News: Snyder has told others: He has dirt on Jerry Jones

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Just the fact that he is still around is a "tell" that Snyder must have something to hold over the heads of other owners.

I believe he does. Many of these owners really are like mafia dons. Their egos have no bounds whatsoever. They think they can do whatever they want. And they are mostly right
I don't disagree. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if he has some dirt on other owners.
Interesting that this gets floated out there now and this is one that I do not doubt there's fire beneath the smoke. This wasn't discovered; it was leaked. The threat card out in the open.

Only thing worse than a Good Ole Boys Club is a Good Ole Billionaire Boys Club. Think they might have had one of those "what happens at the owners' meeting stays at the owners' meeting" on more than one occasion? Think they don't want to impress and out-do each other? Think there isn't some hardcore envy among them?

If it's a mafia, is Booger Lucky Luciano? A little too out in the open and showing off for the rest of the dons?
I don't disagree. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if he has some dirt on other owners.
That's their mutual deterrent, one goes, we all go. From what I know of most of these owners, I don't think falling on one's sword is a desirable option.

Hell, some of them need mansions just for the closet space for the skeletons.
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yeah Snyder is on his way out but he's going to try to take more out with him.
If Jerry’s dirt all gets out there I’d guess sponsors will have a big problem sticking with him.

I’m sure everyone just turns a blind eye to Jerry because it’s a mutual beneficial relationship the general public just chooses to avoid.

Let’s not pretend there’s not serious skeletons in any owners closet.
this is Dan right about now wanting out of the mob that is the NFL. Ba Bye Daniel. Sorry kid. No hard feelins.... just business.

just take the Joneses with ya, bub
What a dangerous fool- a wealthy person no less- who decides to happily join the mafia, then gets in trouble and decides suddenly he doesn’t like the mafia anymore. Now says he wants to expose “secrets”? He better have an excellent security team.

Scorched earth, I’m kind of rooting for Snyder here. Let’s see how much damage one man can do.
will never happen. Unless Dan willingly walks away from Fedex, he will stay. He is rich and powerful. If it was that easy to oust him from the team or the company, they would have already done it years ago.
It' hard to understand what you are talking about here. Do you think that Dan Snyder somehow owns FedEx the company? He owns a stadium that FedEx pays naming rights for. It could easily be called "Mafia Stadium" in a heartbeat if that partnership were to be dissolved. FedEx the company actually was the straw that stirred the drink on the team name change. At one point the FedEx (company) chairman Fred Smith (changed roles this year to step out of the way for a younger guy) was a partial owner of the Washington franchise. He wanted to unload his shares. Not where that stands, but I think the relationship between the two organizations isn't exactly in a hugging in the shower state.
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