Wouldnt you want to know why they did it? Wouldnt you want to try and fix them? How much fixing would they get if they were killed or thrown into a cage and treated like an animal?
Pedophilia is a psycho-sexual disorder that has been prevalent in society since its conception. Historically, and presently in places around the world, there are accepted practices of this (Afghanistan's young boys, areas of Africa, etc.) due to cultural norms; doesn't make the abuse of the children any more acceptable. In this case, there is a lone perpetrator that has a sexual disorder, who used his power of authority (as the uncle) to carry out his "actions" against a vulnerable, pre-pubescent child.
I don't really care if it is due to sexual inadequacy with adults, gratification from power over a helpless subject (sadism), their own history of sexual abuse, etc. Frankly, it is a disorder that doesn't have acceptable rehabilitation and re-entry policies that are deemed adequate to the general public considering the threat they pose to society and the fragile structures of security set in place for it's most vulnerable populations. As to the society's reaction towards pedophiles rehabilitation policies and research; they are more trouble then they are worth at this moment. Maybe in time there is a way to understand this problem as to "nip it in the bud" at a young age when patterns have been established implying potential future abuse, etc.