*SPOILERS*The Walking Dead Season 4– First half of season

That's actually a great idea, maybe a moat of sorts?

The challenge with any sort of depression is that unless you clean it out regularly the lame-brains will simply fill it up and navigate over one another.

I can understand not wanting to venture outside the gate too often to deal with the undead.

Fire would be a great weapon... Have no idea why we haven't seen more of it except for the pit-sequence last season. Spray them with gas and burn them while they're next to the fence. Burning may stop them totally but it sure would incapacitate them enough that they could be handled without much danger.
One of the things that does bother me as far as the realism goes is the absence of critters feeding on the bodies either as totally dead or as the walking dead. They're rotting meat. Crows and other critters should be all over them... moving or not.
The challenge with any sort of depression is that unless you clean it out regularly the lame-brains will simply fill it up and navigate over one another.

I can understand not wanting to venture outside the gate too often to deal with the undead.

Fire would be a great weapon... Have no idea why we haven't seen more of it except for the pit-sequence last season. Spray them with gas and burn them while they're next to the fence. Burning may stop them totally but it sure would incapacitate them enough that they could be handled without much danger.

I guess the only concern would be whether or not it would burn out of control.
One of the things that does bother me as far as the realism goes is the absence of critters feeding on the bodies either as totally dead or as the walking dead. They're rotting meat. Crows and other critters should be all over them... moving or not.

That's actually a great point, didn't think about that.
Episode 3 of the season. Comment away...

An OK episode.

They kind of alternate an OK episode with a very good one.

Surprised that Rick won the fight so handily.

Also not surprised who killed Karen and David. Knew it would be someone that you wouldn't immediately point at.
Episode 3 of the season. Comment away...

An OK episode.

They kind of alternate an OK episode with a very good one.

Surprised that Rick won the fight so handily.

Also not surprised who killed Karen and David. Knew it would be someone that you wouldn't immediately point at.

it was like a state fair of zombies out there while trying to get meds. now they could be up to 50 miles from the prison and on foot. with 10,000 zombies herding their way.

and no, i never saw carol coming with that one.
Episode 3 of the season. Comment away...

An OK episode.

They kind of alternate an OK episode with a very good one.

Surprised that Rick won the fight so handily.

Also not surprised who killed Karen and David. Knew it would be someone that you wouldn't immediately point at.
I was surprised they didn't drag it out further though
I thought the episode was pretty decent. Seems like this flu make carry over another couple episodes. I'm assuming they get their hands on meds. If not, we will need another cast.
They made it seem this episode that nobody was off limits to be killed. No one of importance actually died, but normally I don't usually get the feeling any of the main characters are in any actual danger.
Was Carol the one feeding the rats to the zombies?

I don't think so.

They still have not said who was doing that but I don't think it was Carol.

Carol killing the two people that got infected early could be her way of trying to stop the infection from spreading and doing it for the good of the rest of the group.

Getting the water out on her own although Rick said to wait...her mindset is that the people need the water so she will do it for what she thinks is best for the group.

Teaching the young children how to kill the zombies with a knife in her mind is helping the group by getting the young people ready to defend themselves.

Feeding rats to the zombies to get them to cluster up by the fence serves no purpose in helping the rest of the group so I don't think it was her.
Great episode, I wonder if the hurd is heading towards the prison.
The only suspect at this point for feeding the rats is that one little girl who named the walkers.

I really think the excuse for taking that car was pretty dumb. I think you are always safer in a truck and I would also think people would be tricking them out for protection and killing walkers easier.
Good episode but it being Carol was a letdown for me.

I was hoping it was someone trying to stir up trouble, possibly something that would lead to the fact that the Gov. sent someone to do some sabatoge type stuff in retaliation for losing the fight last season.

It being Carol was just...eh. It' someone doing what they think is right and needs to be done for the good of everyone else. That was just, again....eh.
This episode was better...I think I've mentioned it before, probably even in this thread, but don't read the freaking comics lol

If you did, you knew that Tyrese was going to come back even after he went surrounded. Thats pulled directly, though in the comic it happens pretty much when they first get to the prison while they are clearing it out.

I'm really interested to see how they plan on reacting to the herd. I guess it will be the combination of that and the spreading virus that is going to be the reason they leave the prison.

But I'm still really confused about how the governor is going to be re-introduced since they had Darryl say that the trail had gone cold. They should have just killed him off and been done with it.
‘Walking Dead’ Beats World Series, ‘Sunday Night Football’ in Key Demo

The Walking Dead” is still going strong, racking up 12.9 million viewers Sunday despite competition from the NFL and the World Series. It beat both “Sunday Night Football” and the series in the key demographic, though both beat it in total viewers.

The show earned 8.6 million in the key 18-49 demographic for a 6.8 rating, better than the 5.6 for “Sunday Night Football,” TV’s top show, or baseball, which had a 4.4. But NFL overrun of the Denver Broncos-Washington Commanders game on Fox did outscore the AMC zombie drama with a 7.8.

The zombies had 12.9 million total viewers compared to 14.9 million the “SNF” matchup between the Green Bay Packers vs. Minnesota Vikings and the 15.4 million for Game 4 of the World Series between the St. Louis Cardinals and Boston Red Sox. Denver-Washington had 22.8 million total viewers.

For the rest ---> http://tv.yahoo.com/news/walking-dead-earns-strong-12-9-million-viewers-173215061.html
One of the things that does bother me as far as the realism goes is the absence of critters feeding on the bodies either as totally dead or as the walking dead. They're rotting meat. Crows and other critters should be all over them... moving or not.

Maybe animals do try to feed off them. And are quickly killed and eaten.

They've already shown that walkers will eat animals. When they cut open that walker looking for Sophia and found a muskrat. And also using rats to bait them. I'm sure it wouldn't be much for them to grab a wolf/coyote/crow and chow down on them while they were trying to get a quick bite off of them.
Maybe animals do try to feed off them. And are quickly killed and eaten.

They've already shown that walkers will eat animals. When they cut open that walker looking for Sophia and found a muskrat. And also using rats to bait them. I'm sure it wouldn't be much for them to grab a wolf/coyote/crow and chow down on them while they were trying to get a quick bite off of them.

But a bird or a flock of them could swoop down and pluck chunks of flesh out of them without much danger of being bite. And it's not like the zombies have (or should have) the arm speed to grab faster critters or birds. We know the walking dead have a stench. The ones out there ambling about singly should be easy pickins.

And what about the zombie laying against the trunk of the tree? In real life flies and their larvae would have reduced that still (kinda) moving body to a skeleton in no time at all... Especially in the heat/humidity of Georgia.

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