The whole hat thing is pretty silly in the grand scheme of things.
I do not go to a 5star joint. If I did I would probably be wearing something nice that would not include a hat. I doubt I would wear a hat while wearing a business suit.
However If I am in a regular eatery...whether that be a simple hamburger joint or something just slight above it like a Red Lobster or Olive garden. I will wear my hate and if it offends someone else or they find it rude...maybe they need to get a wet wipe out and clean the sand out of there * censored*
I would also state that if a eatery wants a specific dress code they can always have that clearly stated. Suit and tie required, no hats and so on. Then if someone wants to make a stink about heck with them, that is what is stated. So again...if it is clearly stated by the place of business, follow those guidelines or find another place to eat.
Now If I am at a place that is not of that type and someone comes over to ask me to remove my hat there are some different scenarios that happen.
If it is someone that works at the eatery (say a manager) and they ask me to remove the hat and do so in a good manner. I would remove it and ask them to start having a sign or something up that states they want no hats.
If a person, another customer, comes up to me and asks kindly for me to remove my hat...I would probably kindly say no thanks, I will keep it on. Unless I just did not care one way or the other that day.
If a person, another customer, comes up and rudely tells me to remove my hat because they find it rude or offensive. I would tell them to mind their own business and that I find their nosiness and attitude to speak to me in such a manner to be rude and offensive.
If someone came up and took the hat off the top of my head...he would wake up in the hospital and learn a valuable lesson to never do that again.
There is nothing rude or offensive about wearing a hat when you eat. It is a silly old tradition that some have clung to.
I would much rather people would learn other manners that are more conducive to promoting a feeling of respect among people...Like saying Thank You. Tipping a good waiter. Opening a door for a lady, older people or other people in general. Wearing a hat should offend no one unless they are anal retentive and have too much time worrying about others instead of their selves when they are out eating.
Reminds me of my mom when the family would go out to eat. She was more concerned looking at and talking about other people to actually enjoy the meal with her own family. Got so tired of hearing...look at how much that man is eating, look at the dress that girl is wearing, look at the mess that woman is making. How about you just worry about your meal instead of everyone else. It is not like someone coming in and screaming or harassing other people, not like someone causing a situation that puts other peoples lives in danger.
I tell you...if someone wearing a hat in an eatery is as serious as it gets for some...they have a lucky life. I am more worried about getting a good meal, Good service, having a nice time with the wife or family...not worried about some guy at another table wearing a hat that has no affect on my meal or causing a commotion or putting people in danger.
Oh no...he is wearing a hat of a sports team or a tractor brand...I AM OFFENDED and can not enjoy my meal.