Some positive notes from what I am hearing at camp


Junior College Transfer
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do you really want to awaken the wrath of risen by adding....a corner?

I will chance it.

I can go into hiding until Risen's hussy fit subsides and his sideburns are tamed.
@Whirlwin will give me shelter, 3 hot meals (no glutons) and entertainment be it live streaming, recitals or shouting out the window with vague insults: "Nice gait!"
"Do you know it's after Labor Day?"
"Are you a model?"
"Are you related to Arlis?"


Captain Catfish
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Just resting his shoulder a little for 2 weeks noting to see here
Im the eternal optimist, born with the affliction,, but there is this dark cloud of hovering over Cowboys Nation,,, Philly fans especially hoping for the worst, while they are celebrating shipping total bust Wentz off to Indy... poor Colts,, wish Wentz was still an Eagle.
Dak is going to be just fine, and perfect.
There is nothing wrong with his shoulder, he is the Jerrys Prince and franchise lets not start getting crazy here, Dak already knows this offense inside and out, so the rest before real crunch time is no problem.
Now if Dak can just narrow his accuracy from the broad side of a barn into at least a 5' catch radius,, we got the big fast long armed tall WRs that can compensate....


Groupthink Guru
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
-----If the WR situation is hard to figure out beyond the top 4... MM said he loves Noah Brown. I'm thinking Cedrick Wilson and Noah Brown are safe.

Christ on a Cupcake!!!!! :facepalm:

Anything on Brandon Smith or the former ASU Swiss Army Knife FB?
Brown and Wilson were always safe


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My take on McGovern is the opposite. He's taking LG snaps because they've pegged Williams as the backup C *instead* of McGovern, who should be the obvious choice to *compete* at both LG and C, and back up both if he can't win either outright. That's what I've wanted for years now.

"Most Improved" is another way of saying "we've always thought little of this guy, but he's coming around, so we're giving him a public Atta Boy!"

understand your line of thinking but believe they are trying to simplify for McGovern due to his early setbacks. don't forget he's also taking RG snaps while Zach was out.


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Going to be hard to run a lot of 2 te sets unless you take gallup or lamb off the field
if our top 3 WR's are that good, taking one to get two really good TE's on the field doesn't seem like that big a deal to me. you still got two high level wideouts on the field. wouldn't bother me to have 1 WR, 2TE, 2RB in some sets. Any of it can work.


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I know some will take issue with this comment, but Joseph was the better fit then both Horn/Surtain. He has the speed, athleticism and the ball skills to become a true #1 Corner. He can matchup with the so called speed receivers, where the other two seem to be more like Diggs who can matchup with the so called big X receivers.

None taken. This is correct. Joseph fits us better. Lucky for us that the Broncos reached. And I'm happy about what I'm hearing about our defencive players. Good that Parsons is sounding good. I've heard that Gallimore is playing well. Oh, and Quinn has this team wanting to be physical, according to Mark Holmes. If that's the case, I think this defence will be unrecognizable compared to last season.


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don't forget Gilbert has settled in & moving the team. we definitely need QB2 to be viable by the end of camp.


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Let me first say, it's extremely difficult to know how each player is truly doing just by hearing from practice observers. We all will get a chance to watch these players in actual games starting this Thursday night and then we can start drawing our own conclusions.

Based on what I have heard, read and see, here are some positives come out of camp:


-Tyron Smith might be having the best camp out of any player. Very pivotal season as he must show he can stay healthy for the majority of the season.

-Glowing reports recently about Connor McGovern, heard he is actually taking starting snaps now at Left Guard, where the other Connor is working as the backup center. McGovern is one of the most improved according to the coaches. Not sure if he is ahead of Williams, but he can be in the conversation now.

-Zeke looks like he really transformed his body this off-season. His lack of explosive plays has been a big issue, but everything said is very encouraging at this point.


-Just like McGovern, hearing similar things about Gallimore. Gallimore might be that 2nd yr year that takes a big jump. Let's also remember McGovern in essence was just a rookie too last yr.

-Randy Gregory is getting rave reviews, not just as a pass rusher, but also against the run. Everything is there for him to have that breakout yr.

-LVE is flying around again and having a very productive camp. They moved him back to his natural weakside position. Just like Tyron, must show he can play a full season.

-Parsons has star potential, making many wow plays every practice. His maturity is the biggest surprise to me as he looks like he is taking the coaching.

-Many good things about the secondary, but let's not get too crazy yet, as they are playing against street fa type of backup QB's. Diggs is another one who looks to make the 2nd yr jump. Canady has been a surprise. Kazee continues to always been around the football, which is what you want a safety to be like.

McGovern Is taking 1st team snaps when Conor is at center. Conor will be the starting LG but if he needs to switch to center than McGovern will be ready


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McGovern Is taking 1st team snaps when Conor is at center. Conor will be the starting LG but if he needs to switch to center than McGovern will be ready
Yes, but with McGovern showing out, he could force the coaches hand and become the starter over Williams.


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Its positive news coming out about the O-line its been a few seasons since that was the case...very excited to see that group actually all play together in TC again!!