Speculation: Henson is going to be Released in the next two weeks!!

MikeD17 said:
This is what Im getting from my Guy who works with the Cowboys. Rumor has it Henson is going to be cut and a Vet backup brought in. He's telling me that Jerry Jones tried to shop henson in the draft with no buyers

Would this be the same "inside source" that you claimed told you that the Boys were gonna draft a QB in this last draft??

Excuse me if I'm skeptical that you actually have a friend in the Cowboys' office, given that you claim to live in San Diego... and given that you've also claimed to have played poker on a number of occasions with Toniu Fonoti... this suggests to me that you might be a bit of an attention *****, trying to impress us with the important people you supposedly know... that would be in keeping with your claim of having made "six figures" selling light bulbs...

But if you do indeed have such a source, his track record for accuracy is pretty bad... even the one "prediction" I found that he got close to right, he got the date wrong (he claimed the Boys would sign Vanderjagt "today", today being 3/22, and Vandy actually signed the next day)...

Yeah, I'll file this away, and if Henson really is cut in the next 2 weeks, I'll post a public apology for doubting you in here... but if Henson is still a Cowboy on 6/23, well, let's just say that you'd be well advised to avoid making any future "predictions"...
MikeD17 said:
This is what Im getting from my Guy who works with the Cowboys. Rumor has it Henson is going to be cut and a Vet backup brought in. He's telling me that Jerry Jones tried to shop henson in the draft with no buyers and now they will probably just cut there ties with him since hes got an easy contract to back out of.

Also he told me during the Mini Camp Henson was constantly complaining about his injury he suffered in europe, some think as an excuse for his poor showing at the camp.

In anycase He tells me within 2 weeks henson will be Cut and that the browns did show some interest in him during the draft.
2 weeks huh?

Tried to trade him during the draft? Yet no news story about it? There was one about JJ, not Henson.

I believe this thread will come back to bite you in the butt Welcher.
Hostile said:
2 weeks huh?

Tried to trade him during the draft? Yet no news story about it? There was one about JJ, not Henson.

I believe this thread will come back to bite you in the butt Welcher.

We should also remember that Mike has been one of the most vociferous of the Henson haters for quite a while now... so perhaps an agenda is what we're seeing here...
silverbear said:
We should also remember that Mike has been one of the most vociferous of the Henson haters for quite a while now... so perhaps an agenda is what we're seeing here...
He's got a $500 bet with his own brother that Q will have had a better NFL career than Henson.

I don't believe him at all.
I believe.

Henson is not the future here and he will be leaving us sooner than later.
MikeD17 said:
This is what Im getting from my Guy who works with the Cowboys. Rumor has it Henson is going to be cut and a Vet backup brought in. He's telling me that Jerry Jones tried to shop henson in the draft with no buyers and now they will probably just cut there ties with him since hes got an easy contract to back out of.

Also he told me during the Mini Camp Henson was constantly complaining about his injury he suffered in europe, some think as an excuse for his poor showing at the camp.

In anycase He tells me within 2 weeks henson will be Cut and that the browns did show some interest in him during the draft.


thanks for b/s post of the day

really doubt any of the above actually happened or will take place...especially the part about trying to trade him and "constantly complaining about his injury"...he has never been that type of player, I really doubt he'd change his ways all of the sudden
dreamshatterer said:
I believe he is the only decent vet-QB that is out there. Can't thonk of anybody elses at the moment.

I think Anthony Wright is available:)
Whether it is nothing more than a made up story by this poster.

Whether it is a story he actually heard but will never come to pass or his source is full of bs.

No matter if he is telling the truth or flat out lying.

I would NOT be shocked at all if they indeed do intend to cut Henson.

I am not a Henson hater nor lover. I am not a Romo lover or hater.

I will just say that no matter how many on one side hate henson or the other loves him. No matter how many people cry bs or jump up celebrating.

I just would NOT be shocked if they indeed do intend to cut Henson.

I could see them wanting a vet to back up Bledsoe but to be honest I think if they cut him it would be for a cheaper 3rd string QB.

If you are paying a guy a decent wage hoping he will be a backup (2nd string QB) or eventual starter it is one thing. If the guy last year and from the start of things this year, seems to be nothing more than a 3rd stringer than I think teams would rather just get another prospect to develope but for much less.

So I am not saying it will happen or will not happen, but it would not shock me and in some ways I think I would half expect it to happen.
BrAinPaiNt said:
If you are paying a guy a decent wage hoping he will be a backup (2nd string QB) or eventual starter it is one thing. If the guy last year and from the start of things this year, seems to be nothing more than a 3rd stringer than I think teams would rather just get another prospect to develope but for much less.
Most of Henson’s base salary is guaranteed, so we would not save anything by cutting him.
If JJ had called teams to shop Henson during the draft it would have gotten out- like the rumors with JJ which were apparently one sided coming IN to the BOys instead of the boys shopping him. SO there is no way it would have been kept quiet. I suppose if JJ only talked to a couple of guys very quietly it MIGHT not have gotten out- butjust how likely is THAT?
I remain steadfast in the belief that we brought Henson in as a developmental prospect and plan to give him at least 3 years to develop before we make a decision on him
he told me its definatly going to happen. He said Dallas is just keeping him around so he has time to recover completly from his injury from europe this way he will be able to pass another teams physical

If he could not pass another teams physical, he would not have been participating in the mini camp.......next:laugh1:
BrAinPaiNt said:
Whether it is nothing more than a made up story by this poster.

Whether it is a story he actually heard but will never come to pass or his source is full of bs.

No matter if he is telling the truth or flat out lying.

I would NOT be shocked at all if they indeed do intend to cut Henson.

I am not a Henson hater nor lover. I am not a Romo lover or hater.

I will just say that no matter how many on one side hate henson or the other loves him. No matter how many people cry bs or jump up celebrating.

I just would NOT be shocked if they indeed do intend to cut Henson.

I could see them wanting a vet to back up Bledsoe but to be honest I think if they cut him it would be for a cheaper 3rd string QB.

If you are paying a guy a decent wage hoping he will be a backup (2nd string QB) or eventual starter it is one thing. If the guy last year and from the start of things this year, seems to be nothing more than a 3rd stringer than I think teams would rather just get another prospect to develope but for much less.

So I am not saying it will happen or will not happen, but it would not shock me and in some ways I think I would half expect it to happen.

You beat me to it, BP. I have no clue if this guy really has an inside source or not, but if I read the headline "Henson Cut" tomorrow it wouldn't faze me at all.

I didn't get a good vibe from Henson's mini-camp reports, and it seemed like they were spending a lot of extra time with him. I'm wondering if they are thinking there should be more progress in his third season.

It looks like there is a lot of smoke that Romo is "The One." We still have to see some fire, so I'm not annointing anybody anything, but if they come to the conclusion that Romo is better now than they expect Henson to be this year then it makes sense to cut ties with Drew and get a new project started.

Enter Mroz, who has done a lot of work with new QB coach Palmer. Hmmm.

Again, like you said, I have no personal stake in this at all - I like Henson and have been rooting for him since he was a Yankee farmhand. Just seems like going into his third year they expected more out of him.

I still think he'll make it into camp though.
Who really knows one way or the other. We just heard a glowing report from Z. Smith that Henson is very accurate and could be a player....

Others say its over and he's being released...lol

BP says he saw improvement, but wanted to see more ? Whatever that means ?

I'm pulling for the kid because I'd hate to see star somewhere else...But I could say the same for Romo...

With all of the Romo to NO talk, wouldn't it be ironic if it was Henson that Payton wants in NO ?...lol

I liked what I saw in NFLE...and to be honest, I think he did better than Bledsoe would have done their, due to the terrible protection. I think O-lines have it worse there because they just don't have enough time to jell as a unit.

I personally see no advantage to cut any QB now, since there is not anything better out there...Maybe later is someone or something opens up ? Who knows ?
Well, I would be surprised if this happened. If they were trying to shop Henson, does anyone believe Parcells would have made the comments he did in the recent press conference? I think not.

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