Simple question: Do you believe Michael Irvin's story?

CooterBrown said:
Residue is residue. It must be usable amount to be arrested for the drug possession charge to stick.

I never knew that it had to be a 'usable amount' for someone to be charged.

Would two grams of pot be enough to charge someone on?
CooterBrown said:
I don't believe his story, but I also don't believe it should have any effect on his hall of fame voting.


If they are going to put Lawrence Taylor in the HOF, then all standards as far as off the field behavior are thrown out the window.

You can't just add lifestyle er... aberations into the equation and decide if someone was good enough despite their problems or not good enough to overcome their problems. Where would you draw the line?
LaTunaNostra said:
I never knew that it had to be a 'usable amount' for someone to be charged.

Would two grams of pot be enough to charge someone on?

If it can be ignited and inhaled, yes. If not, no. "usable amount" is an element of the offense that must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt before a person can be convicted of possession of marihuana.
CooterBrown said:
Residue is residue. It must be usable amount to be arrested for the drug possession charge to stick. And, possession of a marihuana pipe is a class C offense in the state of Texas, but it is an offense you can be, and in my part of Texas usually are, arrested for.

And, as far as it being pretty common for people to have a marihuana pipe, the fact that others do it doesn't have any effect on the legality of it. Whether or not it should be against the law is a political discussion, not a legal one.

The point of my post was pretty simple. Irvin did, by his own admission, break the law. He was arrested and charged, as he should have expected to be if he got caught. Whether it was someone else's pipe or not doesn't matter.

Whether anybody here believes his story or not is not relevant to his legal situation. The relevance in this situation is how this will impact his nomination for the hall of fame. I believe that Bob Hayes is not in the hall of fame primarily because of his drug problems after he retired. I think Irvin is attempting to deflect the blame in an attempt to avoid the same treatment.
I don't believe his story, but I also don't believe it should have any effect on his hall of fame voting.

Its a class C misdemeanor punishable by a citation (a ticket)
The passion on this subject (on both sides) is mind boggling. To me anyway.
I don't want to judge until I know the answer to this question.

Was Ricky Williams in town for any reason recently?
Zman5 said:
I don't want to judge until I know the answer to this question.

Was Ricky Williams in town for any reason recently?

No, but Stepnoski was.
I don't believe him at all but having said that, whats wrong with having a pipe? They sell them at every smokeshop in every city in america. You can buy them just not possess them? ***??
CooterBrown said:
In the Texas Health and Safety Code, or in the dictionary of the ENGLISH language. Marijuana is an alternate spelling, or the spelling in

I wasn't going to say anything, but you keep repeating it so I will.

In the English language, Marijuana is spelled Marijuana. The spanish spelling is Marihuana.

mar·i·jua·na also mar·i·hua·na ([font=verdana, sans-serif] P [/font]) Pronunciation Key (m
  1. The cannabis plant.
  2. A preparation made from the dried flower clusters and leaves of the cannabis plant, usually smoked or eaten to induce euphoria.

[Spanish marihuana.]
CooterBrown said:
If it can be ignited and inhaled, yes. If not, no. "usable amount" is an element of the offense that must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt before a person can be convicted of possession of marihuana.
Thanks and, interesting.

It's all hypothetical as no drugs were found, (according to the arrest sheet linked to in this thread) just 'residue' you're saying that if as much as two grams were found, it would depend upon the amount of what? seeds? that would determine if it were usable?

I am sure I can find this answer at High Times, but humour me please. :laugh2:

Could a joint get rolled from two grams of weed?
BigDFan5 said:
No Drug Paraphenelia does not get you arrested and Irvin was not arrested for it. Its a citation with up to a $500 fine

Charge Paraphernalia possession

civil citation

incareceration none

Fine $500

NORMAL's information is incorrect. There is no such thing as a 'civil' citation in Texas criminal law. It is a class C offense and Texas Penal Code Section 14.01 provides that "an officer may arrest an offender without a warrant for any offense committed in his presence or within his view."

Section 481.125 of the Texas Health and Safety Code classifies possession of drug paraphernalia as a Class C offense punishable by a fine up to $500; unless it is the second offense in which case it becomes a Class A offense punishable by up to one year in jail and a $4000 fine.

You can believe an internet drug site that promotes the legalization of marihuana, (a political view) or you can believe a Texas Prosecutor (a legal view.)
Just a suggestion, don't bet the house on the internet site.
CooterBrown said:
Section 481.125 of the Texas Health and Safety Code classifies possession of drug paraphernalia as a Class C offense punishable by a fine up to $500; unless it is the second offense in which case it becomes a Class A offense punishable by up to one year in jail and a $4000 fine.

You're supporting his argument. That's what he said.
LaTunaNostra said:
Thanks and, interesting.

It's all hypothetical as no drugs were found, (according to the arrest sheet linked to in this thread) just 'residue' you're saying that if as much as two grams were found, it would depend upon the amount of what? seeds? that would determine if it were usable?

I am sure I can find this answer at High Times, but humour me please. :laugh2:

Could a joint get rolled from two grams of weed?

It would be about the size of a goalpost crossbar... ;)
I can't answer that because you didn't give me the correct options in the poll. My answer is simple:

I really want to believe him.
JDSmith said:
I can't answer that because you didn't give me the correct options in the poll. My answer is simple:

I really want to believe him.

Me too.
Draegerman said:
And me also.

But it would be a lot easier to do if you hadn't maintained your brother found two grams in Mike's car.

What happened to those two grams, btw?

Was Mike's wife just allowed to take them home?

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