Source: Vick 'one of the heavyweights' in dogfighting

FuzzyLumpkins;1510793 said:
Youa re living in a society where it is acceptable to break the law.

it's acceptable? says who? I hope you're not generalizing again

FuzzyLumpkins said:
Tax, sodomy traffic and immigration laws are just a few examples of that. Just because there is a law in a book means NOTHING.

so your opinion holds more weight than all the laws in the world then, huh?
Bob Sacamano;1510795 said:
the benefits produced from dog-fighting are the same ones produced from selling drugs, a few individuals are reaping monetary rewards, so they are benefitting only themselves, not society

that's unless these dog-fighters are donating most of their winnings to charity, and a great number of dog-fighters, and then I could see your point

well I don't torture animals and test products on them


You buy a lot of products that do rely on animal testing. Any cologne or deoderant ahs been tested. So you facilitate it.

And those benefits are greater than the benefits that a rodeo or a zoo provide.
Bob Sacamano;1510797 said:
it's acceptable? says who? I hope you're not generalizing again

so your opinion holds more weight than all the laws in the world then, huh?

youre missing the point as per usual.

do you always obey the speed limit?
do you always report the full percentage of your tips?
are there any prep cooks at your place of business that are illegal immigrants?
do you have any gay friends?
FuzzyLumpkins;1510798 said:
You buy a lot of products that do rely on animal testing. Any cologne or deoderant ahs been tested. So you facilitate it.

I would like to see where animals are used in the testing of deodorant, I really would

FuzzyLumpkins said:
And those benefits are greater than the benefits that a rodeo or a zoo provide.

please explain that one for me
Bob Sacamano;1510802 said:
I would like to see where animals are used in the testing of deodorant, I really would

please explain that one for me

It is very well known that gillette tests all their products on animals.

and a dogfight gets entrance fees and betting revenue. a rodeo only gets entrance fees.

both are very cruel to animals.
FuzzyLumpkins;1510799 said:
youre missing the point as per usual.

do you always obey the speed limit?

yes, for fear of getting busted

FuzzyLumpkins said:
do you always report the full percentage of your tips?

as close as possible

FuzzyLumpkins said:
are there any prep cooks at your place of business that are illegal immigrants?

I wouldn't know how to ask, I don't speak espanol

FuzzyLumpkins said:
do you have any gay friends?

a couple, but being gay isn't breaking the law

I still fail to see how breaking one law is less than breaking another
FuzzyLumpkins;1510804 said:
It is very well known that gillette tests all their products on animals.

I wasn't aware of that, I would like to see some proof on that though, i'll even go look it up, but if you could find it 1st, that would be great, I know shampoo is tested on animals to see if they work, although many are trying to stop that practice

FuzzyLumpkins said:
and a dogfight gets entrance fees and betting revenue. a rodeo only gets entrance fees.

both are very cruel to animals.

the animals at the rodeo aren't tortured and sent to impending doom
Bob Sacamano;1510805 said:
yes, for fear of getting busted

as close as possible

I wouldn't know how to ask, I don't speak espanol

a couple, but being gay isn't breaking the law

many states have sodomy laws summer. as for the rest you are a saint and unlike all the other waiters I have ever met who routinely only report the minimum and routinely go 5 miles or more over the speed limit.
FuzzyLumpkins;1510808 said:
many states have sodomy laws summer.

really? I wasn't aware

FuzzyLumpkins said:
as for the rest you are a saint and unlike all the other waiters I have ever met who routinely only report the minimum and routinely go 5 miles or more over the speed limit.

guess so
Bob Sacamano;1510807 said:
I wasn't aware of that, I would like to see some proof on that though, i'll even go look it up, but if you could find it 1st, that would be great, I know shampoo is tested on animals to see if they work, although many are trying to stop that practice

the animals at the rodeo aren't tortured and sent to impending doom

at the top of google ANIMAL TESTING

No typically the animals at rodeos are only tortured. So if they were to stop the dogfight before an animal was killed would it then be okay?
FuzzyLumpkins;1510815 said:
at the top of google ANIMAL TESTING

No typically the animals at rodeos are only tortured. So if they were to stop the dogfight before an animal was killed would it then be okay?


testing animals is to insure that products aren't harmful to humans, so it's still beneficial, I'm kind of on the fence about this one

for your question, then how would they determine the winner? c'mon dude, can we stick to some plausible examples?
just looked it up, and only Virginia has a sodomy law

also looked up the rodeo on yahoo, as I've never watched it in my life before, and yeah, it is pretty cruel and inhumane
Bob Sacamano;1510822 said:

testing animals is to insure that products aren't harmful to humans, so it's still beneficial, I'm kind of on the fence about this one

for your question, then how would they determine the winner? c'mon dude, can we stick to some plausible examples?

there is an economic benefit to dogfighting. just like the fur and rodeo industries.

its entirely plausible to sell dog meat, its just not being done. Im sorry if youre too small minded to understand that there is a demand for dogmeat in the pacific rim as wella s other areas and where there is a market there is a way.

One thing I do notice is that none of you antidogfighting people will answer this question: if we could sell the meat or the skins of the dogs, then should dogfighting still be illegal? And if it should remain illegal why?
Bob Sacamano;1510828 said:
just looked it up, and only Virginia has a sodomy law

kk so all the gay men and in virginia are terrible people but in the other 49 states they are alright according to your standard.
FuzzyLumpkins;1510833 said:
kk so all the gay men and in virginia are terrible people but in the other 49 states they are alright according to your standard.

it's only a matter of time before that law is overturned
Bob Sacamano;1510843 said:
it's only a matter of time before that law is overturned

well its only a matter of time before any governmenst laws cease to exist. but the fact of the matter is as of now it is a law and according to you thats all that matters.
FuzzyLumpkins;1510831 said:
there is an economic benefit to dogfighting. just like the fur and rodeo industries.

what is it?

FuzzyLumpkins said:
its entirely plausible to sell dog meat, its just not being done.

maybe because it's not plausible

FuzzyLumpkins said:
Im sorry if youre too small minded to understand that there is a demand for dogmeat in the pacific rim as wella s other areas and where there is a market there is a way.

then go write a letter to President Bush and tell him to get on it

FuzzyLumpkins said:
One thing I do notice is that none of you antidogfighting people will answer this question: if we could sell the meat or the skins of the dogs, then should dogfighting still be illegal? And if it should remain illegal why?

idk, it's kind of a stupid question
FuzzyLumpkins;1510845 said:
well its only a matter of time before any governmenst laws cease to exist. but the fact of the matter is as of now it is a law and according to you thats all that matters.

of course the law matters, and if you get caught sodomizing in VA, you should play the penalty for it

this still doesn't help you explain why breaking one law is nothing if it's "not as bad" as breaking another law, I'm not buying the, "we live in a world where it's acceptable to break the law", save the Dr. Phil bull****
Bob Sacamano;1510846 said:
what is it?

maybe because it's not plausible

then go write a letter to President Bush and tell him to get on it

idk, it's kind of a stupid question

copout. you refuse to answer the question because you know the answer you would give would discredit your entire position.
FuzzyLumpkins;1510852 said:
copout. you refuse to answer the question because you know the answer you would give would discredit your entire position.

no, I don't really no how to answer it, it's a stupid question

would anyone actually propose this as a way to make dog-fighting legal? I don't think the market for dog-meat is as big as you would like to believe, unless you can find a report where dogs are becoming an endangered species in a country or something

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