Skins Taylor up on 3 counts

InmanRoshi said:
These overly stiff mandatory laws make it harder to prosecute many times. There likely will be a few jurors who think Taylor is guilty of the crime, but will vote Not Guilty because they don't think the crime warrants 60 years in prison and they don't want that on their conscience.

I agree they should have charged him with something else. Nobody is going to find him guilty for 60 years because he waved a gun at somebody who he thought stole his atv. He should spend a couple months in jail though, but most likely Danny Boys lawyer's will beat the rap.
burmafrd said:
The mandatory laws came about because too many judges were soft and let killers and rapists and child molestors out with a slap on the wrist. Sort of like that case up in Vermont where a creep had been abusing a 10 year old girl since she was 6 and a piece of crap judge decided 60 days was enough jail time. Then he said the man could be treated- which is pathetic since studies have shown that pedophilia cannot be treated in any more then maybe 15% of the cases- and even that is in doubt. THOSE are the kind of things that lead to mandatory sentencing.

Bingo ! That is why they are pushing for Jessica's law in Vermont. Mandotory sentences keep judges from doing what is described in Vermont above here.

From what I have read on the case...and take this with a grain of salt, I'm not a lawyer. Taylor was brandishing a firearm (in other words, he pulled out the gun). According to witness's, he did not FIRE the gun, but threatened the suspect (Who supposedly stole his Quads) with the gun.

This type of offense (Pulling out the gun) is punishable with a 3 year mandotory sentence. You need not fire or use the gun to be charged, just pulling it out and threatning with it is what the 3 year charge is all about.

If he had fired the gun the charge would have been a mandotory 10 years.

Skins and Terps is cool folks, he's not backing Taylor from what I read, just reporting what he knows.
I frankly think that if you do the crime, you get to do the time.
I have no sympathy for anyone doing drugs or committing act of violence.
lock em up and throw away the key; if the prison is full, build another.
Too many kids today think you can beat the system, and many do.
ITS the perception that you can get away with it that needs to be smashed.
What idiot said Taylor was looking at 60 years, anyway?
EveryoneElse said:
I hope the jury is made up of Cowboy fans.

Doesnt matter... he will go scot-free. I dont even know why we are here debating if he is headed to jail or not. i dont think the trial is the first thing on Taylor's mind. Its America, right now the case against him is allegations made by criminals. No evidence, nothing. Florida or no Florida, doesnt make a difference, dude's a millionaire and even if he refuses to hire a lawyer and agrees to plead guilty, he still aint going to jail. Dont people get it, if MJ, OJ, Jason Williams et al walked in the face of damning evidence.... does anyone buy the idea of Taylor spending a second in jail for this crap case.
More specifically allegations made by some criminals vs another criminal (taylor). Sort of balanced out, seems to me.
this guy will get off like most athletes with money do, so no story here. next!
SkinsandTerps said:
If you knew what I was saying than why would you question it ?
Is this Extremeskins ?
HaveI portrayed Taylor as a Saint ?

I see a lot of "they" but not a lot about "SkinsandTerps".
Please dont try to lump me in with some people that you have encountered on ES.
Trust me when I say, I dont lump you in with a majority of people that are on this board.

nope this is not extremeskins..... you're not banned are you??
superpunk said:
Maybe it's because he's black.

Wait. No......:eek::

I'm a white dude and I had just moved to Atlanta when it happened. In fact, a couple of friends and I had walked right by where the Lewis brawl took place about 10 minutes beforehand.

Anyway, I firmly believe that the reason why the prosecutors went after Lewis for double homicide despite the incredible lack of evidence was they felt pressured by so many of the white Atlanta constituents who just saw Ray Lewis as a black thug.

The prosecutors had nobody that saw Lewis do anything (yet saw his friends engage in the brawl) and were relying on the testimony from an ex-con who later recanted and the limo driver who first mentioned that he heard Lewis say "I'm not going down for this" and then he recanted that statement as well.

But, I'm leaving it at that as I don't want to get into any talk about racism here.

Since when were the victims of the crime Criminals?
Was it becuase they live in the ghetto?
Wait, it is because Sean Taylor (impecable character) ACCUSED them of stealing the ATV's (Notice no charges were filed against them for stealing the ATV's)?
No, wait, it is because someone, who may or may not be the victims came by and shot up his car. (Yes, the two things are probally related, but again no arrests are made)
No the real answer is the victims are crimials because they are poor and black. I am almost tempted to look up if they even have a record.

The only thing alive and well in America is Racism.
SkinsandTerps said:
Trust me when I say, I dont lump you in with a majority of people that are on this board.
I totally agree!! Wait .. what does everyone else here think?

:lmao2: :lmao:
I still think he will be proven innocent. Let me ask you this. Is it likely for someone to go into a rough neighborhood, point and brandish a gun at 3 thugs and then COME BACK to the exact same spot 10-15 min later and start brawling with the SAME thugs and NOT face any life threatning situation? Remember, these guys shot up a house and Taylor's SUV, so they DID have guns.
cfujskins said:
I still think he will be proven innocent. Let me ask you this. Is it likely for someone to go into a rough neighborhood, point and brandish a gun at 3 thugs and then COME BACK to the exact same spot 10-15 min later and start brawling with the SAME thugs and NOT face any life threatning situation? Remember, these guys shot up a house and Taylor's SUV, so they DID have guns.

I was going to respond. but you aren't making any sense.
abersonc said:
I was going to respond. but you aren't making any sense.

agreed! that's a few seconds of my life I can't get back!!!!
abersonc said:
I was going to respond. but you aren't making any sense.

Can you say that over again, please? There has to be some sense in there somewhere!

(this post was for cfujskins)
cfujskins said:
I still think he will be proven innocent. Let me ask you this. Is it likely for someone to go into a rough neighborhood, point and brandish a gun at 3 thugs and then COME BACK to the exact same spot 10-15 min later and start brawling with the SAME thugs and NOT face any life threatning situation? Remember, these guys shot up a house and Taylor's SUV, so they DID have guns.

Taylor will not go to jail, because fortunately (from what I'm seeing on this board it looks like it's unfortunately) we live in a society in which you're innocent until proven guilty.
From their actions (trying to get Taylor's friends to turn on him) it's apparent that the prosecution has absolutely no evidence to convict Taylor. They have to rely on the word of people who apparently stole his ATVs and DID shoot his SUV and house that day and have very little credibility. They have to rely on the word of criminals that Sean Taylor has a gun, and that he threatened them with it.
Celebrity or not, there's little chance that anyone with that little evidence against them is convicted to the full extent.
"Celebrity or not, there's little chance that anyone with that little evidence against them is convicted to the full extent."

If this incident involved either you or I, most likely we would STILL be trying to find a way out of jail!
Skins26 said:
From their actions (trying to get Taylor's friends to turn on him) it's apparent that the prosecution has absolutely no evidence to convict Taylor. They have to rely on the word of people who apparently stole his ATVs and DID shoot his SUV and house that day and have very little credibility. They have to rely on the word of criminals that Sean Taylor has a gun, and that he threatened them with it.
Celebrity or not, there's little chance that anyone with that little evidence against them is convicted to the full extent.

Actually, if you have NO evidence, you don't bring charges. And you certainly don't add them.

In any case, you work with other individuals involved to try to get them to testify against each other. That isn't unusual -- in fact, it would be unusual if they didn't do so.

What you are missing out on here is that prosecutors don't present their cases in the media -- you have no idea about other witnesses -- in fact, this would be pretty well kept under wraps in most cases - especially ones involving rich people who might try to "influence" witnesses.
Beating Tampa just might have been that much worse for him. :bang2: Whatever happens happens. If he is going to jail, it's his own damn fault. If he is found innocent he needs to spend the offseason with Gibbs...and try not to kill him.

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