I am a Jason supporter. I think he has done a pretty good job, and I tend to expect the players to make plays and I don't hold a coach accountable for Dez dropping a pass that cost us a game this year, or the QB throwing stupid int that cost us a game or two this year, etc. Those are players not making plays. Now It seems the biggest issue on this debate is that Garrett didn't tell the RB to not score. The calls were not aggressive calls, 2 run plays. You have a 13 year vet as QB and a 7 year VET as a RB. Do they really need to be reminded of the situation or should the coach expect them to know what to do in these situations as they have been gone over and over in practice?
But here is my question, for all those that are killing Jason for scoring a TD. Once McFadden ran out of bounds, it was 2nd and 1 and Washington had two time outs. So the option of taking a knee(which i can't think of one team ever in the same situation that has taken a knee).. but it was out. it would have done no good what so ever to take a knee at that point. So, we need to pick up the first down in order to actually burn time off the clock. So we run the ball, straight up the gut. What would you have had him do there? Tell everyone to not block but for a yard gain only? Again, these situations are gone over and over and over again at practice.
I really don't get the outcry over this. In a perfect world, yes he would have been tackled before scoring. Or he would have just fell down. either one works. But its not like Garrett called a double reverse WR screen trying to score a TD there. He ran the ball up the middle,the most basic play. We haven't ran the ball for 9 yards all night up the middle. I would also be willing to bet my house that he same ones that are crying and screaming that we won the game would be the first one in here calling him ball less if he had played for the FG there and we somehow lost.