(Said with a grin and a hope that this will be taken in the good natured, friendly jab kinda way it is intended)
I agree with this statementI am totally for it as long as everyone agrees with me 100% of the time.
"we are tolerant as long as they agree with us"I am totally for it as long as everyone agrees with me 100% of the time.
Doesn’t seem like you agree with anyone. To each their own."we are tolerant as long as they agree with us"
There’s a handful here solely to post over certain players.Never understood why some insult others over different opinions concerning the team, free agents, etc. Thank you for the reminder. Hopefully posters will adhere.
Just tell him Tony Romo is godlike during his reign and zeke was the best draft pick the boys ever made and you’ll get along fineDoesn’t seem like you agree with anyone. To each their own.
A Philly fan on a Cowboys forum reeks of attention gathering. You ok?9 of your last 11 posts are directly insulting, laughing at, or calling out other posters. It appears to be contagious
You’re entitled to your opinion.No Steve can be persistent but he is nowhere near the level mountaineer or Pappy or sone others even
Now since last years loss he’s closing the gap but there’s still a chasm of space
I read his posts a lot he and I disagree a lot but he is one I can disagree with and still be able to talk with
There are some here that just disgust me as supposed cowboy fans so I don’t interact or I’m likely to say something that gets myself benched
Humor: Rockport,Come on man. He’s here for only one reason, to stir trouble. Just read his posts.
That is fine but pretending there is not a con going on here is ludicrous in my mind. Rockport tries to fight fire with fire and I agree that is a problem but it's not like he is just behaving that way for no reason.Rockport,, did you hear that Jerry Jones has his shoes polished. OOOPs, I hope no one felt attacked by that statement. Also, Dak Prescott has been successful throwing the ball when he hasn't been injured and forced out.
I didn't call anyone a name. I agree, personal insult isn't a discussion when an honest attempt and supported by referenced material on sport is posted. 4th attempts by an opposed poster is then aimed at disrespect if subject matter is not even mentioned, but still accusing the poster of abuse and mental illness. C'mon!
Well said sir.It’s the off-season and the summer heat seems to make too many of our fellow Cowboy fans in this great forum post up here with a chip on the shoulder and in constant arguing and attack mode. A forum like this is built on everyone getting to post their opinions and views on all things Cowboys, but within the rules we ALL agreed to follow when we signed up here.
A few simple reminders to make this place more civil and inhabitable:
In my life experiences, I’ve never known anyone who insulted their way to either changing someone’s mind or earning themselves any more respect.
- This Is an opinion FORUM which means a variety of opinions about the Cowboys are welcome and encouraged as long as they are within the rules we have here.
- A difference of opinion is welcome and part of what makes this place great. A disagreement with your opinion doesn’t make someone a bad Cowboys fan. Or deserving of someone’s wrath or insults.
- If after stating your position multiple times and someone still disagrees with you, let it go. Agree to disagree. Constantly arguing your point over and over will most likely not convince the other side.In fact it usually starts unnecessary fights. You’ve made your point. Let it go.
- Mods are human. And they are volunteers doing the best they can to keep this place between the lines. There are thousands of posts made every day and we don’t always catch everything. Sometimes we miss things. Sometimes we have to take action because of rules violations. It’s not personal. Let’s work together.
- If you are angry with someone here, take a break. Go to a different thread. If you feel angry enough to insult someone you need to either go to a different thread or log off for a while.
We are a week from TC and just 7 weeks from the start of the regular season. Here‘s to another exciting Cowboys season on the best fan sports forum out there. WHAT MAKES IT GREAT IS OUR RESPECT FOR EACH OTHER AS COWBOYS FANS.
One of my favorite posts.I used to be one of those posters who would just argue relentlessly even if I knew I didn't have the stronger position.
It was just pride and not wanting to concede.
And all it does is make people hate you. And as a follower of Christ, my job is not to irritate people out of pride. I also need to act like the one who I say I follow.
So, I hope I've grown to a place where even though I debate with others, I can concede and not just go on and on and on because I MUST be right.
And I've found that I get much more respect that way and debates end gracefully and respectfully.
We're all Cowboys fans - at least I think we are. And I would hope we ultimately want to win no matter who is at quarterback or coach or owner.
Someone said something negative about Roger?Bullet as always you are spot-on and the voice of reason.
Wish I had your self-control.
But when anybody tries to demean Roger Staubach Emmitt Smith or any of our other Hall of Fame players
The strain becomes more than I can bear and I may occasionally be coerced into opening up a can of whoop ***.
I apologize never mean to make your job harder