Video: Speak: Are you with Troy on WR Routes? WR Scientist Irvin explains F = MA


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1. Keyshawn basically said Dallas wants to throw in first and second down. Irvin didn’t disagree with him. All you Dak fanboys were saying that Dallas just “runs” the ball on first and gets nothing. Of course I brought up the stats previously that showed Keyshawn was right.

2. Irvin said teams are shadowing Lamb. I told you guys after the Packers game, that’s all any team needs to do, because our early read QB can’t throw past his first read, unless he’s bailing pocket. Irvin himself said they need to guy to rush

3, Keyshawn himself said Mike McCarthy is also right, because of how the play may call for tue WRs to “delay” and even Irvin agreed with him.

4. Nothing if what is stated is WRs are lazy. What Irvin was saying is they try and dance around physical contact, instead of playing straight through the DB. That’s not being lazy... there were also all time greats like Revis that were faster on the snap and would be able to get underneath the WR to jam him at the line.

DBs aren’t playing press coverage all the time either. Dak is still trash in those cases. The running game isn’t necessarily going to dictate whether DBs press or not


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Good lord blame anyone but the players. I thought CD was a grown man. He makes more money than any WR in history. Little baby needs daddy to tell him what to do? Sounds like Dez all over again. So sick of these sad little losers.
He should be dedicated to his craft, like Irvin and Johnson were. its the little stuff that makes a difference. however, in this day and age of Cowboys, its all about the show and stats and he is focused on that and he has become a diva, throwing tantrums....

but coaching helps the guys lower in the pecking order. we are stocked with lower round players and UDFAs who are learning.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
They aren't taking plays off. Troy was saying he doesn't see them get off the line when they anticipate they aren't going to get the ball. Now you have to ask the reason why.. Slater reported after the Green Bay game last year that Dak panics when his first read isn't there. Everybody says Dak is an early progression QB. CC mentioned that Dak was being coached to bail pocket if his early reads weren't there after the bye week. All this proves is there is a disconnect with the WRs and the QB. We have been telling you for years before this story of Aikman the all-22 has WRs in the later reads being wide open, but bone-head gets locked into 1 WR,

All of it points to constant, the dummy behind center.
Someone’s not really paying attention. Come on you know what I know it. Everybody knows it.

Chuck 54

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WE saw plenty of creativity and motion, shifts, etc. last season. The offense was explosive.
It seems clear to me that McCarthy doesn't trust the OL to hold up. Maybe he's seen too many sacks and busted plays when he calls the better plays that take more than 2 seconds.