Some new evidence in the Zimmerman case

CowboyMcCoy;4516590 said:
That's what I'm saying. I haven't had a physical fight in decades. Why would I need to carry a gun? Why do you need one?

There are a several of reasons I carry. One is for business. Nothing exciting but some of my clients have certain requirements. Two, I have been mugged/jumped and I do not intend to allow that ever again. Three, I have experienced two break-ins into my home while I was there. Once in my teens and once a few years ago. The last reason is also important. I believe rights that are not exercised on a regular basis are eroded over time in a variety of ways.
CowboyMcCoy;4516482 said:
Most of the time cops would stack all of the above. What they do is stack the highest charges, then from there most cases plea out.

Iceberg is wrong. Our system of justice is very much an assembly line process. Most cases don't sniff the courtroom, unless (1) you find a good trial lawyer or (2) you pay a lot of money for a bad trial lawyer

Either way, you wouldn't have a good grasp on the realism aspect of our legal system if you don't see the drive thru justice system we have today.

Cops don't stack the charges -the DA does.

I do agree the legal system is an assembly line. Worse then that it is a contest. Nor between good and evil--bad and good ...but between attorneys. Yes there are suspects and victims in the background and all of that does come into play,but the truth is there an invisible score always being kept. To many loses and you are replaced or end up handling lesser cases. Or you are not reelected...Like I said before --ours is far from a perfect system --but is is one of the best
JBond;4516603 said:
There are a several of reasons I carry. One is for business. Nothing exciting but some of my clients have certain requirements. Two, I have been mugged/jumped and I do not intend to allow that ever again. Three, I have experienced two break-ins into my home while I was there. Once in my teens and once a few years ago. The last reason is also important. I believe rights that are not exercised on a regular basis are eroded over time in a variety of ways.

I actually respect this opinion and this view. I can't say I wouldn't do the same thing.
justbob;4516600 said:
Cowboy ---you can't just arrest someone ...if they have just decided do to that they may have missed the case up.. And you can't just hold them

So if they arrested him now they must have arrested him under some sort of probable cause? The police must have reason to believe he's guilty of some crime otherwise they couldn't arrest him (since they're doing such good work).

Also, they did mess the case up. No tests were done, no toxicology, firearm ballistic tests. But now that more evidence is in he has been arrested in spite of the picture.

The prosecution said they already knew about this. Like me, they don't see it was being indicative of self-defense--as struggle, yes, but perhaps not self-defense.

Too bad the police left Martin on a cold table for 3 days before they did any investigation as to what actually happened.
I think the lesson to be learned here is you leave these situations up to the cops. As much as that sucks, it's the only real option we have unless we choose not to interfere. Unless you have a badge, there is nothing to investigate to this extent.

As much as it saddens me to say this, he should have left it up to the police. Trayvon was doing nothing immediately threatening.

If those cuts are from what I think they're from, Zimmerman had it coming.
CowboyMcCoy;4516696 said:
I think the lesson to be learned here is you leave these situations up to the cops. As much as that sucks, it's the only real option we have unless we choose not to interfere. Unless you have a badge, there is nothing to investigate to this extent.

As much as it saddens me to say this, he should have left it up to the police. Trayvon was doing nothing immediately threatening.

If those cuts are from what I think they're from, Zimmerman had it coming.

and maybe the same comparison could be said for the media and those demanding justice. stay out of it and let them do their job, not assume you know how the system works across the board and run around telling the police they screwed up.
CowboyMcCoy;4516640 said:
So if they arrested him now they must have arrested him under some sort of probable cause? The police must have reason to believe he's guilty of some crime otherwise they couldn't arrest him (since they're doing such good work).

Also, they did mess the case up. No tests were done, no toxicology, firearm ballistic tests. But now that more evidence is in he has been arrested in spite of the picture.

The prosecution said they already knew about this. Like me, they don't see it was being indicative of self-defense--as struggle, yes, but perhaps not self-defense.

Too bad the police left Martin on a cold table for 3 days before they did any investigation as to what actually happened.

You don't know what tests were or were not do. Plus many of the test they use on TV are not called for in every case.....
The police can't just always arrest on site. The DA can look at a case and go to grand jury or decide to issue a warrant .

What ballastic test or firearm test are you going to run ..Once the autopsy is done you can figure out the bullet path and see if it

You know what never mind ---You have it all figured out ..Maybe you can keep arguing with Cajun or someone else. You have no idea what you are talking about ...You are basically throwing out crap you think or have heard on the news and your uninformed ,uneducated ,twisted opinion is not worth my time .
justbob;4516754 said:
You don't know what tests were or were not do. Plus many of the test they use on TV are not called for in every case.....
The police can't just always arrest on site. The DA can look at a case and go to grand jury or decide to issue a warrant .

What ballastic test or firearm test are you going to run ..Once the autopsy is done you can figure out the bullet path and see if it

You know what never mind ---You have it all figured out ..Maybe you can keep arguing with Cajun or someone else. You have no idea what you are talking about ...You are basically throwing out crap you think or have heard on the news and your uninformed ,uneducated ,twisted opinion is not worth my time .
:bow: :hammer:
justbob;4516754 said:
You don't know what tests were or were not do. Plus many of the test they use on TV are not called for in every case.....
The police can't just always arrest on site. The DA can look at a case and go to grand jury or decide to issue a warrant .

What ballastic test or firearm test are you going to run ..Once the autopsy is done you can figure out the bullet path and see if it

You know what never mind ---You have it all figured out ..Maybe you can keep arguing with Cajun or someone else. You have no idea what you are talking about ...You are basically throwing out crap you think or have heard on the news and your uninformed ,uneducated ,twisted opinion is not worth my time .

I was just saying, if the police have it figured out, that there seems to be evidence to have arrested Zimmerman at this point (since he's been arrested). That is if we're operation under the assumption that the police have done and did the right things.

If the autopsy and the path of the bullet is part of their evidence, that's the part I'd like to see the most.

I wasn't trying to ruffle your feathers. I was just pointing out that I think that's the most important piece of evidence.

BTW, no grand jury in Zimmerman's arrest.
CowboyMcCoy;4516762 said:
I was just saying, if the police have it figured out, that there seems to be evidence to have arrested Zimmerman at this point (since he's been arrested). That is if we're operation under the assumption that the police have done and did the right things.

If the autopsy and the path of the bullet is part of their evidence, that's the part I'd like to see the most.

I wasn't trying to ruffle your feathers. I was just pointing out that I think that's the most important piece of evidence.

BTW, no grand jury in Zimmerman's arrest.

No grand jury because the DA couldn't take a chance he would be no billed (turned Loose)

Autopsy and the path of the bullet is no available to the police right then ..Might be several days or a week .. Depends on the JP Judge or the Medical Examiner depending on what system they are under.

If the police did have it figured out there is a reason to wait --unless the suspect is a big flight risk. Putting together a case can take alot of time.
You don't just question someone and then throw them in jail.

And I can tell you with a large degree of accuracy -what made the injuries ,why they are shaped he way they are and what made the blood stain patterns the way they where in the picture..But I'm not putting it on here because one photo is not enough to be positive.
burmafrd;4516262 said:
not sure why people continue to bother with this thread. Each side thinks they are right and will not listen to anything that says other wise.

Post of the thread right here.
justbob;4516772 said:
No grand jury because the DA couldn't take a chance he would be no billed (turned Loose)

Autopsy and the path of the bullet is no available to the police right then ..Might be several days or a week .. Depends on the JP Judge or the Medical Examiner depending on what system they are under.

If the police did have it figured out there is a reason to wait --unless the suspect is a big flight risk. Putting together a case can take alot of time.
You don't just question someone and then throw them in jail.

And I can tell you with a large degree of accuracy -what made the injuries ,why they are shaped he way they are and what made the blood stain patterns the way they where in the picture..But I'm not putting it on here because one photo is not enough to be positive.

You think it's a screw driver, don't you?
Hoofbite;4516775 said:
Post of the thread right here.

Not really, I can talk about the possibility of Zimmerman being innocent now that he's arrested. I just couldn't grasp the fact he never was arrested in the first place. I guess they were waiting on a few things. But in an autopsy, the detectives are allowed to go right in and ask these questions they supposedly had to "wait for".... the police had privileges to the evidence since the early part.

It'll be interesting to hear the transcripts of the other 911 calls to see if they were targeted or had inclinations to be targeted towards black people.

Only time will tell.
CowboyMcCoy;4516778 said:
You think it's a screw driver, don't you?

Sorry CM --I'm out of this one --had my say --Got my own real ones to look at...Have a good day
Cajuncowboy;4516335 said:
I agree with all of that as well in that I would like to hear his reasoning, but at the same time I think it is important to hear what the defense position is regarding his testimony. And I think to give a clearer picture then both sides need to be highlighted.

As you said, and as has been my contention all along, there is evidence that the public doesn't have that may have led to a delay in the charges being made. And now with the comments from Allan Derscherowitz we can see why they were probably a bit hesitant to do so. The amateur lawyers we have here thinks they should have charged him that night with murder without an investigation into the facts. And you are right, he is innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent like some here would like to think.

Oh, I'm sure you have more than made sure that the defense's position is heard loud and clear. All you did was quote portions of Zimmerman's account that have been known for weeks.

The PC affidavit, police report, and trial testimonies are all that I personally am interested in. From reading this thread you guys put stock into hearsay and innuendo and then fill in the gaps for whichever 'side' you are on.

Right now there are some serious inconsistency in what might be considered credible knowledge.

That Orlando Sun interview from someone in the PD says that Zimmerman said he was walking back to the car and the PC affidavit says that Zimmerman confronted Martin, the police report says that Martin's father told police that was not his son screaming for help and then Martin's father went on CNN and said ' I am certain' that is my son's voice screaming for help, and most recently the lead investigator says that they have evidence that Zimmerman's account oh how he got his head wounds was not really how it happened.

I really do not know what to believe because the defense, police department, press and prosecution are all over the place. You think its important that the defense arguments be heard, well i think its important to point out that we don't know **** and need to quit acting like we do.
FuzzyLumpkins;4516814 said:
Oh, I'm sure you have more than made sure that the defense's position is heard loud and clear. All you did was quote portions of Zimmerman's account that have been known for weeks.

The PC affidavit, police report, and trial testimonies are all that I personally am interested in. From reading this thread you guys put stock into hearsay and innuendo and then fill in the gaps for whichever 'side' you are on.

I want to hear the previous 911 calls of Zimmerman, and who they were targeted towards. Also, I want to see why this guy calls 911 so freaking much. It sounds like to me he should know the drill about not chasing someone and letting the police handle it though. That in and of itself is enough for me to want the guy to serve as an example that you just can't go around vigilante-style policing the streets as a hood watch cop, recklessly kill someone and then get away with it.
03EBZ06;4516541 said:
Whats comical is you telling people to stop assuming and you are doing exactly same damn thing.

I said we don't know what happened, that means other than Zimmerman, you, me and everybody else don't exactly know what happened so stop with Martin approached Zimmerman nonsense, stop being a hypocrite.

Geez man, listen to the tape. He said he was coming towards the car. What the hell else do you need? You are being ignorant.

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