Some new evidence in the Zimmerman case

Tony33;4518639 said:
Are you the one who tried to convince blood could defy gravity because a head isn't perfectly round? Anyway, I have no idea who Hos is or you but I should just trust what you say because you "know"! If I'm not mistaken you said you had proof that I was wrong. Again prove it. I don't care what random people on this site vouch for you. You said you had proof provide it.

No I didn't say that blood can defy gravity --but to a certain degree it can due to surface tension...I have had my say ...and you are ignored...After you have been here a while you will know who Hos is and why I chose him to send my info to..I don't have to prove anything to you....And I have provided my info to who matters don't
JoseyWales;4518650 said:
Nobody has said that but you. If you want to ignore facts that have been released, so be it. No different than ignoring what was said above when it started looking bad for you, I guess.

And actual real live lawyers have said this pic will be an important piece of evidence on the defense side. Hmmm.... Who to believe.... Them, or a guy claiming to be a law STUDENT that says it probably won't. Tough one for sure.

You have not read anything that I've said. You're choosing to ignore the information about how the process works, choosing instead of take up the side of the defense when all I'm doing is attempting to objectively explain the process.

You're making up points of contention and then arguing them, when they are not points that I have made. Disingenuous.

As I've said before, hand tipped.
FuzzyLumpkins;4518627 said:
Its been public knowledge that he was injured in the back of the head since the beginning. It was in the initial police report that he was bleeding from the nose and the back of the head.

Does anyone actually want to acknowledge that the lead investigator is saying that they have evidence to conclude to not believe Zimmerman's account of how he got the head wound?
I'm sure they do. I sincerely doubt that the DA would push an M2 charge if all they had was conjecture and heresy. Like I said earlier, it will all come out in court. If Zimmerman is proven not guilty, and the evidence supports it, good for him. If he's found guilty, and the evidence supports it, I hope he's punished to the fullest extent of the law.
Cajuncowboy;4518304 said:
you say they are similar and they are not BECAUSE of the racial element. The reverend hucksters that usually spark this outrage were no where around the Antony case. Why? Because it didn't interest them. You didn't have groups of people saying they were going to riot and kill people if they didn't arrest her. You can say it isn't about that but it surely is a component. Why do you think the media started all of this with calling him a white Hispanic? That's plain stupid. And it is intended to divide along racial lines. So there is absolutely no comparison to the two cases.

No, they're not similar because the usual course of action on behalf of the police was sufficient in that case. They arrested Casey the day after the little girl was reported missing.

One case you have someone admitting that he was the one who pulled the trigger and another there was no such admission. but people wanted her strung up, just as they do Zimmerman. And guess what? She wasn't convicted. She was found not guilty.

What does that matter?
justbob;4518653 said:
No I didn't say that blood can defy gravity --but to a certain degree it can due to surface tension...I have had my say ...and you are ignored...After you have been here a while you will know who Hos is and why I chose him to send my info to..I don't have to prove anything to you....And I have provided my info to who matters don't

I didn't say it could defy gravity but to a degree it can.

You said you had proof then decided whoops I can't post it but I'll send my qualifications to some random guy to make my opinion more valid. I also think it is laughable you felt the need to pm your "credentials" to a guy on this forum so you could feel somehow vindicated. Means nothing to me.

You have the proof provide it otherwise it is your opinion vs. mine. I choose mine.

I am on ignore? Wow mature.
casmith07;4518656 said:
You have not read anything that I've said. You're choosing to ignore the information about how the process works, choosing instead of take up the side of the defense when all I'm doing is attempting to objectively explain the process.

You're making up points of contention and then arguing them, when they are not points that I have made. Disingenuous.

As I've said before, hand tipped.
Nope. I've not argued for or against Zimmerman's innocence. I'm not making up anything. And I've not once questioned or even mentioned the process. All I've done is poke holes in your photo comparison, and you saying their is no way to know if it was him in the bloody pic, or when and where it was taken. So, yeah. They ARE points that you have made. Show me one instance of anything I've made up, or I'll expect a retraction, counselor. If this is the best you can do as a future lawyer, I weep for your future employer. Either citizen hiring you for defense, or the state that hires you to convict.
Tony33;4518674 said:
I didn't say it could defy gravity but to a degree it can.

You said you had proof then decided whoops I can't post it but I'll send my qualifications to some random guy to make my opinion more valid. I also think it is laughable you felt the need to pm your "credentials" to a guy on this forum so you could feel somehow vindicated. Means nothing to me.

You have the proof provide it otherwise it is your opinion vs. mine. I choose mine.

I am on ignore? Wow mature.

Tony man...he's legitimate. No need to go back and forth in this one. He's got no dog in the fight, just explaining what he sees in a quick look at the photo.
Tony33;4518674 said:
I didn't say it could defy gravity but to a degree it can.

You said you had proof then decided whoops I can't post it but I'll send my qualifications to some random guy to make my opinion more valid. I also think it is laughable you felt the need to pm your "credentials" to a guy on this forum so you could feel somehow vindicated. Means nothing to me.

You have the proof provide it otherwise it is your opinion vs. mine. I choose mine.

I am on ignore? Wow mature.

Out of all the irrational positions and statements made regarding this case, your "magic blood spot" theory is by far the most irrational.

JoseyWales;4518676 said:
Nope. I've not argued for or against Zimmerman's innocence. I'm not making up anything. And I've not once questioned or even mentioned the process. All I've done is poke holes in your photo comparison, and you saying their is no way to know if it was him in the bloody pic, or when and where it was taken. So, yeah. They ARE points that you have made. Show me one instance of anything I've made up, or I'll expect a retraction, counselor. If this is the best you can do as a future lawyer, I weep for your future employer. Either citizen hiring you for defense, or the state that hires you to convict.

As I thought, once again, making stuff up and displaying absolutely no desire to learn the absolute basics of a criminal court proceeding at the trial court level.

Nothing to see here, as you were, gents.
justbob;4518450 said:
From the beginning I said the problem with this case was everyone is forming opinions without knowing any of the facts.

I told Tony33 that the picture was consistent and why. He didn't believe me. I don't have to prove myself to him....But I offered up personal information that has no business on this forum to Hos so Tony could at least confirm that I was not blowing smoke ...He would rather challenge me..So I give .Hos is wrong on his statement and Tony can tell everyone how great he is because I did not lay things out for him..All of which he would challenge anyway--

Fuzzy --never said I practiced law ,but I do know what goes on in criminal trials and civil trials ...I stand by my statements. And CA and I have talked by pm and hopefully he has a better understanding of what I was saying. I meant no disrespect to him and I hope he knows that..That said I do stand by all that I have said..

Saying all the above--- that the only intelligent statement that has been said on this thread is the one made by Sarge

And this post is full of it...
Cajuncowboy;4517563 said:
So okay. Then would it be fair not to bring up Zimmerman's past as some have done here? Because there is a contention on the defense's side that Martin started the physical confrontation?Regardless of if he was being followed or not. I mean, if we are going to look at Zimmerman's character, then we need to look at both of their characters.

And please, stay out of my neighborhood. Thanks.

I think mostly there are a couple of problems.

1) Zimmerman has experience dealing with police
2) Zimmerman is a neighborhood watch captain, not a police officer
3) Zimmerman has a violent arrest history (albeit nothing he's been convicted of)
4)Most importantly, Zimmerman chased Martin

What should be questioned about Trayvon's character?

Oh, and by the way, I guess Zimmerman is out on bail now. And people are sort of rabid to rush to judgement for the trial portion. Threats on twitter, etc. My only thoughts on the matter is it's sort of fitting, considering Zimmerman never slowed down to examine any facts.

IMO, that's manslaughter.

What we have is a citizen chasing another citizen with a gun when he could have called the police. Something about the vigilante aspect of this is what rubs me raw... mostly because this all could have been avoided. These sorts of reactionary thoughts often lead to disasters.
CowboyMcCoy;4519485 said:
I think mostly there are a couple of problems.

1) Zimmerman has experience dealing with police
2) Zimmerman is a neighborhood watch captain, not a police officer
3) Zimmerman has a violent arrest history (albeit nothing he's been convicted of)
4)Most importantly, Zimmerman chased Martin

What should be questioned about Trayvon's character?

Oh, and by the way, I guess Zimmerman is out on bail now. And people are sort of rabid to rush to judgement for the trial portion. Threats on twitter, etc. My only thoughts on the matter is it's sort of fitting, considering Zimmerman never slowed down to examine any facts.

IMO, that's manslaughter.

What we have is a citizen chasing another citizen with a gun when he could have called the police. Something about the vigilante aspect of this is what rubs me raw... mostly because this all could have been avoided. These sorts of reactionary thoughts often lead to disasters.

That's bait of a mischaracterization isn't it? He wasn't chasing anyone with his gun drawn. Had it been drawn chances are Martin would have scrammed and fast.

It's also not entirely clear that he chased Martin any longer than he said he did, which by his account, he was returning to his truck when he was assaulted.

Let's not pretend this whole thing is not rhetorically charged, where skittles and ice tea convey innocence where a record of mentoring and no evidence of racial bias can't acquit Zimmerman of being nothing more than a racist wannabe in the public eye.

Opinions based on these terms are not really worth the breath they're floated on.
vta;4519501 said:
That's bait of a mischaracterization isn't it? He wasn't chasing anyone with his gun drawn. Had it been drawn chances are Martin would have scrammed and fast.

It's also not entirely clear that he chased Martin any longer than he said he did, which by his account, he was returning to his truck when he was assaulted.

Let's not pretend this whole thing is not rhetorically charged, where skittles and ice tea convey innocence where a record of mentoring and no evidence of racial bias can't acquit Zimmerman of being nothing more than a racist wannabe in the public eye.

Opinions based on these terms are not really worth the breath they're floated on.

But that is how far to many see it, unfortunately. Strange how that approach still sucks people in and continues to work in this day and age. The media has been masters at it the past 10 years or so.

It's like WWII all over again. People for some reason can't be smarter in these situations. They have to be told and led and grasp.

CowboyMcCoy;4519485 said:
I think mostly there are a couple of problems.

1) Zimmerman has experience dealing with police
2) Zimmerman is a neighborhood watch captain, not a police officer
3) Zimmerman has a violent arrest history (albeit nothing he's been convicted of)
4)Most importantly, Zimmerman chased Martin

What should be questioned about Trayvon's character?

Oh, and by the way, I guess Zimmerman is out on bail now. And people are sort of rabid to rush to judgement for the trial portion. Threats on twitter, etc. My only thoughts on the matter is it's sort of fitting, considering Zimmerman never slowed down to examine any facts.

IMO, that's manslaughter.

What we have is a citizen chasing another citizen with a gun when he could have called the police. Something about the vigilante aspect of this is what rubs me raw... mostly because this all could have been avoided. These sorts of reactionary thoughts often lead to disasters.

Whiel I agree he can/will probably be convicted of manslaughter, I think it's a mischaracterization of the events to say that he chased Martin with a gun. Had he had his gun drawn the whole time there never would have been an altercation, Martin almost certainly didnt realize he had a gun until or immdiately prior to being shot.
CowboyMcCoy;4519485 said:
I think mostly there are a couple of problems.

4)Most importantly, Zimmerman chased Martin

Why do you keep saying this? Zimmerman got out of his truck to verify a street sign and was returning to his truck as directed by 911 (even though he was not required to) when TM allegedly jumped him. There are several versions of what happened out there. Please stop acting like it is a fact Zimmerman chased him, because that is far from established.

There is absolutely nothing wrong introducing yourself to an unfamiliar face in the neighborhood and asking if they live there, yet some have said Zimmerman deserved to be attacked for such a question. Some people are animals I guess.
CowboyMcCoy;4519485 said:
What we have is a citizen chasing another citizen with a gun when he could have called the police. Something about the vigilante aspect of this is what rubs me raw... mostly because this all could have been avoided. These sorts of reactionary thoughts often lead to disasters.
There's evidence that he chased him? I haven't kept up with this all much lately, but from what I had heard previously, there was no such evidence at all.
casmith07;4518158 said:
Not only that, but your job is to make sure that your client's rights are not infringed upon and that he's given a fair trial with all due process.

Oftentimes, defense counsel's job is simply damage control. If you have a clearly guilty client, you just want to make sure that justice is done -- justice is both sides of the law.

At least, that's what a good defender does. The sleazemeisters try to get guilty guys to walk free.
When reading this yesterday, it just didn't sound right. But since I'm not a lawyer, I chose to not comment about it's validity. But I did forward it to an actual real live lawyer I know. This is what he had to say about it.

what I forwarded said:
Oftentimes, defense counsel's job is simply damage control. If you have a clearly guilty client, you just want to make sure that justice is done -- justice is both sides of the law.

At least, that's what a good defender does. The sleazemeisters try to get guilty guys to walk free.

Lawyers reply said:
Actually, no. As a defense attorney (as any attorney at any time, actually) your job is to advocate for your client. Even if you have a clearly guilty client it is your obligation to explore his best defenses. If you can get him off, you are under the ethical obligation to do so. A "good defender" also tries to get a guilty client to walk free because that's the duty of a defense attorney.

So if you have a client who is "clearly guilty" but you have a way to get him off, and you say, "You know, I don't want to be a sleazemeister. I think that justice in this case calls for my client to do a little time," guess what?

You've just violated your duty to your client. You can be in big time trouble.

He's wrong. "Good" defense attorneys aren't in it for justice. They are in it for the best outcomes for their client because that's what is required of them. You also have the duty of candor to the court so you can't put up a guy on the stand to lie, but you don't have to disclose the truth either, like if you know he's guilty.

Oh. And I also noticed you still haven't said what it is that I supposedly made up. What a great ethical lawyer you'll make.
Tony33;4517216 said:
That was a statement made at the end, the blood flow stains was clearly the main point. If you couldn't derive that from what was posted maybe you should step away from the discussion.

I also didn't want someone claiming he was still bleeding.

"Maybe you should" have a sense of humor!

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