Skip wants Cowboys to lose the next 5 games


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I can handle my own, you worry about you. Nothing a bunch of personalities on the internet is going to do to[offend or affect me. No matter how hard you want it to

I was just making you aware of it as well, not trying to "offend" you. Lighten up Francis.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Not really, if it were that embarrassing to me I would delete it.

I messed up, admitted it, apologized for it and left it up so everyone can see how bad I screwed up. It happens, oh well, it’s not the first time and won’t be the last.

Yeah, I was giving you credit for admitting it in my other post.


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I dont think they will tank.....they will just lose on their own merits....the next 5 teams are just better than us.

The Fonz

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I want them to play the other quarterbacks good or bad what we have to lose.


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Hey, its my man Clove...…..I know you are down with this strategy, losing to get rid of Garrett, am I right bro?
Definitely. But I'd also be down to lose for a top rank QB to compete with Dak next year, but we just don't have one.


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How about we’re basically one game out of being tied for the division, let’s try actually winning it before throwing in the towel like a bunch of quitting sissy losers?
You want short term satisfaction at the expense of long term success. Sometimes successful organizations/people take a couple steps backwards in order to take 3 steps forward.

If I was on the field I would do everything possible to win, but I am a fan. We all want a Super Bowl Championship. A few wins this year WILL not get us a Super Bowl, but a bunch of losses might get rid of Garrett. Getting rid of Garrett gives us an opportunity to win Superbowls. With Garrett, practically no chance.


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I liken it to parents who have a drug addicted son. They've done everything they could for him, enabled him, pleaded with him to change, etc. Until, finally, they're ready to let him hit rock bottom, hoping that he come to himself, get help and get better.
Sometimes, it takes that. But letting him hit rock bottom isn't a sign of hatred but a sign of LOVE and genuine concern for him. Because, unfortunately, some people have to hit rock bottom before they straight their lives out.

The same goes for this franchise. We may just have to let the Cowboys hit the lowest of the low. Hoping they do so isn't an indictment on fandom. Rather, it's a recognition that we understand what it's ULTIMATELY going to take to move from a place of hope by enablement to a place of hope based on true repentance and humility after being broken.

You don't have to explain it to me. I get both what both sides are saying. Personally, I'm on the side of "It doesn't matter what happens either way. Jerry is stubborn and egotistical enough to meddle until the day he dies so it's a moot point until that happens."

I'll still root for the team, knowing full well what a cluster Jerry makes it, but I do hope for changes that help the team in the long run. QB, HC, OC being the glaring needs right now.