Snow White

I'm not saying that 16 year olds aren't impressionable or influenced or conditioned. What i'm saying is I don't believe Disney is doing it.
If you follow this sidebar back to it's origin you will notice that the original comment you replied to never mentioned 16 years old as a parameter. It mentioned "youth". You attached the 16 years old as a parameter.

Whether they intended to or not, Disney has been conditioning and influencing since it's beginning. The last decade or so, at least, they have been actively pushing an ideological agenda. It's undeniable. It's been controversial and in the news regularly.

Hell. As a child I originally wanted a Dalmatian until I met a German Shepherd.
If you follow this sidebar back to it's origin you will notice that the original comment you replied to never mentioned 16 years old as a parameter. It mentioned "youth". You attached the 16 years old as a parameter.

Whether they intended to or not, Disney has been conditioning and influencing since it's beginning. The last decade or so, at least, they have been actively pushing an ideological agenda. It's undeniable. It's been controversial and in the news regularly.

Hell. As a child I originally wanted a Dalmatian until I met a German Shepherd.
German Shepherds are the best!.. except for the hair...that sucks.
If you follow this sidebar back to it's origin you will notice that the original comment you replied to never mentioned 16 years old as a parameter. It mentioned "youth". You attached the 16 years old as a parameter.

Whether they intended to or not, Disney has been conditioning and influencing since it's beginning. The last decade or so, at least, they have been actively pushing an ideological agenda. It's undeniable. It's been controversial and in the news regularly.

Hell. As a child I originally wanted a Dalmatian until I met a German Shepherd.
There’s no bigger influence or conditioning then the household. The problem people have is they don’t like their world changing or evolving. They also don’t like to take responsibility or accountability for their household.
To me, it comes down to a few things:

A) Money
Of course, companies like Disney want to make money, but I’m more alluding to greed. Companies, in any industry, are pushing more and more product while the quality continues to slip. The quality-over-quantity issue is real, and it feels like studios are rushing to capitalize on the success of previous hits. Just look at the comic superhero fatigue. They made a ton of money on those movies, but at this point, they’re just flinging them out like a guy sitting at a strip club rail, tossing out dollar bills. It’s a money grab at this point.

B) Hollywood is out of ideas
Pretty self-explanatory. This has been happening for a while now. Reboots and remakes are taking over because original concepts are getting rarer. The entertainment industry has cornered itself with saturation and run out of ideas. That’s why everything under the sun is getting rebooted (though I’m still waiting for my ThunderCats movie lol). Some of these reboots suck, and some aren't bad. The Lion King (1994) is in my list of all-time favorites. I watched the 2019 remake, and while it wasn’t bad, it lacked the pizazz of the original. It stuck fairly close to the story but leaned too heavily on CGI and took out all those fantastic one-liners.

C) Lack of box-office interest
Do people even care about going to the theater anymore? I feel like all these streaming services have kind of ruined that appeal. Streaming has definitely changed the game. People are more likely to wait for things to hit streaming rather than shell out for tickets, especially with the current prices. If a movie doesn't appeal enough to get people to leave the house, they’ll just wait until some streaming service snatches it up. I remember being a kid, and movies were huge. We all anticipated the big summer blockbuster, and when it dropped, it was the first thing on our weekend agenda. That just doesn’t feel like a thing anymore, especially after Covid.
I don't know if grooming is what they have in mind, but they're definitely pandering. Or they could be caving to the whims of people who are trying to groom...or at the very least, trying to normalize their values in society.
Oh I agree they for sure pander especially lately. Now caving to those trying to groom that I don’t know. There’s some sick people in this world especially in Hollywood. But from my knowledge the end goal is to do what ever it takes to get out of the red. The Snow White film was a cash grab.! The part I don’t get with Disney is with technology advancing and becoming cheaper why spend even more money to lessen your potential gains.
You ain't kidding! Mine are blowing their winter coats right now. Between the hair and the spring mud it's a true labor of love.
I feel you!! I have 2 Husky dogs, and going through the same thing. Vacuuming is a lifestyle. :laugh:

From what I understand, German Shepherd hair is that super fine type of dog hair, which makes it tougher to clean up. I did car detailing my senior year of high school, and I remember customers rolling through with that fine dog hair (like a Lab’s) in the back of their Subaru wagons... and man, that was brutal to vacuum. It could even weave its way into the fabric of the seats. lol

At least with a Husky, it clumps together when it falls off and is generally pretty easy to vacuum.
To me, it comes down to a few things:

A) Money
Of course, companies like Disney want to make money, but I’m more alluding to greed. Companies, in any industry, are pushing more and more product while the quality continues to slip. The quality-over-quantity issue is real, and it feels like studios are rushing to capitalize on the success of previous hits. Just look at the comic superhero fatigue. They made a ton of money on those movies, but at this point, they’re just flinging them out like a guy sitting at a strip club rail, tossing out dollar bills. It’s a money grab at this point.

B) Hollywood is out of ideas
Pretty self-explanatory. This has been happening for a while now. Reboots and remakes are taking over because original concepts are getting rarer. The entertainment industry has cornered itself with saturation and run out of ideas. That’s why everything under the sun is getting rebooted (though I’m still waiting for my ThunderCats movie lol). Some of these reboots suck, and some aren't bad. The Lion King (1994) is in my list of all-time favorites. I watched the 2019 remake, and while it wasn’t bad, it lacked the pizazz of the original. It stuck fairly close to the story but leaned too heavily on CGI and took out all those fantastic one-liners.

C) Lack of box-office interest
Do people even care about going to the theater anymore? I feel like all these streaming services have kind of ruined that appeal. Streaming has definitely changed the game. People are more likely to wait for things to hit streaming rather than shell out for tickets, especially with the current prices. If a movie doesn't appeal enough to get people to leave the house, they’ll just wait until some streaming service snatches it up. I remember being a kid, and movies were huge. We all anticipated the big summer blockbuster, and when it dropped, it was the first thing on our weekend agenda. That just doesn’t feel like a thing anymore, especially after Covid.
I agree On all 3 accounts. Especially at box office interest. People like to credit these films being full of agenda as to a reason why films aren’t doing as well. Streaming is killing box office sales. Bad films have made money in the past. Box office sales are down but production costs are increasing. Theaters need to adapt. I think it’s inevitable the theater business is eventually gonna get weeded out. Not sure when but it’s gonna happen. They can slow the death down though if they adapt and make the movie going experience more affordable and enjoyable.
And that's the thing. Whether we like their films or not its the #1 studio in the world. And its not close. So do they have a incentive to change?

And is that's what's being discussed? They changed the story of Snow White? All I heard about was some reshoots similar to Captain America.
I don't care if they change or not. I exercise my right not to watch anything I think will not entertain me. Disney ruined Star Wars. But I still see "the Force Awakens" playing on cable every day 5 times a day.
I don't care if they change or not. I exercise my right not to watch anything I think will not entertain me. Disney ruined Star Wars. But I still see "the Force Awakens" playing on cable every day 5 times a day.
You do. I wasn’t insinuating you don’t have the right not to watch lol. I’m saying exactly that lol. I don’t for sure I don’t know if I will ever watch this movie.

As far as Star Wars I honestly didn’t like the ones before Disney came a long lol. I hate episode 2 lol.
There’s no bigger influence or conditioning then the household. The problem people have is they don’t like their world changing or evolving. They also don’t like to take responsibility or accountability for their household.
The TV is a part of the household. In many, if not most cases children are exposed to as much if not more television/media than they are their parents. To suggest television/media has not had a massive influence on culture is ludicrous.

What people want or don't want has nothing to do with the topic being discussed. Not sure why you are deflecting to that.

Disney has been creating programming for a century. They branched into merchandising shortly after their inception. They are long established as among the greats of conditioning and influencing the marketplace. Children and adults.

Really not sure what is so controversial about this to you.

Question for you. You are one who always uses the most current and cutting edge slang. Where do you pick that up? Are you not, as an adult, being influenced and conditioned by the media you watch? Of course you are. It's human nature. Some are more easily influenced than others but nobody is immune.
I feel you!! I have 2 Husky dogs, and going through the same thing. Vacuuming is a lifestyle. :laugh:

From what I understand, German Shepherd hair is that super fine type of dog hair, which makes it tougher to clean up. I did car detailing my senior year of high school, and I remember customers rolling through with that fine dog hair (like a Lab’s) in the back of their Subaru wagons... and man, that was brutal to vacuum. It could even weave its way into the fabric of the seats. lol

At least with a Husky, it clumps together when it falls off and is generally pretty easy to vacuum.
The outercoat is the worst to clean up. It does what you describe. Burrows itself into fabric and lays flat on surfaces making it hard to get up. Fortunately though the outercoat doesn't shed near as much as the undercoat, which they completely shed and regrow twice a year. That stuffy is fluffy and clumpy. It sweeps up and vacuums up fairly easily, but it does defy gravity at times and can be seen floating through the air like an apparition caught between two worlds.

My lab friend always gets leather seats in her car just because of the lab hair.
The TV is a part of the household. In many, if not most cases children are exposed to as much if not more television/media than they are their parents. To suggest television/media has not had a massive influence on culture is ludicrous.

What people want or don't want has nothing to do with the topic being discussed. Not sure why you are deflecting to that.

Disney has been creating programming for a century. They branched into merchandising shortly after their inception. They are long established as among the greats of conditioning and influencing the marketplace. Children and adults.

Really not sure what is so controversial about this to you.

Question for you. You are one who always uses the most current and cutting edge slang. Where do you pick that up? Are you not, as an adult, being influenced and conditioned by the media you watch? Of course you are. It's human nature. Some are more easily influenced than others but nobody is immune.
I never said it was controversial I just said they are making their products based on the times. I don’t like all agendas or the pandering so I just simply don’t watch that stuff. I don’t entirely understand the outcry over Snow White. It seems to be about more than just it being bad. But I also know there’s an audience that just goes against popularity or complain on change. It’s not a new thing. 25 years ago people did the same thing about Eminem and warned middle America how dangerous he was…

Slang usually comes from culture before it comes to the media.

But I don’t disagree we are all influenced in some form or fashion. Disneys goal is to make money. Whatever comes with that they don’t care. I don’t think their goal is agenda driven.
Just a short note and I do not care who disagrees...

House Hippos
Love Bugs
Snuggle Buddies
Nanny dogs

Are the best.
I never said it was controversial I just said they are making their products based on the times. I don’t like all agendas or the pandering so I just simply don’t watch that stuff. I don’t entirely understand the outcry over Snow White. It seems to be about more than just it being bad. But I also know there’s an audience that just goes against popularity or complain on change. It’s not a new thing. 25 years ago people did the same thing about Eminem and warned middle America how dangerous he was…

Slang usually comes from culture before it comes to the media.

But I don’t disagree we are all influenced in some form or fashion. Disneys goal is to make money. Whatever comes with that they don’t care. I don’t think their goal is agenda driven.
I think the biggest problem with Snow White is the fact that Rachel Ziegler crapped all over the original, in interviews. Then when Peter Dinklage said Disney was #*@&'+$ backwards in its portrayal of people with dwarfism, stuff hit the fan.
I think the biggest problem with Snow White is the fact that Rachel Ziegler crapped all over the original, in interviews. Then when Peter Dinklage said Disney was #*@&'+$ backwards in its portrayal of people with dwarfism, stuff hit the fan.
yeah I mean to me that’s just crap but I’m sure it turned some people away. Ziegler better watch it before she is relegated to just Tubi movies.

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