Source: Vick 'one of the heavyweights' in dogfighting

Da Hammer;1510634 said:
of course after all of this i still really doubt Goodell will do anything to his superstar player :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Well if it gets enough coverage im sure hell do something. He truly is a media patsy.
FuzzyLumpkins;1510638 said:
Well if it gets enough coverage im sure hell do something. He truly is a media patsy.
i still doubt it... if this was a less known player i would bet anything that he would be suspended for at least half a season but since its Mike Vick he will basically get a slap on wrist with a fine or somethin. Unless the government continues to get involved...
Vick is done and I think he will bring some others down with him.
juckie;1510646 said:
Vick is done and I think he will bring some others down with him.

based on what evidence? I mean if they can get a witness putting him there while the operation was going on that still wouldnt be a slam dunk for a prosecutor and they dont even have that. The best ive seen is hearsay of him supposedly bragging about being there.
iceberg;1510567 said:
they moved the last few to the nfl zone, but i've seen many on this topic get the big DEL usually because people link to dog fighting or it gets too personal.

guessing on the dog fighting link but the one from earlier today on this that had the link is MIA.
Threads get deleted when the topic being debated gets too personal. As for the other thread, it wasn't up very long before someone who had taken an alternative stance was called ignorant and then responded in kind. That thread was going nowhere fast and it had nothing to do with the link to dog fighting.

We all have different perspectives about why some threads are moved to the NFL Zone. But if they are, and they're still open, then I don't see what the big deal is. Continue conversing.
juckie;1510664 said:
Just being there is a felony in most states.

Every state has felonies but as i have stated before there is no credible evidence linking Vick to the operation. Hearsay is really the best ive seen so far. He hasnt so much as been charged.
FuzzyLumpkins;1510637 said:
my point is that of the myriad of crimes by NFL players, this is nothing. It becomes even more nothing when no charges have been brought up against Vick and with the evidence that exists now there wont be.

so breaking a federal law is nothing? ok:rolleyes:
Everybody in the dog world is worried about Michael Vick talking. Michael Vick is making large money, he's making millions, OK? And if he has to tell on some people [to avoid prison time], I think he would tell … I don't put nothing past him.

Confidential source

Anyone else find it very ironic that the INFORMANT says that he would't put it past Vick to rat people out to avoid prison time when that's probably EXACTLY what he is doing himself? As if Vick would be doing something bad by talking but for him to talk... well that's A-OK!
FuzzyLumpkins;1510673 said:
Every state has felonies but as i have stated before there is no credible evidence linking Vick to the operation. Hearsay is really the best ive seen so far. He hasnt so much as been charged.

a witness is not hearsay
WoodysGirl;1510669 said:
Threads get deleted when the topic being debated gets too personal. As for the other thread, it wasn't up very long before someone who had taken an alternative stance was called ignorant and then responded in kind. That thread was going nowhere fast and it had nothing to do with the link to dog fighting.

We all have different perspectives about why some threads are moved to the NFL Zone. But if they are, and they're still open, then I don't see what the big deal is. Continue conversing.

On the nosey as usual
Some posters really are not smart enough to realize that they are in effect defending dog fighting every time they come up with the truly lame post- BUT ITS NOT AS BAD AS murder, rape, etc.
Da Hammer;1510634 said:
of course after all of this i still really doubt Goodell will do anything to his superstar player :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
I don't believe a word of that.
burmafrd;1510718 said:
Some posters really are not smart enough to realize that they are in effect defending dog fighting every time they come up with the truly lame post- BUT ITS NOT AS BAD AS murder, rape, etc.

I don't know why anyone differentiates between what is less illegal or more, if it's illegal, it's illegal
WoodysGirl;1510669 said:
Threads get deleted when the topic being debated gets too personal. As for the other thread, it wasn't up very long before someone who had taken an alternative stance was called ignorant and then responded in kind. That thread was going nowhere fast and it had nothing to do with the link to dog fighting.

We all have different perspectives about why some threads are moved to the NFL Zone. But if they are, and they're still open, then I don't see what the big deal is. Continue conversing.
It's amazing.

We ban someone...we're too quick on the trigger.

We don't ban someone...we allow too much.

We leave a thread should be closed.

We close a thread...we don't care about free speech.

For all the griping, I sure don't see any of these posters reporting the posts or the thread. Tells me that they simply love to whine in public.
Hostile;1510734 said:
It's amazing.

We ban someone...we're too quick on the trigger.

We don't ban someone...we allow too much.

We leave a thread should be closed.

We close a thread...we don't care about free speech.

For all the griping, I sure don't see any of these posters reporting the posts or the thread. Tells me that they simply love to whine in public.

:hammer: I swear, I feel like I'm posting amongst a bunch of females=> (wanted to use a much stronger word, but females will suffice) on here

someone's always crying about something
Hostile;1510734 said:
It's amazing.

We ban someone...we're too quick on the trigger.

We don't ban someone...we allow too much.

We leave a thread should be closed.

We close a thread...we don't care about free speech.

For all the griping, I sure don't see any of these posters reporting the posts or the thread. Tells me that they simply love to whine in public.

You guys wanna do something about the size of some of these sigs? I mean really.............
I don't think they will do anything to Vick until he is hit with something in the courts. Which probably means, he gets to play this season. I do hope that when he gets busted, that Goodell throws him out of the NFL forever. This is truly a heinous crime.
Hostile;1510734 said:
It's amazing.

We ban someone...we're too quick on the trigger.

We don't ban someone...we allow too much.

We leave a thread should be closed.

We close a thread...we don't care about free speech.

For all the griping, I sure don't see any of these posters reporting the posts or the thread. Tells me that they simply love to whine in public.
You can't please everyone all the time.

Carry on now. :D
DallasKnight;1510748 said:
I don't think they will do anything to Vick until he is hit with something in the courts. Which probably means, he gets to play this season. I do hope that when he gets busted, that Goodell throws him out of the NFL forever. This is truly a heinous crime.
He gets busted, he might serve time. That might kill his career even if it's a only a couple of years.

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