Skins 38 Cowboys 3. Lot's of unhappy fans here Tuesday morning.

I am disappointed in old Nedk make a bold statement then run off. I guess he takes after their coach calling people from Dallas ugly then saying "I am sorry no offense, I don't need to give you guys anymore fuel for Monday night."
nothing to see here- simply ignore the Commander idiot and move on.
NedK said:
The Skins offense is going to come out of hibernation. Brunnel is going to throw for 300+ yards and 2 TDs. Portis will run wild for 165 yards and two more TDs. An INT will be returned by Carlos Rogers for another TD (the first in a large number of INTs he'll return for TDs against Dallas in his great future with the Commanders). Our new kicker Novak needs to show his stuff too. He'll kick a 59 yarder near the end of the first half. By then the game'll be over.

In his post-game interview, Parcells will heap abuse on one and all (excepting himself of course). In Febraury when Joe Gibbs and Dan Snyder hold that Super Bowl trophy high up together, some reporter will ask when Gibbs began to believe that they could win it all, and he'll say, "in the early hours of that Tuesday September 20, just after we had crruussshhhedd Dallas in front of their "ugly" fans. (His words, don't get upset with me for it.)

Dallas will never recover from this disaster. Will go 3-13. Parcells will retire to bet on the horses (Saratoga NY, isn't that where he likes to lose his money?). Cowboys fans for years to come will tell each other that thay have still not recovered from that Monday night drubbing.

And that beautiful woman you've been having your way with will morph into the alarm clock and you will realize to your horror that it was all a dream, it's Tuesday morning and you feel too lousy to go to work because your guys got creamed again.
I think you hate us because....

1) Ring on our pinky
2) Ring on our ring finger
3) Ring on our middle finger
4) Ring on our index finger
5) Ring on our thumb

Kiss the rings *****

Props to that Cowboy fan in the Foreskin site for posting that.

Probably got banned though, they hate the truth.
NedK said:
The Skins offense is going to come out of hibernation. Brunnel is going to throw for 300+ yards and 2 TDs. Portis will run wild for 165 yards and two more TDs. An INT will be returned by Carlos Rogers for another TD (the first in a large number of INTs he'll return for TDs against Dallas in his great future with the Commanders). Our new kicker Novak needs to show his stuff too. He'll kick a 59 yarder near the end of the first half. By then the game'll be over.

In his post-game interview, Parcells will heap abuse on one and all (excepting himself of course). In Febraury when Joe Gibbs and Dan Snyder hold that Super Bowl trophy high up together, some reporter will ask when Gibbs began to believe that they could win it all, and he'll say, "in the early hours of that Tuesday September 20, just after we had crruussshhhedd Dallas in front of their "ugly" fans. (His words, don't get upset with me for it.)

Dallas will never recover from this disaster. Will go 3-13. Parcells will retire to bet on the horses (Saratoga NY, isn't that where he likes to lose his money?). Cowboys fans for years to come will tell each other that thay have still not recovered from that Monday night drubbing.

And then...... The alarm goes off!!!!

:tongue: :flipflop: :storm:
Welcome to Monday morning.
MarionBarberThe4th said:
I think you hate us because....

1) Ring on our pinky
2) Ring on our ring finger
3) Ring on our middle finger
4) Ring on our index finger
5) Ring on our thumb

Kiss the rings *****

..OoOooOh Burned.... :lmao2:
NedK said:
The Skins offense is going to come out of hibernation. Brunnel is going to throw for 300+ yards and 2 TDs. Portis will run wild for 165 yards and two more TDs. An INT will be returned by Carlos Rogers for another TD (the first in a large number of INTs he'll return for TDs against Dallas in his great future with the Commanders). Our new kicker Novak needs to show his stuff too. He'll kick a 59 yarder near the end of the first half. By then the game'll be over.

In his post-game interview, Parcells will heap abuse on one and all (excepting himself of course). In Febraury when Joe Gibbs and Dan Snyder hold that Super Bowl trophy high up together, some reporter will ask when Gibbs began to believe that they could win it all, and he'll say, "in the early hours of that Tuesday September 20, just after we had crruussshhhedd Dallas in front of their "ugly" fans. (His words, don't get upset with me for it.)

Dallas will never recover from this disaster. Will go 3-13. Parcells will retire to bet on the horses (Saratoga NY, isn't that where he likes to lose his money?). Cowboys fans for years to come will tell each other that thay have still not recovered from that Monday night drubbing.
Enjoy your pregame trolling because we all know what is getting ready to happen.....I'll be trolling the extremeforeskin board before the game is even over.

Foreskins prove themselves to be the worthless flesh that their name implies.

Later....perennial loser!
I predict your 12 year old *** will not be back as of early tuesday.PS: stay offa the crack !
NedK said:
The Skins offense is going to come out of hibernation. Brunnel is going to throw for 300+ yards and 2 TDs. Portis will run wild for 165 yards and two more TDs. An INT will be returned by Carlos Rogers for another TD (the first in a large number of INTs he'll return for TDs against Dallas in his great future with the Commanders). Our new kicker Novak needs to show his stuff too. He'll kick a 59 yarder near the end of the first half. By then the game'll be over.

In his post-game interview, Parcells will heap abuse on one and all (excepting himself of course). In Febraury when Joe Gibbs and Dan Snyder hold that Super Bowl trophy high up together, some reporter will ask when Gibbs began to believe that they could win it all, and he'll say, "in the early hours of that Tuesday September 20, just after we had crruussshhhedd Dallas in front of their "ugly" fans. (His words, don't get upset with me for it.)

Dallas will never recover from this disaster. Will go 3-13. Parcells will retire to bet on the horses (Saratoga NY, isn't that where he likes to lose his money?). Cowboys fans for years to come will tell each other that thay have still not recovered from that Monday night drubbing.

If Hunter Thompson were still around, his only reaction to this bit of fantasy would be to inquire exactly what combination of recreational chemicals, in what dosage, induced it...
Hostile said:
:welcome: to the forum. Took you a long time to post.

Expect backlash. Buckle up.

And realize that if one of us made a similar post over at extremeskins, it would be deleted immediately, and the poster banned...
Did you think the same thing 14 out of the last 15 times you played us?????

I wish your team good luck, jk but they will need it.
NedK said:
The Skins offense is going to come out of hibernation. Brunnel is going to throw for 300+ yards and 2 TDs. Portis will run wild for 165 yards and two more TDs. An INT will be returned by Carlos Rogers for another TD (the first in a large number of INTs he'll return for TDs against Dallas in his great future with the Commanders). Our new kicker Novak needs to show his stuff too. He'll kick a 59 yarder near the end of the first half. By then the game'll be over.

In his post-game interview, Parcells will heap abuse on one and all (excepting himself of course). In Febraury when Joe Gibbs and Dan Snyder hold that Super Bowl trophy high up together, some reporter will ask when Gibbs began to believe that they could win it all, and he'll say, "in the early hours of that Tuesday September 20, just after we had crruussshhhedd Dallas in front of their "ugly" fans. (His words, don't get upset with me for it.)

Dallas will never recover from this disaster. Will go 3-13. Parcells will retire to bet on the horses (Saratoga NY, isn't that where he likes to lose his money?). Cowboys fans for years to come will tell each other that thay have still not recovered from that Monday night drubbing.

NedK...I beg of you...please visit this could save your life
Joe Gibbs and Dan Snyder hold that Super Bowl trophy high up together, some reporter will ask when Gibbs began to believe that they could win it all, and he'll say

Well after spending years in nascar and smelling gas fumes and burning rubber, my eyes started burning too much and my wife said I smelled like ripped up truck tires on a dirty old I decided dag nabit I am going to give up this nascar for a little while...besides it was making my neck hurt turning in circles all day.

So my wife, who I call mamma, well Mamma said that maybe we could move back to DC and coach for the Commanders like we used to. She said that nice young man who was the president of the Short Geeks who love Joe Gibbs fan club of the 80's had been calling her off an on for the last couple of years telling her she should get Coach Gibbs to come back to the Commanders.

Well later we found out that that little guy who used to call Mamma was none other than the boy tycoon Timmy Snyder and he now owned he Commanders.

So I met up with little Timmy...I mean Danny and he still idolized me. He told me he wanted me to be the Coach of the Commanders again and bring back multiple superbowls to the team with a hodge podge of QBs. I told him point blank...Timmy, I mean Danny, times are different now I can't just make things happen now with the salary cap. I said I just can't put Hemi Motor into a little chevette...I can't just call for a pit stop or a caution lap when things go bad.
But to his credit he did not care...he said JOE....I just want you to be the coach of the can have full control all I ask is to let me know when you will be showering at the stadium. I thought this was odd but I said OK anyways.

The first year was tough I tell you but Little Timmy, I mean Danny, was always there for me. He would rub my shoulders when my neck got sore from staring at the ground in self pity after making a mistake, he would give me a pat on the back and say cheer up coach....and he would always slap me on the butt and say I love you Coach Gibbs.

Well after that first year of torture little Timmy sent me on a weekend get away to help build my spirits back up and to relax after such a tough season.
I was all by myself and little timmy said that nobody would see and that I need to shed all the doubts of this past year. So since nobody was around I decided not only to shed my doubts but to shed my clothes for two days. Nothing perverted mind you, just a way to get all of the past season off and to know when I went back I would be clean and ready with none of the dirt of the last season on me.

Plus the vacation spot was very nice, nobody ever came to where I was at so running around without clothes would not frighten anyone...however I did have to report to Timmy after I got back that he needs to get someone down there to fix the vacation house as I was always hearing whirling noises and something that sounded like clicking noises....he said he would take care of it.
Later that week he was excited and told me he just bought a photograph and film developing studio.

Well we won our first game against those mean old bears from the gusty city and little Timmy got so excited that he developed a sort of nervous twitch. Timmy had to go to the DRs and he explained to me later that for some reason the nervous twitch only made his lower body move in a funny motion...I tell you it looked like some old coon dog that smelled another dog in heat...we all had a good laugh about it.

One night before the Dallas game little Timmy came into my office and was really telling me how much we need to win this game. How that mean old Howdy Doody Jerry Jones had beaten him almost everytime they played those mean old Cowboys.

I told little Timmy not to worry...that we were going to win that dag gum game. I told him we would beat that mean old Jerry Jones and that old mean Coach Parcells and I would then take the team to the superbowl. Everytime I would say something little Timmy would get excited and smack my back side and Say I love you Coach Gibbs. I kept going on with a rah rah speech of such magnitude that Little Timmy got his nervous twitch going and then wanted to give me a hug because he started crying he was so happy.

Well I let him hug me for a few minutes but then told him to stop hugging because his nervous twitch was getting out of control, but it must have been pretty bad this time as he just could not let go of my knee. I said Little Timmy GET OFF OF ME but he just could not let go, I did not know where his medicine was but he was getting so bad that he was pushing me against the wall.....I started yelling for Mamma, who was next door in the break room making coffee.

She came in the office and she saw little Timmy and she got mad, she said stop that little timmy you are going to hurt Joe. I said Mamma Little Timmy can not help himself, he has a nervous condition but I need you to help find his medicine.
She said Joe that is no nervous condition, that is just something else all together like you would see on some late night movie channel.

Well she fought little timmy off and then after kicking him out of the office she turned on me like I had done something wrong. I have been married to Mamma for years and have never seen her so angry. She kept shaking me and screaming JOE JOE JOE.

___****----Coach Joe wakes up in his bed room with his wife shaking him----****___

What's wrong mamma what's wrong? Joe you were having a dream of some sorts and making noises like you were in trouble saying No little Timmy No...what were you dreaming about?

Joe told mamma he could not remember what he was dreaming about.

Since they were both awake now Mamma decided to go and make some coffee.
Just as they sit down to have a nice cup of morning coffee the phone rang.

Mamma said it was Daniel Snyder on the line.

I said hello Danny what do you need. Danny said he wanted me to come to the office and talk about the up coming game with the Dallas Cowboys.

Joe had a shiver go through his body.
NedK said:
The Skins offense is going to come out of hibernation. Brunnel is going to throw for 300+ yards and 2 TDs. Portis will run wild for 165 yards and two more TDs. An INT will be returned by Carlos Rogers for another TD (the first in a large number of INTs he'll return for TDs against Dallas in his great future with the Commanders). Our new kicker Novak needs to show his stuff too. He'll kick a 59 yarder near the end of the first half. By then the game'll be over.

In his post-game interview, Parcells will heap abuse on one and all (excepting himself of course). In Febraury when Joe Gibbs and Dan Snyder hold that Super Bowl trophy high up together, some reporter will ask when Gibbs began to believe that they could win it all, and he'll say, "in the early hours of that Tuesday September 20, just after we had crruussshhhedd Dallas in front of their "ugly" fans. (His words, don't get upset with me for it.)

Dallas will never recover from this disaster. Will go 3-13. Parcells will retire to bet on the horses (Saratoga NY, isn't that where he likes to lose his money?). Cowboys fans for years to come will tell each other that thay have still not recovered from that Monday night drubbing.
Welcome to the board Joe Theisman. Nice to know you haven't gotten any smarter when your not on TV.

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