So, my wife sends me a text...

SaltwaterServr;3757235 said:
Precisely. It's occurred to me that one Child's Play enjoys being argumentative, for the sake of being.

The next time I'm reprimanded for holding the door open for a lady will be the third instance, life time. The next time I'm corrected for not holding it open will be the first, lifetime. Yes, there are very liberated women in the world. Yes, they'll take offense at it. I'm still going to do it, because it's the right thing to do.

Somethings are a matter of upbringing and personal mores. A person who lets the door drop in front of a lady tells me a lot about them as a person.

Good example, I rode the bus to school from the parking lots every day this past semester. I couldn't count the number of times I chose to stand to give my seat up to a much younger lady. I also couldn't count the number of times I was turned down. Same reason why I carried two umbrellas with me all the time to campus. Gave both of them away every time it rained too.

Not that I'm dumb, I carry a plastic poncho as well.

There's courtesy, and then there's 'not wearing a hat indoors.' The two aren't connected. So people can stop being sanctimonious about their displeasure that things aren't they way they used to be. You guys aren't more courteous, or cut from a better cloth because of when and where you wear your hats. Really, you're not.
Idgit;3757294 said:
There's courtesy, and then there's 'not wearing a hat indoors.' The two aren't connected. So people can stop being sanctimonious about their displeasure that things aren't they way they used to be. You guys aren't more courteous, or cut from a better cloth because of when and where you wear your hats. Really, you're not.

They are distinctly connected without a degree of separation. Things are as they were, as those of us care to carry forward traditions of respect, courtesy, and chivalry forward to our children refuse to let basic tenets of such die at the ambivalence of those who care not for them.

Truly, by every understanding, we are being more courteous.
bbgun;3757231 said:
The vast majority of sensible and considerate people.

It's widely considered to be rude.

Then prepare to be ostracized. You have the right to flout society's conventions, and the people you offend have the right to react.

Well, you know me. I don't need no <bleeping> manners! <burrrrrp>


Gotta love The Whoopee Boys. :)
SaltwaterServr;3757297 said:
They are distinctly connected without a degree of separation. Things are as they were, as those of us care to carry forward traditions of respect, courtesy, and chivalry forward to our children refuse to let basic tenets of such die at the ambivalence of those who care not for them.

Truly, by every understanding, we are being more courteous.

Care to offer even a shred of evidence that what you choose to do with your hat, and where, involves courtesy? Otherwise, all you have is an outdated and silly convention coupled with what I'd call a distinctly discourteous condescension.
The whole hat thing is pretty silly in the grand scheme of things.

I do not go to a 5star joint. If I did I would probably be wearing something nice that would not include a hat. I doubt I would wear a hat while wearing a business suit.

However If I am in a regular eatery...whether that be a simple hamburger joint or something just slight above it like a Red Lobster or Olive garden. I will wear my hate and if it offends someone else or they find it rude...maybe they need to get a wet wipe out and clean the sand out of there * censored*

I would also state that if a eatery wants a specific dress code they can always have that clearly stated. Suit and tie required, no hats and so on. Then if someone wants to make a stink about heck with them, that is what is stated. So again...if it is clearly stated by the place of business, follow those guidelines or find another place to eat.

Now If I am at a place that is not of that type and someone comes over to ask me to remove my hat there are some different scenarios that happen.

If it is someone that works at the eatery (say a manager) and they ask me to remove the hat and do so in a good manner. I would remove it and ask them to start having a sign or something up that states they want no hats.

If a person, another customer, comes up to me and asks kindly for me to remove my hat...I would probably kindly say no thanks, I will keep it on. Unless I just did not care one way or the other that day.

If a person, another customer, comes up and rudely tells me to remove my hat because they find it rude or offensive. I would tell them to mind their own business and that I find their nosiness and attitude to speak to me in such a manner to be rude and offensive.

If someone came up and took the hat off the top of my head...he would wake up in the hospital and learn a valuable lesson to never do that again.

There is nothing rude or offensive about wearing a hat when you eat. It is a silly old tradition that some have clung to.

I would much rather people would learn other manners that are more conducive to promoting a feeling of respect among people...Like saying Thank You. Tipping a good waiter. Opening a door for a lady, older people or other people in general. Wearing a hat should offend no one unless they are anal retentive and have too much time worrying about others instead of their selves when they are out eating.

Reminds me of my mom when the family would go out to eat. She was more concerned looking at and talking about other people to actually enjoy the meal with her own family. Got so tired of hearing...look at how much that man is eating, look at the dress that girl is wearing, look at the mess that woman is making. How about you just worry about your meal instead of everyone else. It is not like someone coming in and screaming or harassing other people, not like someone causing a situation that puts other peoples lives in danger.

I tell you...if someone wearing a hat in an eatery is as serious as it gets for some...they have a lucky life. I am more worried about getting a good meal, Good service, having a nice time with the wife or family...not worried about some guy at another table wearing a hat that has no affect on my meal or causing a commotion or putting people in danger.

Oh no...he is wearing a hat of a sports team or a tractor brand...I AM OFFENDED and can not enjoy my meal.
BrAinPaiNt;3757549 said:
I will wear my hate and if it offends someone else or they find it rude...maybe they need to get a wet wipe out and clean the sand out of there * censored*

I agree. I like to wear my HATE also! :laugh2: It doesn't matter if people like it or not. I will just hate on them too!
BrAinPaiNt;3757549 said:
I would much rather people would learn other manners that are more conducive to promoting a feeling of respect among people...Like saying Thank You. Tipping a good waiter. Opening a door for a lady, older people or other people in general.

It's funny you should mention this. As I read this thread, I'm immediately reminded of the Steve Buscemi tipping scene in Reservoir Dogs
nyc;3757552 said:
I agree. I like to wear my HATE also! :laugh2: It doesn't matter if people like it or not. I will just hate on them too!

Freudian slip.

Basically tradition doesnt equate to manners. Having good manners goes hand in hand w/ treating others as you want to be treated.

Id like for no one to burp while Im eating, so I wouldnt burp. Id rather no one talk about making whoopee while Im eating, so in turn I dont do that.

My dads only shirts are a blue T w/ a pocket square, and a brown T w/ a pocket square. By some peoples silly antiquated rules hed starve to death.

Linus had his blanket; BP has his hat. Again, I make an exception for informal establishments like Burger King or KFC, but if someone is taking your order while you're sitting at a table or booth, lose the hat. Simple common sense and common courtesy.

Why should this bother anyone if they werent told as kids its the rules?
Linus has his blanket; BP has his hat. Again, I make an exception for informal establishments like Burger King or KFC, but if someone is taking your order while you're sitting at a table or booth, lose the hat. Simple common sense and common courtesy.
nyc;3757552 said:
I agree. I like to wear my HATE also! :laugh2: It doesn't matter if people like it or not. I will just hate on them too!

But do you embrace it? Is that a social faux pas? ;)
bbgun;3757559 said:
Linus has his blanket; BP has his hat. Again, I make an exception for informal establishments like Burger King or KFC, but if someone is taking your order while you're sitting at a table or booth, lose the hat. Simple common sense and common courtesy.

...but, but, but what if you hair is made into a hat?!?!?


btw, specifically why is removing a cap not courtesy? I understand it is just what people did, but why exactly?
bbgun;3757559 said:
Linus has his blanket; BP has his hat. Again, I make an exception for informal establishments like Burger King or KFC, but if someone is taking your order while you're sitting at a table or booth, lose the hat. Simple common sense and common courtesy.


Well as they say...common sense isn't all that common.
If the restaurant has a dress code that requires it, they'll ask you to remove your hat. If they don't, then everybody else can mind their ****ing business. What if I want everybody to wear a tie at the same restaurant? Do they need to do so because it's what I want?

I rarely wear a hat, and if I do it's a fedora or something with nice clothes, not a baseball cap, but if I want to wear it indoors, I will do so and I'm certainly not going to care what anybody else thinks about it.

If you can't find something better to get offended by than somebody wearing a hat indoors, then you are probably an ******* anyway.

If you want to teach your children how to be better people, teach them to respect others regardless of race or other differences. Teach them to be charitable when they're able. Teach them to show respect to other people. Don't worry about trying to teach them when it's okay to have a piece of fabric atop your head.
bbgun;3757559 said:
Linus has his blanket; BP has his hat. Again, I make an exception for informal establishments like Burger King or KFC, but if someone is taking your order while you're sitting at a table or booth, lose the hat. Simple common sense and common courtesy.

I don't wear my hat every day or every where I go.

Actually at this time of the year I don't wear a hat at all.

I wear a knit cap outside not only because it is cold, but because I have ear issues. However with my knit cap, once I am inside it comes off.

If I am wearing a hat and I am at a booth in Olive garden...chances are the hat will stay on. It is not something I am married to, sometimes I will take it off...but that is my choice and has nothing to do with the dining experience of another customer unless they have issues of worrying about their own business. Of course I could take the hat off to not be rude and instead focus my rudeness on calling everyone who looks my way a bunch of names just because I have issues with someone looking at me and consider that to be rude...but I don't. Or I could be rude and yell at someone for making too much noise while eating (smacking their lips or whatever) but I don't.

Some people need to worry about more important issues as opposed to someone wearing a hat.

In some cases I have seen people in a place where I wish they were wearing a hat because they have some hygiene issues and I don't want their flakes floating around the joint and getting on my food or person.
BrAinPaiNt;3757575 said:
In some cases I have seen people in a place where I wish they were wearing a hat because they have some hygiene issues and I don't want their flakes floating around the joint and getting on my food or person.

There are exceptions to the rule.

This is one of them.

Doomsday101;3757579 said:
Good thing Tony lives in the USA.

Agreed...cause anywhere else they would kill him for wearing that stupid cap he wears...just for wearing it...period...indoors or out.
ConcordCowboy;3757588 said:
Agreed...cause anywhere else they would kill him for wearing that stupid cap he wears...just for wearing it...period...indoors or out.

I don't think his mission in life it to make you happy. It gets to be too funny seeing people make an issue over a baseball cap. One would think some people do not have much of a life :laugh2:
Doomsday101;3757590 said:
I don't think his mission in life it to make you happy. It gets to be too funny seeing people make an issue over a baseball cap. One would think some people do not have much of a life :laugh2:

Yeah...I don't get it.

I mean I could understand if he had a hat with some kind of rude/crude type thing written on it.

But just a standard hat, ugly or not, and making such a big deal seems silly to me.

I am sure they would not like it if someone made a big stink of some ugly shirt, shoes or other things they might be wearing.

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