Some new evidence in the Zimmerman case

Cajuncowboy;4516382 said:
Did you listen to the 911 tape? And don't tell me what to do. And the fact is that YOU don't know if Martin did or did not approach the car so STOP ASSUMING HE DIDN'T. Also how the heck would Martin's girlfriend who wasn't even there know anything about anything. So anything she says about what happened is automatically dismissed because she wasn't there. So yes, I am dismissing her.
Whats comical is you telling people to stop assuming and you are doing exactly same damn thing.

I said we don't know what happened, that means other than Zimmerman, you, me and everybody else don't exactly know what happened so stop with Martin approached Zimmerman nonsense, stop being a hypocrite.
Lodeus;4514959 said:
Pretty dumb on their part then. I see a lot of public outrage in the future becasue of this.

Did you read the first thread on the topic? People were ready to string up Zimmerman that day. The vast majority on this website, with the exception of about a dozen people, thought Zimmerman was a crazed racist killer. People were acting like loons.
Manwiththeplan;4516108 said:
I don't think it was so cut and dry but I do believe the police believed that the black kid was up to no good

Just curious were this information came from. Do you have a source or did you just make it up in your head?

CowboyMcCoy;4516482 said:
Most of the time cops would stack all of the above. What they do is stack the highest charges, then from there most cases plea out.

Iceberg is wrong. Our system of justice is very much an assembly line process. Most cases don't sniff the courtroom, unless (1) you find a good trial lawyer or (2) you pay a lot of money for a bad trial lawyer

Either way, you wouldn't have a good grasp on the realism aspect of our legal system if you don't see the drive thru justice system we have today.

no sir, i'm not. many people want instant gratification and our judicial system doesn't really do that.

my brother works with many police departments in orlando and he said the sanford police department acted properly.

sorry that upsets you but i'll take someone working with police, bounty hunting and bondsman for 30+ years over an agenda driven individual.
iceberg;4516557 said:
no sir, i'm not. many people want instant gratification and our judicial system doesn't not really do that.

my brother works with many police departments in orlando and he said the sanford police department acted properly.

sorry that upsets you but i'll take someone working with police, bounty hunting and bondsman for 30+ years over an agenda driven individual.

Yes, I know. Because people aren't biased at all, right?

I'm not going to take some bondsman, bounty hunter's word over the facts. That would be agenda-driven if anything ever was.
CowboyMcCoy;4515009 said:
What don't people get about it's not about if Martin (Zimmerman not Martin, right?) was attacked? He was the aggressor from the beginning. He chased Trayvon. He deserved to get his head split. You don't go running after someone and think that person won't defend themselves.

Please show me the evidence he "chased" Martin. There is a lot of information out there that points the other way, but we all know that. Also, since when is asking someone if they live in the neighborhood a excuse to split open a persons head? That is crazy talk in my opinion.

Reading some of these posts and reading how people think things through and what they believe, convinces me I absolutely made the right decision to get my CC licence.
iceberg;4516557 said:
no sir, i'm not. many people want instant gratification and our judicial system doesn't not really do that.

my brother works with many police departments in orlando and he said the sanford police department acted properly.

sorry that upsets you but i'll take someone working with police, bounty hunting and bondsman for 30+ years over an agenda driven individual.

Also, regarding your first statement. Why do you think that 99% of cases never go to trial? Is this because we take time to examine the evidence? The only reason this case would sniff trial is because of the circumstances, the fact that someone's life was taken.. but mostly because it got media attention and the prosecutors are perhaps reluctant to let it go.

Otherwise, this is just another trip through McDonald's when it comes to settling it.
CowboyMcCoy;4516564 said:
Also, regarding your first statement. Why do you think that 99% of cases never go to trial? Is this because we take time to examine the evidence? The only reason this case would sniff trial is because of the circumstances, the fact that someone's life was taken.. but mostly because it got media attention and the prosecutors are perhaps reluctant to let it go.

Otherwise, this is just another trip through McDonald's when it comes to settling it.

or the only reason it's going to trial is because of the media portrayal of it and how many people DEMAND JUSTICE even though they really mean "instant gratification".

i'll wait for the fact, cowboy. not insist my version of what i think happened is right and twist all statement to how i feel, not how it happened.
CowboyMcCoy;4516561 said:
Yes, I know. Because people aren't biased at all, right?

I'm not going to take some bondsman, bounty hunter's word over the facts. That would be agenda-driven if anything ever was.

so you'll dismiss 30+ years of experience and call it "agenda".

you have ZERO idea about this person or his habits or how he works through issues. he's just agenda driven because what he feels isn't how you feel.

he's the one that told me to slow down and look at the facts, not the hype.
JBond;4516563 said:
Please show me the evidence he "chased" Martin. There is a lot of information out there that points the other way, but we all know that. Also, since when is asking someone if they live in the neighborhood a excuse to split open a persons head? That is crazy talk in my opinion.

Reading some of these posts and reading how people think things through and what they believe, convinces me I absolutely made the right decision to get my CC licence.

He talks about going after him in the phone call. The operator responds, "are you following him?" He says "we don't need you to do that." When I listen to it, it sounds like he was telling him not to do it. Of course, linguistic ambiguity can be applied here as in most cases.

Have you listened to the audio?
iceberg;4516571 said:
so you'll dismiss 30+ years of experience and call it "agenda".

you have ZERO idea about this person or his habits or how he works through issues. he's just agenda driven because what he feels isn't how you feel.

he's the one that told me to slow down and look at the facts, not the hype.

This person is in the bounty hunting/bonding business?
CowboyMcCoy;4516574 said:
This person is in the bounty hunting/bonding business?

and has a PI license and only looks for facts, not emotion.
CowboyMcCoy;4515009 said:
Men don't fight with guns, murderers do.

What does that even mean? Who the heck are you fighting all the time? I am an adult and as a result I am not runing around getting into fights.

If someone attacks me or my family, they are getting shot. They break into my home...dead. That is how it works in my world. Tough luck for the dumb ******* that picked the wrong family to screw with. Not my problem and I probably would not lose much sleep over it. But you know, everybody is different.
CanadianCowboysFan;4516494 said:
We lawyers do not lie, our clients do, we are just their mouthpiece. We might spin the evidence before the court, ask rhetorical questions re evidence, etc but we don't lie.

Sorry but that is a lie ...Maybe you can say you don't and I will some what believe you. Truth is Lying,spinning, misdirection and the other names you want to put on it happens ALL the time ..Its afact of life and a major part of our system (and yours)
iceberg;4516578 said:
and has a PI license and only looks for facts, not emotion.

Well, then. Can I have his number so I can have this human show me all the facts with no emotion?
JBond;4516580 said:
What does that even mean? Who the heck are you fighting all the time? I am an adult and as a result I am not runing around getting into fights.

If someone attacks me or my family, they are getting shot. They break into my home...dead. That is how it works in my world. Tough luck for the dumb ******* that picked the wrong family to screw with. Not my problem and I probably would not lose much sleep over it. But you know, everybody is different.

That's what I'm saying. I haven't had a physical fight in decades. Why would I need to carry a gun? Why do you need one?
CowboyMcCoy;4516586 said:
Well, then. Can I have his number so I can have this human show me all the facts with no emotion?

no because you'd keep piping emotional outbursts into it, start making fun of him, and stir crap up.

all you're trying to do now is stir things up, as is your MO, so i'll talk to others now.
Lesser charge----In most state a lesser included charge has to part of the original charge and presented to the jury. The jury has the right to convict someone of the lesser charge if all of the elements of the higher charge are not met. If the lesser is not included the jury can not drop down themselves--they have to go not gulity

Pleas happen on a regular basis on death cases all the way down. It is part of our system and helps keep the dockets from backing up any worse then they are. They also save money. Yes a judge does have to agree to the plea agreement.
CowboyMcCoy;4516573 said:
He talks about going after him in the phone call. The operator responds, "are you following him?" He says "we don't need you to do that." When I listen to it, it sounds like he was telling him not to do it. Of course, linguistic ambiguity can be applied here as in most cases.

Have you listened to the audio?

Yes I have listed to it. I am not sure how you arrive at the view there was a big chase. It was at this point the reports say Zimmerman was returning to his truck, not chasing TM. That is when TM came back around and hit him.

I want to explain why I believe this narrative. I carry as I have mentioned a couple times. Zimmerman was at ease and was returning to his truck after losing sight of TM. A person that carries and believes there is a "bad guy" in close proximity would not let their guard down like that. I believe after losing sight of TM, he intended to meet the cops as has been reported and thought not much would come from his 911 call because TM was long gone. Remember he has made plenty of these calls before without shooting anyone. After letting his guard down, he was attacked. When TM started bouncing his head of the concrete he had no other option but to defend himself.

Just my 2 cents.
CowboyMcCoy;4516467 said:
Yes it is. The police should have arrested him from the beginning if they were to treat it like almost any other case.

Cowboy ---you can't just arrest someone ...if they have just decided do to that they may have missed the case up.. And you can't just hold them

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