Twitter: Sources: Dez Bryant fires agent Eugene Parker


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I'm speaking from the prospective I like to see professional players get compensated for their hard work and get the most money they can. I've been following Dez's journey for awhile and happy to see his progress from a young man to one of the most dominant players in the NFL.

The whole "sarcastic" tone of your post wasn't necessary. Cowboys can afford to reward Dez for his hard work and effort out there week in and out. They've giving LOTS of money to players who haven't shown the same traits. Jerry's pocket book is fine. He can afford it.

I don't need a lecture about my thoughts on this. Obviously we disagree about winning championships. My format is not over paying on one player so that the entire team suffers. You on the other hand follow the player and his story, which I am equally familiar about and happy for him also. The cap is firm. It is NOT Jerry's pocketbook. If you stretch the cap then it will break at a weak area. WR is not so important of a position that "rewards" for excellent play need to break open the bank. And past overpayments are mistakes and don't make it right. You know 2 wrongs don't make it right. My sarcasm on the last post is out of astonishment of you're selfish view and if I were playing on the field I would give it to a player hard who hurt the team. Doesn't mean I don't love him. Just want to win.


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I don't need a lecture about my thoughts on this. Obviously we disagree about winning championships. My format is not over paying on one player so that the entire team suffers. You on the other hand follow the player and his story, which I am equally familiar about and happy for him also. The cap is firm. It is NOT Jerry's pocketbook. If you stretch the cap then it will break at a weak area. WR is not so important of a position that "rewards" for excellent play need to break open the bank. And past overpayments are mistakes and don't make it right. You know 2 wrongs don't make it right. My sarcasm on the last post is out of astonishment of you're selfish view and if I were playing on the field I would give it to a player hard who hurt the team. Doesn't mean I don't love him. Just want to win.

Ehhhhh I don't look at it as being selfish. These guys risk their health week in and out. I'm for them being compensated. I don't think its selfish to get what your market value is. And I have news for you. You can argue Dez is the most important player on this team. He's not just a "WR". Cowboys can afford to give Dez whatever he wants.

You sign a "team friendly" deal so what? You can overpay someone else?

The entire team won't suffer if Dez signs his market value. That's insane. There are 3 players on this team who are worthy of big money. That's Romo, Dez and Tyron. Having big money invested in those 3 won't hurt the Cowboys.


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Don't get it twisted. Dez wants big time money. Firing the agent is just the start of this circus. You will not see Dez and cap friendly in the same sentence when this deal gets done.


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You know i've always heard people say this about Dirk but Dirk is #5 ALL TIME of the highest grossing NBA players to ever play the game. So I always never understand what people say about Dirk taking a cut. He definitely took one this time but its easy to do when you have made over 200 million dollars.

To Romo's credit, he doesn't face nearly the injury risk or has he made that much money in the NFL. So I can respect Romo wanting to get his money.

All of this is true.

Dirk did take a monster pay cut though, regardless of what he earned before. His previous contract was so long ago, pretty much anyone remotely as good as him were getting the standard max or near max deals back then (and in their prime).

As for Dez; especially because he has not yet had that monster pay day and his still on his rookie deal, no one should expect him to not get very close to whatever is considered fair value for a top 6-7 (maybe 2nd, maybe 6th...who knows) best WR. His numbers line up well with about 5-6 other guys who are all about his age.


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All of this is true.

Dirk did take a monster pay cut though, regardless of what he earned before. His previous contract was so long ago, pretty much anyone remotely as good as him were getting the standard max or near max deals back then (and in their prime).

As for Dez; especially because he has not yet had that monster pay day and his still on his rookie deal, no one should expect him to not get very close to whatever is considered fair value for a top 6-7 (maybe 2nd, maybe 6th...who knows) best WR. His numbers line up well with about 5-6 other guys who are all about his age.

I agree with all the above. Jordy Nelson just re-upped last year? I'd imagine that's going to be brought up in the talks.

And you right. This last time Dirk did take a cut. He could've got far more many other places even being in his mid to late 30's. But he and Tim Duncan can do that making over 200 million in the NBA. And Dirk took the cut just for them to overpay Chandler Parsons lol. But it is what it is. Its the name of the game. Dirk's a legend around here and should be.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
i don't mind this at all. but like @Clove said, romo needs to contribute as well. him and dirk have very similar parallels. if an alltime great like dirk can do it after bringing a championship here then so can romo.

Oh, now you like a Romo stan?

I'll bet you any thing, that if the Cowboys need some money from Romo? He gladly helps out.

I remember....


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Jay Z isn't a business man. He's a business, man.

I'm not sure why people would be upset if he inked with Jay Z. Jay Z has the Midas touch going on.

Plus. He isn't the ****** that Rosenhaus is.

I mean at the end of the day, its Dez's decision. He fired an agent, many think he will take less money to stay here. If so, great. If he wants top 3 WR moneyand gets it - he negotiated fairly.

I dont know many people who go to salary negotiations on a new job and lowball themselves


The Boognish
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Eugene Parker was Smith's agent when he held out in 1993. He was Deion Sanders agent when he was taking narcissism to new heights.

Bold prediction: Dez and Garrett are both reupped by the bye week. He and Murray are friends. This whole team is tight. I expect a long deal similar to Witten and Smith's deals in structure and proportional to their positions.

The more I think about this development the more fired up I am about the future of the team. Several family members have had roots at the Pentagon over the years and there is a serious rivalry amongst cousins. Now we just need to destroy the skins and today will have been a good day.


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lol y'all trippin with that Jay z discussion. Let that man think how he wants to about hip hop clowns.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Not going to argue with you about your opinion, but facts are facts...Men Lie, Women Lie and numbers don't lie.....He has probably come from a place 10 times worse then were most of you guy on this board are from(Except me Camden, NJ) and has defied all odds to put his children in a much better state in life....THATS ALL THAT REALLY MATTERS ONCE WE LEAVE THIS closing....HATE MUCH DO YOU.....

Give it a rest. If you like him, that's your business. I don't.

You asked. I answered.

Too bad if you don't like the response.

I don't hold it for or against wherever or however a person grew up.


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Next person to inject race into this thread will be benched. I'd rather not do that please.

Honest question - does the race thing have to do with my Ed Sheeran is a white redheaded rapper comment? Or did someone else mention something? If so, I apologize for breaking the forum rules.

I do apologize for the scantily clad Beyonce, too.

I just love this forum and want to abide by the rules as well as I can.

Risen Star

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
If he ends up signing a team friendly deal, as Tyron did, then I feel pretty justified in my comment that they must sign Murray, if only to show that you are rewarded for your efforts.

You don't "reward" players for past achievements. You sign them to a contract you feel fits their projected future.

With Murray, smell ya later. Have fun elsewhere without this offensive line as you hit 30.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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You don't "reward" players for past achievements. You sign them to a contract you feel fits their projected future.

With Murray, smell ya later. Have fun elsewhere without this offensive line as you hit 30.

Is he 29?
I didn't think he was that old...


Kane Ala
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Honest question - does the race thing have to do with my Ed Sheeran is a white redheaded rapper comment? Or did someone else mention something? If so, I apologize for breaking the forum rules.

I do apologize for the scantily clad Beyonce, too.

I just love this forum and want to abide by the rules as well as I can.

I love scantily clad women but alas you can't do that here. Same goes with race.