So, my wife sends me a text...

Doomsday101;3757590 said:
I don't think his mission in life it to make you happy. It gets to be too funny seeing people make an issue over a baseball cap. One would think some people do not have much of a life :laugh2:

Look I don't really care if he wears a hat or not.

I'm just pointing out that he looks like a dork in that cap.

He's free to look like a dork in the good old USA.
BrAinPaiNt;3757593 said:
Yeah...I don't get it.

I mean I could understand if he had a hat with some kind of rude/crude type thing written on it.

But just a standard hat, ugly or not, and making such a big deal seems silly to me.

I am sure they would not like it if someone made a big stink of some ugly shirt, shoes or other things they might be wearing.

So many seem to be interested in who Tony dates and what he wears as if they should have some say so in this.
ConcordCowboy;3757597 said:
Look I don't really care if he wears a hat or not.

I'm just pointing out that he looks like a dork in that cap.

He's free to look like a dork in the good old USA.

I'm sure he would think you look like a dork as well.
ConcordCowboy;3757604 said:
I'm sure he would if he saw me in that cap.

or without. :laugh2:

Sometimes this place sounds like a gaggle of women talking about what so and so was wearing. :laugh2:
Doomsday101;3757608 said:
or without. :laugh2:

Sometimes this place sounds like a gaggle of women talking about what so and so was wearing. :laugh2:

And here you are with your skirt all in a bunch defending him.

ConcordCowboy;3757045 said:
He looks like a total dork.

Always has...always will.

If Candice has any say...she will tell him to never wear that thing again.

I don't care if it's front...back or side ways...those things look stupid...period.

Oh...also...take your fricking hat off in a nice restaurant or someone else's home.

I'm glad my parents taught me some manners.

I don't care if it has become fashionable or not.

It is wrong and will always be looked down upon.

Oh you can do as you please...but you're wrong.
Just curious...nothing more or less here....

but does your hat's off in someone elses house include when a buddy of yours has a group of friends over for a Buckeye or Cowboy game? You know, plenty of bear flowing, burgers grilling outside, etc. And almost everyone is wearing jeans, a few teeshirts or whatever...and very often baseball caps?

No big deal, just curious how strict you are about this.
ConcordCowboy;3757610 said:
And here you are with your skirt all in a bunch defending him.


Not in a bunch just amazed at guys acting like some catty women. Sorry but what Tony was wearing or not wearing would be the last thing on my mind.
DFWJC;3757611 said:
Just curious...nothing more or less here....

but does your hat's off in someone elses house include when a buddy of yours has a group of friends over for a Buckeye or Cowboy game? You know, plenty of bear flowing, burgers grilling outside, etc. And almost everyone is wearing jeans, a few teeshirts or whatever...and very often baseball caps?

No big deal, just curious how strict you are about this.

No...those kinds of things hats are fine.

I would never sit at my Dad's table for dinner with a hat on.

Nor would I sit in anyones house at their dinner table with a hat on.

I wouldn't go to a nice restaurant and keep my hat on when I sat down for the meal.

To me it's when you're sitting down at the table for a meal...not just because you're indoors.
I ask this early, but nobody answered it.

Why exactly do you feel it rude to wear a baseball cap at the dinner table? In what way does it exactly offend you?

Removing your hat has more to do with age old tradition that live on today than being a respectful thing.

For instance, they say you don't wear white after labor day. 99% of people do not even actually know why that faux pas even exists in the first place.

For those that don't know, the do not wear white after labor day faux pas has nothing to do with wearing white shirts or pants, it has to do with wearing white dress shoes. The whole point behind not wearing them wasn't because it was incorrect, it was due to the fact that they were inappropriate to wear in winter weather! You didn't wear white dress shoes because you didn't want to get them dirty. Wearing white anything else was because people that didn't know what they were talking about, talked about it confusing the reasoning.

The basic fact is, removing your hat when you are indoors is an act of tradition, not an act of being rude or disrespectful. Not everyone follows everyone else traditions. In that case, you SHOULD remove your hat when you enter someones how who DOES hold that tradition as not doing so would then be a show of disrespect of the mans traditions in his own house. If you are in a public place (even if it's a 5 Star restaurant) you don't have to remove it unless the establishment requests that you do. The reason is, this is America and you don't have to respect someone else's traditions in a public place like you should when you enter their home.
In the Western culture derived from Christian tradition, removing one's headgear is a sign of respect, making oneself more open, humble or vulnerable, much like bowing or kneeling. This is as if to say, "I acknowledge that you are more powerful than I am, I make myself vulnerable to show I pose no threat to you and respect you."

Ha! Makes sense some dudes in here want you to take your hat off when you walk into their home. Marking their territory.
nyc;3757645 said:
I ask this early, but nobody answered it.

Why exactly do you feel it rude to wear a baseball cap at the dinner table? In what way does it exactly offend you?

Removing your hat has more to do with age old tradition that live on today than being a respectful thing.

For instance, they say you don't wear white after labor day. 99% of people do not even actually know why that faux pas even exists in the first place.

For those that don't know, the do not wear white after labor day faux pas has nothing to do with wearing white shirts or pants, it has to do with wearing white dress shoes. The whole point behind not wearing them wasn't because it was incorrect, it was due to the fact that they were inappropriate to wear in winter weather! You didn't wear white dress shoes because you didn't want to get them dirty. Wearing white anything else was because people that didn't know what they were talking about, talked about it confusing the reasoning.

The basic fact is, removing your hat when you are indoors is an act of tradition, not an act of being rude or disrespectful. Not everyone follows everyone else traditions. In that case, you SHOULD remove your hat when you enter someones how who DOES hold that tradition as not doing so would then be a show of disrespect of the mans traditions in his own house. If you are in a public place (even if it's a 5 Star restaurant) you don't have to remove it unless the establishment requests that you do. The reason is, this is America and you don't have to respect someone else's traditions in a public place like you should when you enter their home.
That's some good trivia regarding the white shoes. Pretty funny really.

And I can't say I disagree with any of the rest of the post either. Well put and logical.
I like to wear a hat indoors for no other reason than to piss off shallow people. Shallow people are a pet peeve of mine.
bbgun;3757231 said:
The vast majority of sensible and considerate people.

It's widely considered to be rude.

Then prepare to be ostracized. You have the right to flout society's conventions, and the people you offend have the right to react.

I'd venture a guess (which there is no way to verify) that more people would be more "offended" at people being uppity about a stupid hat than at people who wear them inside or at dinner.
ChldsPlay;3757817 said:
I'd venture a guess (which there is no way to verify) that more people would be more "offended" at people being uppity about a stupid hat than at people who wear them inside or at dinner.

The fact that bb is uppity is the reason why WG won't give him the time of day. :D
nyc;3757821 said:
The fact that bb is uppity is the reason why WG won't give him the time of day. :D

Are you sure it's not his lack of "uppity?"
JIMMYBUFFETT;3757794 said:
I like to wear a hat indoors for no other reason than to piss off shallow people. Shallow people are a pet peeve of mine.

That guy on your avatar had a real problem with people wearing a hat indoors...

An eight page thread on whether you should wear a hat inside or not.

I love this place!
Venger;3757839 said:
That guy on your avatar had a real problem with people wearing a hat indoors...

You mean in his movies where he was acting? In reality the Duke was a huge fan of hats indoors. He was often seen in his neighborhood Applebees sporting his Allman Brothers trucker hat, shirt tail out, and elbows on the table. If you were to confront him about it he would simply tell you "I'll have you spread-eagled on a wagon wheel".
The first rule of con men is to have a really nice suit. Bet they take their hats off too, if they're playing the high end.

For fun, and perspective on this, read a book on etiquette from about a hundred years ago. It's filled with the most amazing stuff that must be done if you are to be 'proper'.

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