Something else to argue over... Red light cameras

iceberg;4426025 said:
yea, but it could quickly be changed to do this. i guess the real point is automation of tickets - how acceptable is it?

I'll put it this way, I would prefer law enforcement officers busy themselves with criminal activity instead of traffic violations. If these devices and methods can be used in an unobtrusive manner than makes roads safer I am open to using them, but if they are used primarily to generate revenue, are unwanted by a general consensus, and do not add to road safety then they should not be used.
They are blatantly unconstitutional (that why their tickets are not a criminal citation like if you got pulled over for running a red light, you have the right to question your accuser; in this case a machine) and are used solely for revenue. We have some where I live and they actually lessened the time that the yellow light flashes to get more people running them. There are numerous studies that they cause more rear-end collisions from people trying to stop abruptly.
vta;4425876 said:

I see them over the lights in my town and generally don't sweat it but have to admit I don't cut the yellow light as close as I would normally.

What's Driving The Backlash Against Traffic Cameras


Living in Houston I was one who voted to have the camera removed. Something about big brother just bothered me.
i like that story about when someone got a ticket in the mail with the picture of him and his car and a fine of $20.00.

The guy sent back a photocopy of a $20.00 bill back to the cops. A few weeks later the cops send a picture of handcuffs back to the dude!


I wonder if that was a true story?
I am really conflicted. I watch every day people run red lights. Many accidents are caused by this. I frankly do not think that many rear end accidents happen by people afraid of lights. Now if it is enforced that may become a valid concern. Cops nowadays are so stretched that having some on traffic patrol is really a bad allocation of resources.

Speed cameras are another matter; they seem to be pretty accurate anymore and probably can start to force people to slow down; hit a persons wallet and you certainly get their attention.

But then I think about Big Brother and I worry about the possible side effects of all of this.
burmafrd;4426136 said:
I am really conflicted. I watch every day people run red lights. Many accidents are caused by this. I frankly do not think that many rear end accidents happen by people afraid of lights. Now if it is enforced that may become a valid concern. Cops nowadays are so stretched that having some on traffic patrol is really a bad allocation of resources.

Speed cameras are another matter; they seem to be pretty accurate anymore and probably can start to force people to slow down; hit a persons wallet and you certainly get their attention.

But then I think about Big Brother and I worry about the possible side effects of all of this.

Yeah, it could go both ways. If I am going the speed limit approaching an intersection and have to try and not run the yellow and put on my brakes to stop and then some knucklehead rear ends me? It might be good for some instances...

Another topic was speed traps. Here where I live the Police have to publish in the local Newspaper where the speed traps are going to be and what hours and day.

I think it's just all about trying managing the traffic problems.
Denim Chicken;4426037 said:
They are blatantly unconstitutional (that why their tickets are not a criminal citation like if you got pulled over for running a red light, you have the right to question your accuser; in this case a machine) and are used solely for revenue. We have some where I live and they actually lessened the time that the yellow light flashes to get more people running them. There are numerous studies that they cause more rear-end collisions from people trying to stop abruptly.

This. I think you are supposed to be able to face your accuser. I think they are a scam that are being sold to localities all over the place. When they are put into use, the public servants get lambasted & the local police lose respect from the community. The community has thousands of dollars invested, and is now between a rock & a hard place.

I think traffic signals are a self-governing tool. If you run enough red lights, you will get in a wreck. I dont think anyone drives around intentionally running lights, unless they are suicidal.

If local the local police force was funded solely by traffic tickets, then I could see why this would make sense. They are not.
vta;4425876 said:

I see them over the lights in my town and generally don't sweat it but have to admit I don't cut the yellow light as close as I would normally.

What's Driving The Backlash Against Traffic Cameras


For a state known for capital punishment, all it takes in one of the cities is one idiot running a red light and they back off the enforcement of the law that easily?

Unreal.. lets just let the idiots decide how to run the city.
iceberg;4425971 said:
then let me ask you this - if "automation of tickets" can be accepted, what if you're on a tollroad and you're "speeding" - they log times you go through so they'll know if you were speeding.

automatic ticket?
Oklahoma Turnpike does this. Or did. I haven't been through there in 25 years or so. I always figured it was a good time to stop for gas when driving through there. :D
Doomsday101;4426042 said:
Living in Houston I was one who voted to have the camera removed. Something about big brother just bothered me.

The cameras aren't about big brother. They are about law breakers. Those law breakers are the guys that will run the light and kill you or your kids some day.

Big brother isn't the point here.
I acutally got one of them tickets in the mail. I was angry at first and then I looked very closely at the license plate number. I went outside to check mine and it wasn't event the mine in the picture. I called them and explain to them the mistake. I even told them that the day you questioned me going through the light, I wasn't evne in the state but visiting relatives across the country. I had to send them a picture of my resume and my internary of my trip. They never did apologize for it.
Bigdog;4426368 said:
I acutally got one of them tickets in the mail. I was angry at first and then I looked very closely at the license plate number. I went outside to check mine and it wasn't event the mine in the picture. I called them and explain to them the mistake. I even told them that the day you questioned me going through the light, I wasn't evne in the state but visiting relatives across the country. I had to send them a picture of my resume and my internary of my trip. They never did apologize for it.

What does your resume have anything to do with it? lol

You should have just said no and let them try to take you to court over it. If it was the right license plate for your car i'd have loved to see them try and convince the judge that they weren't completely stupid.
Sam I Am;4426301 said:
The cameras aren't about big brother. They are about law breakers. Those law breakers are the guys that will run the light and kill you or your kids some day.

Big brother isn't the point here.

I don't care for them if you do great vote to keep them. I made my choice as did the majority of the people of Houston. We did not have a big problem before the cameras were put in. This is a means to get revenue nothing more than that. In the end people driving habit did not change from before we had the camera to when they were put in to now.
Doomsday101;4426507 said:
I don't care for them if you do great vote to keep them. I made my choice as did the majority of the people of Houston. We did not have a big problem before the cameras were put in. This is a means to get revenue nothing more than that. In the end people driving habit did not change from before we had the camera to when they were put in to now.

I suppose that depends on who you ask. You know, people that were killed by people running red lights. I'm sure there are a few of them. ;)
Sam I Am;4426509 said:
I suppose that depends on who you ask. You know, people that were killed by people running red lights. I'm sure there are a few of them. ;)

and people still do and the camera did not change that. As a study has shown the solution is not redlight camera the solutions are better engineering at these intersection such as longer yellow lights and shielding signals to prevent glare and make the lights more visible as the sun sets.

If a person is looking to beat a red light he is going to do it regardless just like the idiots who try to beat a train across the track, we can put singnals we can put up crossing arms and yet it will still happen that some idiot trys to beat a train.
Doomsday101;4426521 said:
and people still do and the camera did not change that. As a study has shown the solution is not redlight camera the solutions are better engineering at these intersection such as longer yellow lights and shielding signals to prevent glare and make the lights more visible as the sun sets.

If a person is looking to beat a red light he is going to do it regardless just like the idiots who try to beat a train across the track, we can put singnals we can put up crossing arms and yet it will still happen that some idiot trys to beat a train.

Longer yellow lights? That will just make people more likely to slam on the gas when they see a yellow light and try to get threw it thinking they have more time. Chances are, they will just make the accidents that do happen worse because due to higher speeds. (people accelerating from further back)

I think the answer is make a huge indestructible wall raise out of the ground and if they run the light, it pops up and they smash into it. Then have some type of arm that comes out that wipes the crashed car off the road like a bowling alley pin setter / ball return works. It would just dump that dead beat loser into the trash and be done with them. :D
Doomsday101;4426521 said:
and people still do and the camera did not change that. As a study has shown the solution is not redlight camera the solutions are better engineering at these intersection such as longer yellow lights and shielding signals to prevent glare and make the lights more visible as the sun sets.

If a person is looking to beat a red light he is going to do it regardless just like the idiots who try to beat a train across the track, we can put singnals we can put up crossing arms and yet it will still happen that some idiot trys to beat a train.
This is sadly true. And there are always the turkeys who have friends in the right places, or who ARE the "friends in right places", and know that their tickets won't stick anyway.

My son is in driver's ed right now, and they were having a big discussion on people who drive through the crossing arms at train tracks. He doesn't understand why someone would want to take on a big train. Better to arrive at your destination late, then to not arrive at all. Smart kid.
In Texas it is not a criminal offense it is a civil issue. If you do not pay they can sue you there are things like not renewing your license or registration the problem is the guys that would process that part the JP and county commissioners etc are all elected officials. Most will not process the agreement or enter an agreement.

It does not help that there has been rampant abuse of the system in the past where they caught the companies running the cameras making adjustments that increased their profits and shortening lights etc etc.

They are disappearing after they where put up in Texas for a while and the pay rate last time I heard was about 10% people are just ignoring the tickets they do get.
Sam I Am;4426532 said:
Longer yellow lights? That will just make people more likely to slam on the gas when they see a yellow light and try to get threw it thinking they have more time. Chances are, they will just make the accidents that do happen worse because due to higher speeds. (people accelerating from further back)

I think the answer is make a huge indestructible wall raise out of the ground and if they run the light, it pops up and they smash into it. Then have some type of arm that comes out that wipes the crashed car off the road like a bowling alley pin setter / ball return works. It would just dump that dead beat loser into the trash and be done with them. :D

I disagree it is the short yellows that cause problems. There were not seeing a decrease in accidents at intersection with the camera all they saw was higher revenus. Add to that we the tax payer have to pay the cost of repair of the camera and changing out cameras.
Doomsday101;4426558 said:
I disagree it is the short yellows that cause problems. There were not seeing a decrease in accidents at intersection with the camera all they saw was higher revenus. Add to that we the tax payer have to pay the cost of repair of the camera and changing out cameras.

Show me hard evidence of them not decreasing accidents.

If you Google it, every report I find says the exact opposite. They say they do in fact reduce accidents.

Study finds red-light cameras reduce fatal crashes

Study: Hated Red Light Cameras Reduce Accidents

Aurora cops: Red-light cameras reducing accidents

The funny thing is, you say it's a revenue tool. Dallas Police say it's taking away their revenue.

Red light cameras too good for their own good?

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