Something on the Vick Indictment Just Dawned on Me

Teague31;1555091 said:
and it can be even worse. the federal rules of evidence are very lax when it comes to allowing hearsay testimony. so if the cousin has given statements in the past, they may be admissible even if he doesn't testify at the trial.
They can be admissible if he is named as an unindicted co-conspirator. Other than that i don't see how they can come in unless he testifies. Do you practice in federal court or something? I wasn't aware that the hearsay rules are more lax in federal court, and my evidence class was solely concentrating on the federal rules.
theogt;1555104 said:
What an ungrateful cousin. Doesn't he know that, after living the life for all these years on your cousin's dime, YOU are supposed to take the fall? If Mike goes to jail that screws the whole family.

Let his whole family get a JOB like the rest of us.
fortdick;1555213 said:
Might be a good tactic to get him to talk. . . . if he survives the confrontation to follow.

Aequitas - Veritas

Ya think it's just a coincidence that Vick's arraignment is scheduled for the same day the Falcons open camp?

There's some awfully ambitious and often ruthless people sitting in US Attorney chairs.
StanleySpadowski;1555329 said:
Ya think it's just a coincidence that Vick's arraignment is scheduled for the same day the Falcons open camp?

There's some awfully ambitious and often ruthless people sitting in US Attorney chairs.

That's why it's good to stay OUT of the system.
Big Dakota;1555321 said:
Let his whole family get a JOB like the rest of us.
Slow down there Big dakota.
They're still working on DOG..........
Hostile;1555045 said:
Vick's cousin was living at the house. His name is Davon Boddie. At one time he fell on the sword and took blame for this, but he also has said he believes the dogs were "planted" to trap him.

He is NOT named in the indictment against Vick and 3 others.

Can you say State's Evidence?

Mr Mason, this is highly irregular

But I will admit it into the record

However, the defense, if they are smart, will impugn the reputation of the cuz and how he changed his story
I am sure the cuz is no higher on the cranial meter than Mikey and will be an easy target
After all, wasn't he living there?
03EBZ06;1555242 said:
I'm just wondering if any other NFL participated in Vick's sponsored dog fights?

Shockey showed up but left abruptly when informed they don't get to eat the dogs afterward. He was quoted as saying "Mike told me they had a pit where they put the dogs afterwards."

Blazing Heat Hearld
Once they read the indictment it will be pretty easy to figure out who is giving them their infomration. Who was at all the events that are listed in the indictment but wasn't named in the indictment. If you want to take it further you can even think of who wasn't at events NOT named in the indictment. They know who rolled and I am willing to bet he is in witness protection.
GimmeTheBall!;1555385 said:
Mr Mason, this is highly irregular

But I will admit it into the record

However, the defense, if they are smart, will impugn the reputation of the cuz and how he changed his story
I am sure the cuz is no higher on the cranial meter than Mikey and will be an easy target
After all, wasn't he living there?

The defense could try to characterize this guy in a very poor light, there's no question about that. However, when the prosectution askes Boddie, Did Vick no about the opperation, did Vick Finance the opperation and did Vick participate in the opperation, and the answers come back as "Yes", no amount of picture painting is going to sway the Jury IMO.
trickblue;1555095 said:
Yes he did...

I guarantee you he is one of the unnamed witnesses...
He is defiitely not one of the unnamed cooperating witnesses. The indictment includes brief descriptions of what the CW's knew, and the CW's appear to be players in dog fighting. They owned fighting dogs and their dogs fought Vick's Bad Newz Kennels dogs.
AtlCB;1555605 said:
He is defiitely not one of the unnamed cooperating witnesses. The indictment includes brief descriptions of what the CW's knew, and the CW's appear to be players in dog fighting. They owned fighting dogs and their dogs fought Vick's Bad Newz Kennels dogs.

Sore losers?
Hostile;1555045 said:
Vick's cousin was living at the house. His name is Davon Boddie. At one time he fell on the sword and took blame for this, but he also has said he believes the dogs were "planted" to trap him.

He is NOT named in the indictment against Vick and 3 others.

Can you say State's Evidence?

while waiting for a friend to get off work yesterday i was watching espn on my phone and it ain't pretty for the vick camp. his entire "i was never there" doesn't matter in how the charges are drawn up. it's his properly and they just have to prove he was aware of what was going on. but it sounded like they felt he was the ringleader and they're going for it all.

they also talked about what they did to the dogs that didn't perform. wet 'em down and electrocute, shoot 'em, slam them to the ground a lot...

the owner of the falcons is a HUGE dog lover from what they said and this has got to hurt ESP if vick was the lying piece of * i think he is to them. people can try to forgive a lot of things but losing faith/trust in a liar is a hard one to overcome.
iceberg;1555805 said:
while waiting for a friend to get off work yesterday i was watching espn on my phone and it ain't pretty for the vick camp. his entire "i was never there" doesn't matter in how the charges are drawn up. it's his properly and they just have to prove he was aware of what was going on. but it sounded like they felt he was the ringleader and they're going for it all.

they also talked about what they did to the dogs that didn't perform. wet 'em down and electrocute, shoot 'em, slam them to the ground a lot...

the owner of the falcons is a HUGE dog lover from what they said and this has got to hurt ESP if vick was the lying piece of * i think he is to them. people can try to forgive a lot of things but losing faith/trust in a liar is a hard one to overcome.

To be honest Ice, it's not going to matter if he was there or wasn't. I fully believe he was there and he knew but because the case has been classified as Conspiracy, he's on the hook for everything that happend on his property or any of the dogs that were sent across state lines that originated from his property. He's screwed.
fortdick;1555797 said:
Sore losers?

They claim that their dogs beat Vick's, and some said they helped execute Vick's dogs after the losses. One of the informants said he electrocuted one of the dogs at the request of Vick and with him present. :eek:
ABQCOWBOY;1555809 said:
To be honest Ice, it's not going to matter if he was there or wasn't. I fully believe he was there and he knew but because the case has been classified as Conspiracy, he's on the hook for everything that happend on his property or any of the dogs that were sent across state lines that originated from his property. He's screwed.

that's what espn was saying. they said his entire "but i'm neve there!!!" story wouldn't matter (and i KNOW is a freaking lie cause he told a friend of mine who worked on his PR in 2002 he spend his off-seasons there playing with his dogs - little did he know what "playing" really meant) and i hope they do nail him to the wall.

one speculation said he could get around 6 years for it, out in 3. if he does any jail time will any NFL team want him?

will they have the option to want him with the new commish around?
iceberg;1555824 said:
that's what espn was saying. they said his entire "but i'm neve there!!!" story wouldn't matter (and i KNOW is a freaking lie cause he told a friend of mine who worked on his PR in 2002 he spend his off-seasons there playing with his dogs - little did he know what "playing" really meant) and i hope they do nail him to the wall.
He could say it until he turns blue but I don't believe proscuting team believes him and have evidence of otherwise. I certainly don't believe him.

one speculation said he could get around 6 years for it, out in 3. if he does any jail time will any NFL team want him?
Or he could deal with proscutor for less time. But even so, I'm not so sure any team would want him because he'll come with lot of baggage. There will be tremenous outcry from those who loves dogs and constant negative publicity is going to hurt a team.
iceberg;1555824 said:
that's what espn was saying. they said his entire "but i'm neve there!!!" story wouldn't matter (and i KNOW is a freaking lie cause he told a friend of mine who worked on his PR in 2002 he spend his off-seasons there playing with his dogs - little did he know what "playing" really meant) and i hope they do nail him to the wall.

one speculation said he could get around 6 years for it, out in 3. if he does any jail time will any NFL team want him?

will they have the option to want him with the new commish around?

Did they speculate as to when he would get out if he did 6 years? I know the average sentence served in the Texas state prison system, but I didn't know if the federal facilities were as overcrowded as everywhere else. I would suspect that they would be more likely to serve more of their sentence, but I don't know that for sure. But half of the sentence served is still more than the average in Texas, if you behave.
iceberg;1555824 said:
that's what espn was saying. they said his entire "but i'm neve there!!!" story wouldn't matter (and i KNOW is a freaking lie cause he told a friend of mine who worked on his PR in 2002 he spend his off-seasons there playing with his dogs - little did he know what "playing" really meant) and i hope they do nail him to the wall.

one speculation said he could get around 6 years for it, out in 3. if he does any jail time will any NFL team want him?

will they have the option to want him with the new commish around?

I'm not certain if the 6 years is accurate. I was wondering this myself and maybe some of our Legal folks could shed light. Is this 6 years for every count? If I'm not mistaken, he has been indicted for 10 counts. Is it 6 for every count? Are they served consecutively if found guilty or can you do them all at the same time?
The media is reporting "up to 6 years and up to $350K fine" but I'm not sure how they came up with those numbers
If you read the federal indictment carefully, you'll see that in the end, "dogfighting" isn't what he's ultimately being indicted for. There's a specific reason for this; He's facing 3 years and $250,000 per dog under Virginia law, various reports have put the numbers at around 70 dogs so he's facing over 200 years on the state level if and when the locals decide to go after him.