Speculation: Trade in the works?

BigDFan5 said:

Funny thing is he now tries to take credit for the TO scoop, hell the Lubbock article was posted here first thats why he wanted to discredit it so badly.

He has to do something to give his members the impression that they are getting something for their benjamins
Rack said:
RP's true colors shining through even brighter now...


1. How would he even know if Mods/Admins here were reading people's private messages? He wouldn't. Even if it were true, which I highly doubt, he wouldn't know. Period.

2. Why the **** would they fake traffic? Why? What would cowboyszone have to gain by faking traffic? This is a NON pay site. It's not like they'd make money from subscribers. That was just down right idiotic for RP to say.

3. "Fake-wanna-be" site. Real intelligent there, RP. So... if cz is a "Fake" Wanna-be" site, isn't that a good thing? They're faking to be a wanna-be site. :rolleyes:

RP is like school on sundays... no class.

Seriously, RP, the only people buying into your lies are the ignorant fools that don't have enough sense to see things for what they are. I bet 90% of the people over know how classless you are now.

Thats the thread BigDFan6-8 was banned in LOL
He obviously hasn't been here on draft day when the chat is going to fast to read and the posts get into the 1000's. Fake traffic :rolleyes:
When I first went looking for a board, I looked here and the RR. It wasn't even a close choice. I started here and NEVER looked back and have NEVER even read any more of their stuff. That was over 2 years ago. :cool:
Rack said:
RP's true colors shining through even brighter now...


1. How would he even know if Mods/Admins here were reading people's private messages? He wouldn't. Even if it were true, which I highly doubt, he wouldn't know. Period.

2. Why the **** would they fake traffic? Why? What would cowboyszone have to gain by faking traffic? This is a NON pay site. It's not like they'd make money from subscribers. That was just down right idiotic for RP to say.

3. "Fake-wanna-be" site. Real intelligent there, RP. So... if cz is a "Fake" Wanna-be" site, isn't that a good thing? They're faking to be a wanna-be site. :rolleyes:

RP is like school on sundays... no class.

Seriously, RP, the only people buying into your lies are the ignorant fools that don't have enough sense to see things for what they are. I bet 90% of the people over know how classless you are now.

They don't grow em any dumber than Roy Philputz.
I post on two boards this one and cowboys-forum.com

I like these two boards, I have never spent 5 minutes on that rr board and never will, I went over there for 2 seconds just now and saw all the threads about this trade and banning people etc.....

All that coming from a guy who is charging people? Holy cow. that is down in the dirt low. I really shutter at the idea of people paying for this type of information when you can get all of it for free.

I cant believe how unprofessional that dude is.

Anyway I like the two boards I post on, lots of us make vids and colloborate and enjoy each others posts, not charging for content and attacking people...

what a jerk.
Rush 2112 said:
They don't grow em any dumber than Roy Philputz.

I believe it was Hitler that said, "the bigger lie is the one people will most likely believe" or soemthing like that.

RP is telling some pretty big lies over there.

Edit: Yes I realize Hitler was a POS, evil person. But that doesn't make him stupid. You don't almost take over Europe if you're stupid.
You know you're low-rent when you allow "Ban this b*tch" emoticons.
I have a question, If his board is the best?

Howcome trickblues recaps are all over there forum.

Howcome my Drew Henson video is there with a whole bunch of threads and responses?

Interesting. They are getting stuff from this forum and cowboys-forum.com with no problems?
The resigning of KDavis raised my interest in the fact I think that could be a pre cusor to Roy being traded on Draft do OR cut at season's end for money reasons.
Poor Rack. It hurts the guy when he gets called out. He forgets that we have had mods in the past that have been mods over there.

It's okay bud. We'll still be here tomorrow. That's right ... with stories, with content, with better boards, with magazine coverage ... with everything.

I know it hurts.

Yes, it's true. It hurts.

LMAO for over an hour can will tend to cause some pain. I think I may have to take a tylenol.

And ummm... just wondering... when did I get called out? I don't recall getting called out. I must have missed that episode.

The odds of RW being traded are slim to none. If this was a real story, it would be all over ESPN by now. Let's all return to our regularly scheduled program, already in progress.
SteveOS said:
The odds of RW being traded are slim to none. If this was a real story, it would be all over ESPN by now. Let's all return to our regularly scheduled program, already in progress.

Yes.. Roy Williams if pretty much our franchise player.. We wouldn't let go of him..
SteveOS said:
The odds of RW being traded are slim to none. If this was a real story, it would be all over ESPN by now. Let's all return to our regularly scheduled program, already in progress.

Hey, Steve, when you get your hands on a copy of NCAA or Madden you need to come here and post some links to your reviews and stuff.

Can't f'in wait for NCAA to come out. Even if it isn't gonna have all the feature on the 360.
Rack said:
Hey, Steve, when you get your hands on a copy of NCAA or Madden you need to come here and post some links to your reviews and stuff.

Can't f'in wait for NCAA to come out. Even if it isn't gonna have all the feature on the 360.

Don't suppose you are also known as Rack over at maddenplanet.com, are you?
Rack said:
Hey, Steve, when you get your hands on a copy of NCAA or Madden you need to come here and post some links to your reviews and stuff.

Can't f'in wait for NCAA to come out. Even if it isn't gonna have all the feature on the 360.

Of course. :) I hope to get my debug 360 in a month or so. We'll see. I'll definitely have Xbox stuff though, as always :) I didn't know you visited OS, what is your username? Or do you just visit the main site?
acheman said:
I don't know the details as I am not a subscriber, I would bet there would be some other compensation on our end though, as the article speaks of top end talent Dallas is trying to get for basement prices.

Its not just Roy. The talk is aobut Dallas sending Roy with a draft pick (or 2) to Balt. in exchange for Reed and Lewis. I've seen it in serveral different places so far, and I say go for it. I know it hurts to think about losing Roy, but to get Reed AND Lewis, would be the deal of the decade IMO for Dallas.
thanks for the article. As for the draft pick, i think that surfaced later in the talks when the idea of Ellis going wasnt enough for baltimore (or wasnt what they wanted). Not sure wich.....but its a good idea, and if it happens, I dont think I'll be at the front of the "Explanation Demanding Line." I think Balt. would get a first rounder and we'd get a 3rd or 4th back......thats if Ellis isnt involved...
Gotta say I dont like this idea in any form I have read. How much does Ray ray have left in the tank? Hes not an elite player anymore. Reed is better then average but then we are inferior at SS.

I hope the boys say no.
Ashwynn said:
Gotta say I dont like this idea in any form I have read. How much does Ray ray have left in the tank? Hes not an elite player anymore. Reed is better then average but then we are inferior at SS.

I hope the boys say no.

Reed is better than average?

Then what's Roy? Average?

Reed is premier. Elite. Probably the best safety in the league.

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