Skip Bayless comment regarding Jason Garrett

I think maybe skip has been reading board or here etc, to bring up the clapping thing.

He said basically what some of us have said for years, but the clapping has been talked about on the boards recently.

Is jerry and Stevie the problem? well sure, but we cant get rid of them, even if we had 5-10 billion to offer them, they wont sell.
So cowboy fans are stuck with jones family for no telling how long, could be centuries !! lol

JG there is a chance at least to get rid of him, but if they do, who would be the next coach, and would they be any better?

I said it before , jones boys wont hire who the fans would want, so dont get your hopes up on some good coach.

Like payton, that is possible, he has worked for jerry before , and he has creds, 1 sb win, and I think he is a good coach, but I dont really care for
his play calling, too many passes.

the good thing is this is the 2nd media guy to criticize Garret, so that might help in getting another HC, or at very least get JG to change up
his methods.

I do think the team has been programmed to be ok with losing, JG says it all the time for years, and even the players say it.,
"watch the tape and get better!"
They never get better , they just watch a lot of tape, and "feel" better, and that has become the downside of the process.
I will say that

The stick bw him and Stephen A Smith reminds me of the old Howard Cosel and Don Meredith stuff on Monday Night Football.

One was always needling the other and it made for good entertainment.

I'll never forget one night ABC was intown to cover the game against The St. Louis Cardinals.

It was unbelievably foggy that night to where you really couldn't see the game.

We got beat like 38-0 and Craig Morton was the QB after Dandy Don had retired.

He had just played horrible and with about 5 minutes in the game..the crowd started chanting " Meredith, Meredith, Meredith.." and Meredith stood up waved at the fans from the broadcast booth and Cosell told Meredith he should maybe reconsider retiring and that was the first time I heard Dandy Don break into his now famous "turn off the lights..the party is over".

It was all about entertainment..still is.

Too many of us take all of this way too seriously.

Its TV..its not real life guys.

It's obviously just entertainment, but it's shrill, argumentative entertainment. I don't find it interesting, or even funny. And I don't think there's anything remotely genuine about what those two guys put out there. It's two network shills jumping through hoops for the benefit of a broadcast network.
It's obviously just entertainment, but it's shrill, argumentative entertainment. I don't find it interesting, or even funny. And I don't think there's anything remotely genuine about what those two guys put out there. It's two network shills jumping through hoops for the benefit of a broadcast network.

I completely adore the word shill. I haven't used it in years. Thanks for the reminder.
I mean, we're 20 years into this and you guys are still pitchforking our coaching staff and campaigning for more cornerbacks.

I feel like my time here has been all for naught.

dude we all know about jerry, but just how do you plan on getting the cowboys away from the jones family ?????????????
Jerry wont ever quit or retire, he is here till he is dead or disabled, then stevy takes over, and on it will go.
To complain about jones is pointless.
I honestly believe everyone expects it to be close with Romo out... Injuries are not an excuse. PIT is winning games with their 3rd string QB. We should be too.

except we've replaced our 2nd stringer and cut our 3rd.
yeh they operate on sensationalism and entertainment for profit. understood. however more people should be calling out Jason Carrot. its not sensationalist to expect better job performance out of a coach. How many more losses is it going to take? If a player doesn't perform well he is demoted. Is coaching just about great speeches?

I'm in agreement.

I have expected that somewhere along the way we would see Garrett show a bit more direct showing of him demanding more.

But that is obviously not happening..

at least not publically.

So as much as I like Garrett..I have my disappointments in him.

So this is his first crisis as a HC.

It remains to see how it changes.

Unfortunately, Jerrah enters into Garrett's way of doing things..

so how much is Garrett and how much is what Jerrah wants to see being done is hard to separate.

Some have said Garrett gets a free pass because of the Romo and Dez injuries among other injuries..

which I think is fair.

But Garrett is really going to have to re-direct what is happening in the off-season with some draft picks to really make sure this doesn't continue.

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