Speculation: Trade in the works?

Jay9508 said:
look what team signed him, the Commanders. the team that is known for blowing major money on average players.

Which is irrelevant. Some team paid Archuleta the highes paid contract for a safety in NFL History.

That sets the market. Players/Agents look at past signings for setting the market for their contract negotiations.
Vintage said:
Which is irrelevant. Some team paid Archuleta the highes paid contract for a safety in NFL History.

That sets the market. Players/Agents look at past signings for setting the market for their contract negotiations.
I disagree Archuleta's contract set the market. I'm sure his contract was fully loaded w/funny money. I still think Roy will fall somewhere in between Donovan Darius, the last franchise SS and Archuleta.
Vintage said:
Again, depending on the contract Roy will demand (and given the fact that he is not as complete of a safety as Reed), could make for some interesting talks.

Esp. if Roy wants to be the highest paid safety in NFL History.

Which could happen, as he deserves it more so than Archuleta.

Though, Reed deserves it more so than both.

Good point, especially about Archuleta. I am sure every safety and his mama will want CB money now. This is the only way that I could see Dallas trading Roy for the moment. Though I do not doubt that someone made an offer, I highly doubt a trade ever comes off.
Vintage said:
Which is irrelevant. Some team paid Archuleta the highes paid contract for a safety in NFL History.

That sets the market. Players/Agents look at past signings for setting the market for their contract negotiations.
i see where you're coming from. but as far as i know, roy is not a high demander for money like T.O., i believe he just wants to play football.
Ok, this is what I would do, swap # one picks with Baltimore (dont get me wrong, I love Roy Williams, but he cant cover), also Baltimore has to throw in a # 3 or 4 round pick also, along with Ed Reed and Ray Lewis. In return, we give them Roy Willliams and Greg Ellis. Then, possibly we trade Ray Lewis for a 3rd rounder to a 4.3 defense, somone not in our defense, say Bengals as an example.

Then, we trade back down in draft, get an extra 2nd or 3rd, along with a 5th or 6th pick.

That would give us, say 15th to 20th pick in draft, right in front of 49ers and Giants, whom both want linebackers.
# 15th to 20th pick
# 2
extra # 2 or 3 trading down wtih someone for our 13th pick
# 3
extra # 3 or # 4 trading with baltimore
# 3 extra 3 for trading Ray Lewis to someone like Bengals
# 5
# 5 extra for trading down
# 6
# 7

That would give us 5-6 players in top 3 rounds, maybe along with a 4th rounder we dont have. You would still be able to get Manny Lawson or Bobby Carpenter, along with 2-3 extra draft picks in top 100.

Only weakness we would have is veteran leadership on defensive line for losing Greg Ellis. It takes defensive linemen 2-3 years to learn playing defensive line.
WoodysGirl said:
I disagree Archuleta's contract set the market. I'm sure his contract was fully loaded w/funny money. I still think Roy will fall somewhere in between Donovan Darius, the last franchise SS and Archuleta.

You can disagree with me all you want. And I can disagree with you all I want.

I guess we'll just wait until the offseason to find out. Either way, Roy is making some bank next year, for a safety.

I was hoping we'd extend Witten and Bradie's contracts before the season started. Especially Witten's....that way, worst case scenario, the franchise option is available for Roy, or vice versa.
CATCH17 said:
Not trying to get anything started but if your truly trying to take time to figure out what people think what do you think Roys thinking?

I'd probably say hes thinking that someone stole money from him by posting his stuff over here for free when he charges for it at the ranch.

I'm not gonna lie if I wanna read what Roy is charging for I just come over here sometimes and get it for free and I love it so no complaints from me. But if it were money coming out of my pocket I might get fired up as well.

1. What RP did was classless. Period.

2. Worried about the "money" they stole from him? OMG. How much money has HE stolen with the garbage he charges for?

Your rants are things of lore over there, lol.

That was the old Rack. I was in a dark place then... a dark place called The Ranch. :eek:

Which brings us back to square one. Adam was one of my favorite posters to read. As you well know, he no longer posts at the RR.

Doesn't it make you wonder?

Care to link me to that thread? I'd like to read it.

Sorry, but HELL no. That's way too much work to do and I'm not that motivated.

Just click on adam's profile and click "Threads started by Adam". If you're lucky the RW bit will be a thread he actually started instead of somethign he posted in some other thread. He doesn't start an insane amount of threads and it wasn't that long ago so if he started a thread about it, it won't be too difficult to find.

His pass coverage skills are not better than Reed's run support.

I believe that they are. Or at least jsut as good. Like I said, Roy gets a bad rap. Undeserving.

People tend to let the negative stick out more then the positive, but there were plenty of positive coverage plays for Roy last year. No one remembers those though.

Woodson was better in coverage IMO than Roy.

I agree. But Woodson was exceptional in coverage. Not many SS's can line up as a CB in your nickel defense.
jdub2k4 said:
Good point, especially about Archuleta. I am sure every safety and his mama will want CB money now. This is the only way that I could see Dallas trading Roy for the moment. Though I do not doubt that someone made an offer, I highly doubt a trade ever comes off.

I don't think a deal will ever be made either.

And the article said the deal was virtually dead.

My whole point is, if it is/was available, we'd be fools not to consider it.
I know im not the only 1 whole thinks this but JJ will be getting some hardcore hate mail if he trades away roy for ANY1! And not just cuz i bought his jersey last year
CATCH17 said:
I'd probably say hes thinking that someone stole money from him by posting his stuff over here for free when he charges for it at the ranch.

Yet he is throwing his hissy fit when the made up story was not even posted here
Vintage said:
You can disagree with me all you want. And I can disagree with you all I want.
of course that's why this is a message board...

I guess we'll just wait until the offseason to find out. Either way, Roy is making some bank next year, for a safety.

I was hoping we'd extend Witten and Bradie's contracts before the season started. Especially Witten's....that way, worst case scenario, the franchise option is available for Roy, or vice versa.
Roy will make big bank next year. No doubt. I don't think anyone would suggest otherwise. It's more a matter of how much and should we think that Archuleta and his phony-baloney contract set the market? I don't think so. The way the Commanders do business suggest that Archuleta will never see the bulk of that money. I think, numbers wise, Roy may come out less, but the overall value of the contract will be more...
CATCH17 said:
Not trying to get anything started but if your truly trying to take time to figure out what people think what do you think Roys thinking?

I'd probably say hes thinking that someone stole money from him by posting his stuff over here for free when he charges for it at the ranch.

I'm not gonna lie if I wanna read what Roy is charging for I just come over here sometimes and get it for free and I love it so no complaints from me. But if it were money coming out of my pocket I might get fired up as well.

Dude, you have to be kidding.

There is no excuse at all for posting bold lies about good people to try and make himself look better. Actually he is making himself look like a fool. He claims to be running a business, that is not how you do it.

The reason he is so defensive is because he has to defend what most people know is a bunch of BS. The only way to cover up his BS is to serve you more BS. He looks like a little child over there.

Anyone with an ounce of sense that is reading what he has to say today about this site would know he is lying, and that should be all you need to know. Roy is a liar!

Period! End of Sentence.
Anyone with an ounce of sense that is reading what he has to say today about this site would know he is lying, and that should be all you need to know. Roy is a liar!

So you've never seen his articles posted over here?

It was pretty much said what the article said over here and I don't think he is just all of a sudden getting mad about this. Obviously.

I now know Baltimore contacted Dallas and offered this trade.

And im telling you a lot of the info that he is posting isn't BS. I used to be just as critical as anyone but he has proven himself.

He even gave an article away not to long ago just to show his credibility, not to mention links to other articles he posted way in advance to some of the stories ever breaking.
It's been asked 3 times already, but I'll go again.

Please name one story Philputz has broken.

I noticed he's real quick on the delete button when he bashes someone else "breaking" a story that actually turns out to be true.

Had the Lubbock scoop on TO up and down off the site inside of 15 minutes.

Happened so late most members never knew.

He does what most of us did in HS.

Take someone else's work and just re-word it a bit to make it "his own".

His only source is google.
I need to get out more in the virtual world. I never realized there was a message board feud going on. ;)
Rush 2112 said:
It's been asked 3 times already, but I'll go again.

Please name one story Philputz has broken.

I noticed he's real quick on the delete button when he bashes someone else "breaking" a story that actually turns out to be true.

Had the Lubbock scoop on TO up and down off the site inside of 15 minutes.

Happened so late most members never knew.

He does what most of us did in HS.

Take someone else's work and just re-word it a bit to make it "his own".

His only source is google.


Funny thing is he now tries to take credit for the TO scoop, hell the Lubbock article was posted here first thats why he wanted to discredit it so badly.
TruBlueCowboy said:
I need to get out more in the virtual world. I never realized there was a message board feud going on. ;)

I just got banned for my 4th time today :(

Don't dare question the fuhrer
peplaw06 said:
Well Reed is better in coverage, Roy better in the box. Maybe they have another FS waiting to take over for Reed, or are targeting one in the draft. Still think it's BS, but that maybe what is going on behind this.

I disagree. I think Reed is better all the way around. He does not deliver the sledge hammer hits, but he makes plays that really count. He rarely misses a tackle; goes for the sure take down. I have always had a problem w/Roy not playing the ball and going headhunting. Also, I think it is easier to draft a strong safety than a free safety. I would take Reed straight up for Roy in a NY minute.
RP's true colors shining through even brighter now...

Thank you. Woodysgirl has been doing that consistently for the last year. Believe me, there's nothing classy about that site and I've had enough of their CRAP to be quiet about it a second longer.

The minute I see something over there questioning ANYTHING about ********Report.com, they are going to get called out.

That's right, called out.

1) Called out for the mods reading people's private messages.
2) Called out for faking traffic they don't have.
3) Called out for being the fake-wanna-be site they pretend to be.

Get real.


1. How would he even know if Mods/Admins here were reading people's private messages? He wouldn't. Even if it were true, which I highly doubt, he wouldn't know. Period.

2. Why the **** would they fake traffic? Why? What would cowboyszone have to gain by faking traffic? This is a NON pay site. It's not like they'd make money from subscribers. That was just down right idiotic for RP to say.

3. "Fake-wanna-be" site. Real intelligent there, RP. So... if cz is a "Fake" Wanna-be" site, isn't that a good thing? They're faking to be a wanna-be site. :rolleyes:

RP is like school on sundays... no class.

Seriously, RP, the only people buying into your lies are the ignorant fools that don't have enough sense to see things for what they are. I bet 90% of the people over know how classless you are now.

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