Skins Taylor up on 3 counts

abersonc said:
more stupid. his dad is Chief of Police in his hometown. Umm, Sean, just call the cops dude.

He's already shown he's a complete idiot. Doesn't surprise me one little bit. and I do not think his stupid antics are over with...... It's a long offseason and there's a lot to do in Miami.......
1fisher said:
were you there????

haha. Yeah I was the wheelman :rolleyes:

Bullet holes in his SUV and the house where he was at kinda shows that he was shot at either directly or indirectly.

If he shot at them his charges would have a minimum 10 year sentence.
1fisher said:
would you be sticking up for this guy if he wasn't on YOUR team? I highly doubt it!

Where am I sticking up for him ?

I think it is pitiful judgement for a player to put himself in this situation over some material items. Now if he were married with children and someone harmed his family, then maybe I might be a little more compassionate.

Great football player, stupid individual. Same can be said for players of many teams over the years.

abersonc and clayman, thanks. I knew some people understood.
the real sad fact is that if this thug did not have money and a name he would be in jail right now where he belongs.
These overly stiff mandatory laws make it harder to prosecute many times. There likely will be a few jurors who think Taylor is guilty of the crime, but will vote Not Guilty because they don't think the crime warrants 60 years in prison and they don't want that on their conscience.
abersonc said:
more stupid. his dad is Chief of Police in his hometown. Umm, Sean, just call the cops dude.

Naw man, he has to maintain his "street cred"
clayman said:
I think he was calling Taylor's actions stupid and not defending him with the ATV quote.

I know what he was talking about..... If you have ever been to Extremeskins you would see that most of them think ST is a Saint and that he does nothing wrong.... they even argued that the tape of him spitting in Pitmans face was somehow altered!!!! SO, my question is would they be defending him if he played for, lets say, the Cowboys???? They would probably be throwing him under the bus!
The mandatory laws came about because too many judges were soft and let killers and rapists and child molestors out with a slap on the wrist. Sort of like that case up in Vermont where a creep had been abusing a 10 year old girl since she was 6 and a piece of crap judge decided 60 days was enough jail time. Then he said the man could be treated- which is pathetic since studies have shown that pedophilia cannot be treated in any more then maybe 15% of the cases- and even that is in doubt. THOSE are the kind of things that lead to mandatory sentencing.
1fisher said:
I know what he was talking about..... If you have ever been to Extremeskins you would see that most of them think ST is a Saint and that he does nothing wrong.... they even argued that the tape of him spitting in Pitmans face was somehow altered!!!! SO, my question is would they be defending him if he played for, lets say, the Cowboys???? They would probably be throwing him under the bus!

Totally agree........I have been there and seen it first hand.
1fisher said:
I know what he was talking about..... If you have ever been to Extremeskins you would see that most of them think ST is a Saint and that he does nothing wrong.... they even argued that the tape of him spitting in Pitmans face was somehow altered!!!! SO, my question is would they be defending him if he played for, lets say, the Cowboys???? They would probably be throwing him under the bus!

If you knew what I was saying than why would you question it ?
Is this Extremeskins ?
HaveI portrayed Taylor as a Saint ?

I see a lot of "they" but not a lot about "SkinsandTerps".
Please dont try to lump me in with some people that you have encountered on ES.
Trust me when I say, I dont lump you in with a majority of people that are on this board.
burmafrd said:
The mandatory laws came about because too many judges were soft and let killers and rapists and child molestors out with a slap on the wrist. Sort of like that case up in Vermont where a creep had been abusing a 10 year old girl since she was 6 and a piece of crap judge decided 60 days was enough jail time. Then he said the man could be treated- which is pathetic since studies have shown that pedophilia cannot be treated in any more then maybe 15% of the cases- and even that is in doubt. THOSE are the kind of things that lead to mandatory sentencing.

the problem with mandatory sentencing is that a) there are always cases where folks get terms that are far too long given their crime (e.g. lots of folks doing massive time for possession of tiny amounts of drugs) and b) the rationale for those cases always comes from one or two EXTREME cases where there was a severe error made. c) mandatory sentences allow no flexibility for a plea bargain -- it ends up as an all or nothing thing - before mandatories, a prosecutor with a mediocre case against someone could get them to plea to a lesser count. now that mediocre case ends up in a not guilty verdict about half the time -- meaning folks end up doing NO time instead of some.

Instead of making new rules, why not do something about judges who screw up?
MrPhil said:
Totally agree........I have been there and seen it first hand.

Havent seen that here ? Seems like that is exactly what this thread is turning into.
Taylor will get off.

As incredibly bad as it was for OJ to get off, Jason Williams takes the cake. Jason Williams was tried for manslaughter which is different from murder. Essentially, manslaughter means you killed somebody, but not on purpose.

Williams testified that he shot the limo driver AND was drunk when he did so. He could not have admitted to the crime any better IN court. Yet, he was found innocent.

Strangely enough, the DA's for the Ray Lewis incident probably had the most shotty case I can recall and everybody is convinced Lewis was guilty. That's despite the fact the prosecutors plea bargained with a guy accused of a double homicide (which means they know he didn't do it because no prosecutor in his right mind would plea bargain with a guy who they believe killed two people)

Yakuza Rich said:
Strangely enough, the DA's for the Ray Lewis incident probably had the most shotty case I can recall and everybody is convinced Lewis was guilty. That's despite the fact the prosecutors plea bargained with a guy accused of a double homicide (which means they know he didn't do it because no prosecutor in his right mind would plea bargain with a guy who they believe killed two people)


Maybe it's because he's black.

Wait. No......:eek::
If he's facing a mandatory 60 years, he should get off. The punishment doesn't fit the crime. If it were a 2 oe 3 year sentence, I would have no problem with it but he shouldn't have his entire life flushed down the toilet because of this. He's just taking up the cell space on taxpayer dollar that could be used for a real muderers and rapists. And I promise there will be several jurors thinking the exact same thing. That's why these mandatory sentences are intellectually lazy and counter productive.
InmanRoshi said:
That's why these mandatory sentences are intellectually lazy and counter productive.

But they are very attractive to the intellectually lazy voters who support the legislators who write these laws.
SkinsandTerps said:
If you knew what I was saying than why would you question it ?
Is this Extremeskins ?
HaveI portrayed Taylor as a Saint ?

I see a lot of "they" but not a lot about "SkinsandTerps".
Please dont try to lump me in with some people that you have encountered on ES.
Trust me when I say, I dont lump you in with a majority of people that are on this board.

yea this guy is better than 99 percent of the guys on extreme skins, and better than any skins fan i have encountered here as well.

what sean taylor did was stupid, he will be tried by a jury that wont be tampered with so if the people of miami :rolleyes: think this guy is guilty then he will get 9 years mandatory in jail.

we could only be so lucky because if this kid stops being an idiot then he will be a pain in our necks.
I'm torn on the issue. While I would love to see him go free, I'm not convinced he isn't guilty, in which case he should be punished as the court sees fit. Regardless of what comes of this trial, the kid has some serious growing up to do.

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