Hey, aren’t we forgetting the one that made theater goers get their feet up off the floor? The only thing that kept Jaws from being perfect horror fare was we could avoid him by staying he hell out of the ocean. Freddy wants you, he can get you even in your dreams.
And speaking of “Jaws”, and I was, how critical is the score to a horror movie? “Alien”, “Predator”, “The Relic” and “Halloween” we’re masters of the use of the score as the scene setter. The minute that iconic score comes on tonight when I watch “Halloween”, I will be primed. That is such a critical part of it, the producers of the new one had Carpenter do the music for it.
The repeat trips to the theater to see “Jaws” and “Alien” allowed me to watch the audience when the themes played and there was definitely some seat shuffling and evidence of discomfort that I had not been able to see on my first visit because I was one of them.