Source: NFLPA files for restraining order to again block Ezekiel Elliott suspension

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The NFL would like folks to think this is a tough situation for the Cowboys and Elliot to be in. Clearly @Sydla has fall for that fallacy. Those that know the facts aren't fooled. Thank you for your informed opinion.

That's what evil, greedy folk like to do. They first try to intimidate those that stand up to them. When the intimidation and fear doesn't work, then they try to pose it as a hopeless situation. The only recourse is to remain diligent.

You're missing my point.

This is bigger than football. And this is bigger than him missing 6 games at any point. And this is more important than the impact it has on the team because he's not playing.

I understand that it's not a criminal court case going over his situation with Thompson, but being able to win the case based on procedures which includes 'fairness' would be a positive for EE's reputation in the long run. And the more exposure of the NFL's investigative tactics and how they ruled the more things swing in EE's favor in the court of public opinion.

I honestly don't give a damn about scheduling him to miss 6 games at the 'right time.' I care about a man who was falsely accused of assaulting a woman and how the Columbus DA's office, the NFL and our society has gone out of their way to protect this woman despite breaking the law on numerous occasions, being caught lying about the situation on numerous occasions all the while vilifying an innocent man.

And if the organization and the fans take issue with it, then they deserve all of the failure coming to them.


There are benefits to him continuing to fight this. I've never suggested otherwise. In fact, I've argued he should fight this as long as he possibly can multiple times.

But I am also not blind to the realities of the situation. This will be a tough case for him to win. This is not a slam dunk win for him and a loss for the NFL. Further, the court of public opinion isn't going to sway one way or the other at this point. People have dug in now and nothing is going to change that. That's basically the nature of sports, frankly. If he doesn't play for your team, you are unlikely to get a fair shake in matters like this, even with the facts that the NFL conducted a sham investigation. There is more than enough data out there to support that and yet the court of public opinion still shades anti-Elliott.

I also am not blind that in the worst case outcome - he loses in court - there are varying degrees of pain, for a lack of a better term, for the organization. I bet if you put a gun to their head, if he has to serve a suspension, they'd prefer it come sooner rather than later. That's my point.
I also am not blind that in the worst case outcome - he loses in court - there are varying degrees of pain, for a lack of a better term, for the organization. I bet if you put a gun to their head, if he has to serve a suspension, they'd prefer it come sooner rather than later. That's my point.

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take - Wayne Gretzky

Of course it is. But in reality, there is a benefit to the team if he takes the suspension earlier rather than later. That's pretty obvious. And let's also note, this isn't a criminal trial where facts and evidence will be presented and the court will rule based on the evidence. It's simply a fight over procedural issues. It's very possible he could lose this battle.

Doesn't mean he should sit now, I never suggested that. But certainly, if this thing dies in court and he has to sit out the first 6 games in 2018, that's not an ideal outcome for the team.
Elliott should not care about the benefit to the team if he believes he is innocent. That's ridiculous.
There are benefits to him continuing to fight this. I've never suggested otherwise. In fact, I've argued he should fight this as long as he possibly can multiple times.

But I am also not blind to the realities of the situation. This will be a tough case for him to win. This is not a slam dunk win for him and a loss for the NFL. Further, the court of public opinion isn't going to sway one way or the other at this point. People have dug in now and nothing is going to change that. That's basically the nature of sports, frankly. If he doesn't play for your team, you are unlikely to get a fair shake in matters like this, even with the facts that the NFL conducted a sham investigation. There is more than enough data out there to support that and yet the court of public opinion still shades anti-Elliott.

I also am not blind that in the worst case outcome - he loses in court - there are varying degrees of pain, for a lack of a better term, for the organization. I bet if you put a gun to their head, if he has to serve a suspension, they'd prefer it come sooner rather than later. That's my point.
You are blind to the realities of the situation if you are bowing to the media driven narratives. You obviously are influenced by social media's anti-Elliot shade.
Elliott should not care about the benefit to the team if he believes he is innocent. That's ridiculous.

Who said he should care? I never did. In fact, I said the opposite. I've said numerous times he should fight this as long as he can.

But in any situation, there are a wide possibility of outcomes. Here, he could easily lose his court battle and serve a suspension. IMO, I think the Cowboys would rather him serve 6 games now than the start of next year IF he has to serve a suspension. That's my only point.

I have never suggested he just lay down and take the suspension now.
You are blind to the realities of the situation if you are bowing to the media driven narratives. You obviously are influenced by social media's anti-Elliot shade.

Then you've clearly never read any of my commentary on Elliott, Goodell, the alleged victim, etc.

If you did, you'd realize the sheer ignorance of your statement.
How do you "tell" an innocent man to "take" something that will forever ruin his career and reputation?
Bryan Broaddus keeps saying this too and it's getting on my nerves. I usually like his takes, but this one is plain wrong. And his assumption they'd be 3-3 by the time he was back (if he took suspension from start of season) is dumb too. They may already have been out of the playoff hunt.

Its not even the suspension that's the issue, it's the stigma attached
Then you've clearly never read any of my commentary on Elliott, Goodell, the alleged victim, etc.

If you did, you'd realize the sheer ignorance of your statement.
The ignorance in your statement is clear when you paint this as a tough situation for the Cowboys and EE. The facts favor EE.
It is over...Elliot is getting suspended at some point. He needs to take the suspension now and get it over with...and as far as I’m concerned this should not carry on past this season, if it does then Dallas needs to move on from this immature headcase...and get rid of all the other embarrassing headcases that get suspended...start sending a message.
It is over...Elliot is getting suspended at some point. He needs to take the suspension now and get it over with...and as far as I’m concerned this should not carry on past this season, if it does then Dallas needs to move on from this immature headcase...and get rid of all the other embarrassing headcases that get suspended...start sending a message.

Off your meds?
The ignorance in your statement is clear when you paint this as a tough situation for the Cowboys and EE. The facts favor EE.

And there's your ignorance. I've argued multiple times in many threads with many people such as aria and others who tend to lean to the likelihood that Elliott did this, that the facts favor EE.

But this isn't a criminal court battle anymore. So while I believe Elliott was framed by this woman, I also am not blind to the reality that this could still end up being a loss for Elliott in court because they really aren't arguing the facts of the case anymore. This is strictly about policy and procedures and what the league is able to do given the power granted to them by the NFLPA. So while I believe Elliott is likely innocent, I also know there's a decent chance he could lose this court case.

And that's what makes the situation tough for everyone. Elliott is facing a likely lengthly court battle that has the real possibility of not going his way. The Cowboys would probably like nothing more than all of this to go away as soon as possible. But they will stand by him and I have never suggested they shouldn't. But the fact they will support him in his fight doesn't mean they also wouldn't love for this thing to just go away sooner, rather than later.
It really shouldn't be.

This isn't a case of her word versus his word and she doesn't have enough evidence to find him guilty (either by court of law or by NFL standards).

This is a case of her accusing EE of assualt...her lacking any legitimate evidence of assault while he has an enormous amount of evidence that proves she has lied about the assault and is attempting to ruin his career because he has broken up with her. It's also a case about her claiming to have over a half dozen witnesses that would vouch for her claims and outside of her aunt, every single one of those witnesses has vouched for EE and against her. And there are numerous witnesses which include law enforcement that have have done the same thing.

Remember, one more incident and now his career is likely all but over. And given how the NFL has sided with Thompson in this case, there is nothing to lead us to believe that the next female to accuse EE will undoubtedly get EE banned from the NFL. This makes for a high probability of females willing to extort EE because the NFL has shown that it allowed Thompson to try and extort EE already.

Sorry, but all of this is a helluva lot more important than football.

I also doubt she could prove it in a civil suit, where it only requires a "more likely than not" verdict. It's more likely Elliott would win a civil suit, if he sued her. How come no one has asked Goodell about this? I thought they used a similar standard, for finding the player responsible.
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The only risk is being judged by a judge not interested in justice. The facts are clearly in favor of Elliot.
In other word having the hearing in a NY court sympathetic to the NFL.
And there's your ignorance. I've argued multiple times in many threads with many people such as aria and others who tend to lean to the likelihood that Elliott did this, that the facts favor EE.

But this isn't a criminal court battle anymore. So while I believe Elliott was framed by this woman, I also am not blind to the reality that this could still end up being a loss for Elliott in court because they really aren't arguing the facts of the case anymore. This is strictly about policy and procedures and what the league is able to do given the power granted to them by the NFLPA. So while I believe Elliott is likely innocent, I also know there's a decent chance he could lose this court case.

And that's what makes the situation tough for everyone. Elliott is facing a likely lengthly court battle that has the real possibility of not going his way. The Cowboys would probably like nothing more than all of this to go away as soon as possible. But they will stand by him and I have never suggested they shouldn't. But the fact they will support him in his fight doesn't mean they also wouldn't love for this thing to just go away sooner, rather than later.
You are blind to the reality of the situation. Ezekiel Elliott is not losing this case.
In other word having the hearing in a NY court sympathetic to the NFL.
The U.S. District Court in NY ruled in favor of Tom Brady so why would EE be disadvantaged? The NY court has shown it is sympathetic to those that Goodell attempts to dispense upon "his own brand of industrial justice."
The U.S. District Court in NY ruled in favor of Tom Brady so why would EE be disadvantaged? The NY court has shown it is sympathetic to those that Goodell attempts to dispense upon "his own brand of industrial justice."

Because the 2nd Circuit Appeals Court (in NY) eventually overruled the District Court and Brady eventually served his suspension.

That's what some people fear here with Elliott in NY. That the district court may give him his injunction but the 2nd Circuit would likely not be as favorable to the NFLPA and Elliott as other appeals courts.
This Zeke stuff got really old really fast.. I really cared before the season, but at this point lets just get Sean Lee healthy so we can have a chance to win ballgames
Miscarriages of justice have a tendency to do that.
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