Would you be open to trading him for a 1st and combining that with our other 1st to maneuver up to the top spot to draft Myles Garrett DE from Texas A&M?
We'd probably need to give up more than just two 1sts but we'd be coming away with a stud DE to pair up with DLaw and we'd potentially have Jaylon smith coming around by then as well.
Offense is set, and defense is well on its way.
It depends. Does Dak continue to progress (namely on his touch on deep passes, and does he start taking snaps from behind center). Does he show progress through a whole 16-game season? His progressions are great, as is his poise. So he has two of the biggest psychological hurdles beat, already, which is
Are we certain that Dak offers the team a true-blue franchise QB? So far he has looked
great, but he needs to continue to develop. There have been many parallels to his start and that of Brady/Wilson, does this last a whole season (assuming the unlikely scenario that he does, in fact, start a full 16-game season, and Romo isn't given the keys back). Are we
sure that he isn't a one season wonder, or a glorified bus driver exploiting his many offensive talents and offensive-minded coaching staff? I think he's legit, but before a trade of a QB of Romo's magnitude and impact is traded, these questions
must be known. Do we trust our front office to make these franchise-altering assessments?
If you answer yes to all of the above, and you're pulling the trigger, then the trade
must be made to a team with a top three-five pick, as that will less impact our collateral damage (more premium picks given up) for a trade up for said pick. The good thing about your scenario is that there's a high likelihood that a team looking for a bonafide QB will be picking high up in the draft (tho, they may be looking for a younger prospect, but Romo is elite, so maybe a team bites). Plus, the Bradford trade, and Bradford isn't close to Romo talent-wise. So, for me, age and injury offset talent and we should get an equal return.
Its a lot of hypotheticals. And we've only played four games, so many of these hypotheticals can't be answered for some time.
It's an incredible risk, but a legit question, Egn.
I wouldn't do it, but I can see how others would.