the risk of exposing your children to drugs? Yes or No? Either you do or you don't.

For me, it's black and white. No, I don't do drugs. No, I don't risk exposing my children.

I understand others may not agree but still, it's a yes or no thing. If you elect to answer in the affermative, that is the risk you run.

The interesting thing is that we can stand back and see what an affirmative answer can potentially mean. It can cost you a career, potentially. It can cost you in your family life because they too have to deal with the consiquences, potentially. It can cost you something as dear to you as a HOF induction, potentially. The world is a big wide place and each person is free to choose directions. However, for every direction, there are consequences. For every decision, there are potential hardships. Choose wisely if you can but there is little question in my mind that some things are absolutly black and white.

I don't do drugs. I never have.

I do send my kids to public school where they are in contact with some who indeed do drugs. I know other parents who have chosen not to take that risk. I totally respect that and they respect my take.

The point is that you can't make a blanket statement about what a father (implied "Good" father) should do when it comes to raising/protecting his children on this topic imo. I thought your initial post implied a good father wouldn't take the risk Mike says he is taking. I simply disagree with that and don't believe THAT is a black & white issue.

I agree there are plenty issues taht are black & white. I just don't think this is one of them. I know you disagree - that's cool.
BigDFan5 said:
No Drug Paraphenelia does not get you arrested and Irvin was not arrested for it. Its a citation with up to a $500 fine

Charge Paraphernalia possession

civil citation

incareceration none

Fine $500

Okay, seems he posted bond on the warrant for not paying his ticket. Laws for paraphernalia vary from state to state, Texas just happens to be one of the more lax states.

I'll concede defeat on this one.
Kilyin said:
Okay, seems he posted bond on the warrant for not paying his ticket. Laws for paraphernalia vary from state to state, Texas just happens to be one of the more lax states.

I'll concede defeat on this one.

damn you deleted your last post to me and made this one lol
BigDFan5 said:
damn you deleted your last post to me and made this one lol

Yeah, cause you were right, and proved it, and I realized I had misread something about the bond. He lives in probably the best state to be arrested for paraphernalia in, penalty wise. If Mike lived in say, Florida, he'd be in a lot more trouble.
Kilyin said:
Yeah, cause you were right, and proved it, and I realized I had misread something about the bond. He lives in probably the best state to be arrested for paraphernalia in, penalty wise. If Mike lived in say, Florida, he'd be in a lot more trouble.

No big reading the articles it seems even some journalists are confused saying he was arrested for the paraphenelia and bonded out on that charge so its easy to get confused

Yes if he was in Florida its a misdemeanor with a possible 1 year in jail and 1000 dollar fine
coco2 said:
I don't do drugs. I never have.

I do send my kids to public school where they are in contact with some who indeed do drugs. I know other parents who have chosen not to take that risk. I totally respect that and they respect my take.

The point is that you can't make a blanket statement about what a father (implied "Good" father) should do when it comes to raising/protecting his children on this topic imo. I thought your initial post implied a good father wouldn't take the risk Mike says he is taking. I simply disagree with that and don't believe THAT is a black & white issue.

I agree there are plenty issues taht are black & white. I just don't think this is one of them. I know you disagree - that's cool.

Actually, I do agree with you on a couple of your points. I send my kid to public school as well. However, I don't view this as making a consious decision to introduce variables into there lives that could have a decidedly negative effect on them. My take on this is that Irvin has choosen to try and help his friends who have drug issues, he himself being a drug user at some point. There are ways to help people who are experiencing this type of addiction. There are programs, like 12 step things etc., to do this in. I understand supporting a person with this type of issue but you start with rehab and the like. You don't invite them over to your house when there at a stage in there drug usage where they are still actively using. You don't intentianally put your family in that situation. You don't do this because you have no way of knowing what a person under a drug influence is capable of. It's rediculouse to knowingly introduce that situation into a family setting. Now, if the friend is at a stage in there recovery where they've been clean for a substantial amount of time and are actively showing progress, then OK, maybe you introduce them etc. Clearly, anybody who has a pipe and you feel the need to frisk before they come in is not at that point in the recovery process. Too many holes in Irvins story for me to go for. As a parent, you have to put the well being of your family first, is the point I'm trying to make. For me, the senario completely suggests that a blanket statement, clearly reflecting same, is in order. You don't risk your family, period. That's always how it should be IMO. I do, however, acknowledge the fact that this is only my opinion and the blanket statement is only my own. I did not mean to offend you. If I have done so, then please accept my sincere apoligy.
Originally Posted by BHendri5

The arresting officer does not have a brother, maybe one of the backup officers do, but the arresting officer has no brother per the Plano investigator I spoke with.

LaTunaNostra said:
Thank you, Sarge, for making that call.

I was goofing around when I said I would do it...but I feared the REAL arresting officer would get in dutch if someone called asking any questions. And God knows the police have enough nonsense to put up with.

But you as a Texan, community activist, and military man were the right person to call and get the truth.

Props to ya.

There were two officers involved in the arrest. My brother was the first one on the scene and issued him the three citations:

Officer Whitley was the other officer involved and was the one who was responsible for transporting Irvin to the Plano city jail. Maybe he's the one that doesn't have a brother that BHendri5 was talking about.

FWIW, I believe Irvin is innocent when he said that the paraphernalia belonged to his brother and I'll continue to believe it until proven otherwise. He did lie about the contents in the vehicle but I can understand why based on the laws in Texas in how they deal with possession.

Already, his chances of making the HoF are in jeopardy, I just hope that the voters are capable of setting aside Irvin's personal life from his on-field performance (as they should).

I also just found out from my brother that the Plano police department's PAO will release the arrest video today. So my guess is that the local news will be airing it pretty soon.
Didn't hold that much water with me. All he had to do was destroy the pipe. I know sometimes you just put stuff in your car to get it away. But c'mon.... Please Michael Prove me wrong.
You don't risk your family, period. That's always how it should be IMO. I do, however, acknowledge the fact that this is only my opinion and the blanket statement is only my own. I did not mean to offend you. If I have done so, then please accept my sincere apoligy.

We simply disagree. Absolutely no offense was ever taken but I appreciate you asking. :)
Can't believe him. I tried, I want to, just too many inconsistencies.

It's his friends pipe... it's his brother's pipe. His brother left it in the car... he patted his friend down at the door. He won't take a drug test...
I don't give a damn, don't think it's any of my business, and don't think it should be illegal anyway.
BigDFan5 said:
It does differenciate "crack" residue is an offense you can actually be arrested for having a pipe with marijuana residue is a ticket

Residue is residue. It must be usable amount to be arrested for the drug possession charge to stick. And, possession of a marihuana pipe is a class C offense in the state of Texas, but it is an offense you can be, and in my part of Texas usually are, arrested for.

And, as far as it being pretty common for people to have a marihuana pipe, the fact that others do it doesn't have any effect on the legality of it. Whether or not it should be against the law is a political discussion, not a legal one.

The point of my post was pretty simple. Irvin did, by his own admission, break the law. He was arrested and charged, as he should have expected to be if he got caught. Whether it was someone else's pipe or not doesn't matter.

Whether anybody here believes his story or not is not relevant to his legal situation. The relevance in this situation is how this will impact his nomination for the hall of fame. I believe that Bob Hayes is not in the hall of fame primarily because of his drug problems after he retired. I think Irvin is attempting to deflect the blame in an attempt to avoid the same treatment.
I don't believe his story, but I also don't believe it should have any effect on his hall of fame voting.
jackrussell said:
Where, in Mehico?

In the Texas Health and Safety Code, or in the dictionary of the ENGLISH language. Marijuana is an alternate spelling, or the spelling in

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