@Bobhaze I'm getting sick and tired of you being a voice of reason here.It’s the off-season and the summer heat seems to make too many of our fellow Cowboy fans in this great forum post up here with a chip on the shoulder and in constant arguing and attack mode. A forum like this is built on everyone getting to post their opinions and views on all things Cowboys, but within the rules we ALL agreed to follow when we signed up here.
A few simple reminders to make this place more civil and inhabitable:
In my life experiences, I’ve never known anyone who insulted their way to either changing someone’s mind or earning themselves any more respect.
- This Is an opinion FORUM which means a variety of opinions about the Cowboys are welcome and encouraged as long as they are within the rules we have here.
- A difference of opinion is welcome and part of what makes this place great. A disagreement with your opinion doesn’t make someone a bad Cowboys fan. Or deserving of someone’s wrath or insults.
- If after stating your position multiple times and someone still disagrees with you, let it go. Agree to disagree. Constantly arguing your point over and over will most likely not convince the other side.In fact it usually starts unnecessary fights. You’ve made your point. Let it go.
- Mods are human. And they are volunteers doing the best they can to keep this place between the lines. There are thousands of posts made every day and we don’t always catch everything. Sometimes we miss things. Sometimes we have to take action because of rules violations. It’s not personal. Let’s work together.
- If you are angry with someone here, take a break. Go to a different thread. If you feel angry enough to insult someone you need to either go to a different thread or log off for a while.
We are a week from TC and just 7 weeks from the start of the regular season. Here‘s to another exciting Cowboys season on the best fan sports forum out there. WHAT MAKES IT GREAT IS OUR RESPECT FOR EACH OTHER AS COWBOYS FANS.
I appreciate your wise words. This reminder is very welcomed in my opinion. We'll debate later.It’s the off-season and the summer heat seems to make too many of our fellow Cowboy fans in this great forum post up here with a chip on the shoulder and in constant arguing and attack mode. A forum like this is built on everyone getting to post their opinions and views on all things Cowboys, but within the rules we ALL agreed to follow when we signed up here.
A few simple reminders to make this place more civil and inhabitable:
In my life experiences, I’ve never known anyone who insulted their way to either changing someone’s mind or earning themselves any more respect.
- This Is an opinion FORUM which means a variety of opinions about the Cowboys are welcome and encouraged as long as they are within the rules we have here.
- A difference of opinion is welcome and part of what makes this place great. A disagreement with your opinion doesn’t make someone a bad Cowboys fan. Or deserving of someone’s wrath or insults.
- If after stating your position multiple times and someone still disagrees with you, let it go. Agree to disagree. Constantly arguing your point over and over will most likely not convince the other side.In fact it usually starts unnecessary fights. You’ve made your point. Let it go.
- Mods are human. And they are volunteers doing the best they can to keep this place between the lines. There are thousands of posts made every day and we don’t always catch everything. Sometimes we miss things. Sometimes we have to take action because of rules violations. It’s not personal. Let’s work together.
- If you are angry with someone here, take a break. Go to a different thread. If you feel angry enough to insult someone you need to either go to a different thread or log off for a while.
We are a week from TC and just 7 weeks from the start of the regular season. Here‘s to another exciting Cowboys season on the best fan sports forum out there. WHAT MAKES IT GREAT IS OUR RESPECT FOR EACH OTHER AS COWBOYS FANS.
You aren't doing a very good job of stalking me then.Doesn’t seem like you agree with anyone. To each their own.
I was just listening to a pastor on the radio....calling us Christians out for this very thing. The condescending tone and judgement we sometimes have (that most people have of course). The "I'm right and you MUST be wrong" attitude. One of the most important things Jesus warned us against.I used to be one of those posters who would just argue relentlessly even if I knew I didn't have the stronger position.
It was just pride and not wanting to concede.
And all it does is make people hate you. And as a follower of Christ, my job is not to irritate people out of pride. I also need to act like the one who I say I follow.
So, I hope I've grown to a place where even though I debate with others, I can concede and not just go on and on and on because I MUST be right.
And I've found that I get much more respect that way and debates end gracefully and respectfully.
We're all Cowboys fans - at least I think we are. And I would hope we ultimately want to win no matter who is at quarterback or coach or owner.
Star and I used to fight too. We still do sometimes, in a (mostly) fun way.You’re entitled to your opinion.
The practice of insulting people has become so prevalent on-line it has practically become a dark sport. A faceless Internet forum somehow allows some people to insult and demean someone they don’t know at all in a way they would never do if the encounter was “face to face”.Kindness and respect for others are fading from our society.
And it is not up to others to save them.
The creation of the internet has not improved us but allowed some of the darker sides of people to emerge. They seek their gain through the losses of others.
youre not wrong prior to the internet these discussions were in bar rooms and elswhere face to face. Some people may act the way they do here in face to encounters but id venture to say the % is lower. And of that % they may regret it.The practice of insulting people has become so prevalent on-line it has practically become a dark sport. A faceless Internet forum somehow allows some people to insult and demean someone they don’t know at all in a way they would never do if the encounter was “face to face”.
As good as the World Wide Web has been to speed up and widen communication, it has also enabled and encouraged a segment of society that finds “owning” someone in an argument somehow aspirational.
It’s on all of us to individually take responsibility for how we interact with people online- here in the Zone specifically.
Amen!I was just listening to a pastor on the radio....calling us Christians out for this very thing. The condescending tone and judgement we sometimes have (that most people have of course). The "I'm right and you MUST be wrong" attitude. One of the most important things Jesus warned us against.
Most of what we talk about here are opinions...even when using (or abusing) stats. It's usually not a right or wrong thing....although sometimes they might make you go hmmm? The great majority of us are "in the middle"....not out on the wings. We should celebrate that...instead of finding the scab and picking it to a bloody mess.
In the end...grace does win. Grace and wisdom.
If you believe people are entitled to their opinion, why do you get so angry over any opinion you don't agree with?You’re entitled to your opinion.
Simple and concise.We all need reminders like this from time to time. If we are out of line we need reminders to make changes; if we are IN line we need reminders to STAY in line.
For some...YEP!You ask too much!!
If you believe people are entitled to their opinion, why do you get so angry over any opinion you don't agree with?
You’re entitled to your opinion.If you believe people are entitled to their opinion, why do you get so angry over any opinion you don't agree with?