Sporting News ranks NFL head coaches - JG 23rd

It looks about right to me. He'll probably be lower after some of the new NFL coaches actually start coaching games. But he's still in training so he should get better. lol
you guys clearly dont actually watch the nfl. follow the bears and their team and you will see how good of a coach trestman is.

didnt we play the bears last year? oh yeah we did...pretty sure we got ambushed

8-8 is only 8-8 when it's in Dallas. I figured everyone knew that rule by now.

Well his starting QB was out for a few games. That explains his greatness. Garrett never had to overcome anything like that.
maybe you should see what kind of performances his scrub backup qb put up...thanks to trestman that fool had an amazing season...try watching other teams play every once in a while...
Seems Brandt never really has anything good to say about the Cowboys.
I think he's still bitter Jerry came in and bought the team....
It looks about right to me. He'll probably be lower after some of the new NFL coaches actually start coaching games. But he's still in training so he should get better. lol

I am impressed by Garrett's ability to take five years to implement his three year plan. I know it is a process to gather the RKGs and stack good days on top of good days, but his ability to keep his job shows me that he is one heck of a salesman and he really is a smooth talker. It also shows me that he is a yes man and that he follows Jerry's orders. There is a good chance that he can keep his job as HC for another ten years if he can keep the team playing .500 football. Garrett has a career waiting on him when the fan pressure forces Jerry to fire him and hire another coach. I think he will make a great used car salesman. He sure sold Jerry on the ideal that he was qualified to be the HC of America's Team.
maybe you should see what kind of performances his scrub backup qb put up...thanks to trestman that fool had an amazing season...try watching other teams play every once in a while...

Wow. 3-4 with McCown in there. Impressive.
You are never as good or as bad as the media makes you out to be but, the old adage, "You're only as good as your last game" is still true.
Wow. 3-4 with McCown in there. Impressive.

maybe you should read what i wrote - look at mccowns performances...

mccown didnt start 7 games...nice try

they were 3-2 with Mccown yeah, that isnt bad at all
maybe you should read what i wrote - look at mccowns performances...

mccown didnt start 7 games...nice try

they were 3-2 with Mccown yeah, that isnt bad at all

McCown had 20 attempts against Washington. Cutler had 8. You can put that one in McCowns L column. So 3-3. Big whoop
maybe you should see what kind of performances his scrub backup qb put up...thanks to trestman that fool had an amazing season...try watching other teams play every once in a while...

I saw the Bears play. They were ok. I didn't see them play any all world greatness no matter who their QB or Coach was. They were up and down and ok but nothing to write home about. Pretty much exactly how the Cowboys were.
McCown had 20 attempts against Washington. Cutler had 8. You can put that one in McCowns L column. So 3-3. Big whoop

Yeah, too bad thats not how it works. And its beside the point, trestman did a great job w him.
Yeah, too bad thats not how it works. And its beside the point, trestman did a great job w him.

Yes. Let's just worry about who started. Who played most of the game is totally irrelevant. Unless you live in reality.
McCown had 20 attempts against Washington. Cutler had 8. You can put that one in McCowns L column. So 3-3. Big whoop

That's fair but honestly, if you think the Tony is good at 8-8 (not saying you are, just trying to make a point), then it's hard to downgrade McCown for 3-3 IMO.
That's fair but honestly, if you think the Tony is good at 8-8 (not saying you are, just trying to make a point), then it's hard to downgrade McCown for 3-3 IMO.

Sure. But it is inconsistent as evidence of Trestman being a stud. Also, Tony was 8-7

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