News: ST: It's on: Jerry Jones to fight reimbursing the NFL more than $2 million in legal fees


You Can't Fix Stupid
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Jerry's chances of beating Goodell at anything is the equivalent of throwing a challenge flag when it's blatantly obvious the call was correctly made to begin with..........Jerry knows he's not going to win this but it keeps him in the headlines.


Landry Hat
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Jerry's chances of beating Goodell at anything is the equivalent of throwing a challenge flag when it's blatantly obvious the call was correctly made to begin with..........Jerry knows he's not going to win this but it keeps him in the headlines.
He will win


Well-Known Member
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He can fight all he wants. They gave the commish the power to dole these things out so there is nothing he can do. He'll wind up paying it.

The owners gave Goodell full power to do these things. There really is no fighting it.


Well-Known Member
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He can fight all he wants. They gave the commish the power to dole these things out so there is nothing he can do. He'll wind up paying it.

The owners gave Goodell full power to do these things. There really is no fighting it.
in court that might not work. Depends on the judge as we saw with Zeke. IF we had lucked out with a different judge things could be very different right now. and who ended up deciding that case was by pure luck someone that was married to a lawyer who had worked on the CBA for the NFL; talk about a conflict of interest! I never understood why Zeke's lawyers did not try and appeal for that very reason.


Well-Known Member
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Jerry may have a case here. This rule was put in decades ago because the NFL was tired of dealing with Al Davis although it seldom is used. It was not used in Deflategate with Tom Brady which cost the NFL a lot more in legal fees than the Elliott's case. Hmm wonder why? Also The legal fees are Elliott and the players unions, not Jerry although the NFL can argue if they prove that Jerry helped in that but what team is not going to back it player.


Well-Known Member
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in court that might not work. Depends on the judge as we saw with Zeke. IF we had lucked out with a different judge things could be very different right now. and who ended up deciding that case was by pure luck someone that was married to a lawyer who had worked on the CBA for the NFL; talk about a conflict of interest! I never understood why Zeke's lawyers did not try and appeal for that very reason.

They'll just keep taking it to different judges and levels until they win. Just like with Zeke. At some point a judge will admit this isn't an issue worth bringing in front of a judge, as Goodell is only exercising contractually given power.


Well-Known Member
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Jerry's chances of beating Goodell at anything is the equivalent of throwing a challenge flag when it's blatantly obvious the call was correctly made to begin with..........Jerry knows he's not going to win this but it keeps him in the headlines.
As i understand the issue it is certain owners (those who despise jerry) that are insisting this action be taken. It wasn't originated by goodell. But it is the rules. I think goodell would rather the open hostility between owners would go away. Not good for the NFL.


Well-Known Member
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As i understand the issue it is certain owners (those who despise jerry) that are insisting this action be taken. It wasn't originated by goodell. But it is the rules. I think goodell would rather the open hostility between owners would go away. Not good for the NFL.

I think the rule is that they can recover fees if you sue them, right? Jerry didn't sue the league. I wonder how they plan to argue this. Also, they didn't enforce this rule during the deflategate issue. So you have a rule that is decades old, and you are trying to recover legal costs from someone that did not sue you, and this is after not enforcing the rule in a much bigger case. Yup, the league has a great case!

I really hope Jerry fights this to the end but we know that won't happen. The other owners want Jerry to suffer a little bit at least.


Well-Known Member
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As i understand the issue it is certain owners (those who despise jerry) that are insisting this action be taken. It wasn't originated by goodell. But it is the rules. I think goodell would rather the open hostility between owners would go away. Not good for the NFL.

Exactly.................I'm the last guy to defend Goodell after what he did to Zeke, but this is not Goodell trying to get payback against Jerry for holding up his contract or anything. This is a certain group of owners (like Mara, Kraft, Blank) that are pushing the Commish to force Jerry to payback the league because they hate Jerry.

Just like the reports that it was a certain group of owners telling Goodell that he better not go easy on Zeke.

For some reason, a handful of owners are really pissed at Jerry and are using every opportunity they can to try to get some payback. I don't know what Jerry did to them, maybe pissed in their Cheerios or maybe got caught banging their wives or something, but they are super pissed right now at him.


Well-Known Member
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I think the rule is that they can recover fees if you sue them, right? Jerry didn't sue the league. I wonder how they plan to argue this. Also, they didn't enforce this rule during the deflategate issue. So you have a rule that is decades old, and you are trying to recover legal costs from someone that did not sue you, and this is after not enforcing the rule in a much bigger case. Yup, the league has a great case!

I really hope Jerry fights this to the end but we know that won't happen. The other owners want Jerry to suffer a little bit at least.
it just may be that those owners dislike jerry more than kraft. he still has his followers, as evidenced by his influence in getting the rams to move to los angeles. but obviously, there are those who don't care for the guy.


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I will take whatever opinion I like. You don't like the answer. Nobody is worried about your "blowback". Like the league, I don't much care either. What I said is true. You can believe it or not. Either way, in a few month, I will not hear from you on this and that will be fine.

Jerry will pay, now or later and the longer he waits, the bigger story it becomes. All of that is true and doesn't matter how much you want to argue that point. That's what will happen.

I will tell you this thou, your entire post is an example of what happens when you don't bother to read. I never said that Jerry was stupid for helping Zeke. I said that Jerry was stupid for taking the position he did in this thing. I will ask you again, exactly how much did Jerry help Zeke in all of this? The original suspension was 6 games. What did Zeke end up doing?

You say that "Zeke almost won" but how can you know this? Nothing that I ever saw, from day one, convinced me that Jerry had a snowballs chance in hell of winning that and a lot of people who were paying attention called that from the outset. Change of venue didn't help but it doesn't really matter, it was eventually going to get overturned anyway because the law was very clear on this issue. The CBA is what matters and there was no proof that the terms outline in that were violated.

You say that exposing the "witchhunt" was worth the entire thing. Well, here is what I will tell you about that. Those who believe it was a witchhunt, didn't need it to be exposed. They already knew what it was, long before any of this happened. Those who don't believe that, are no more convinced today that it was, then they were before. So where, exactly, is the worth?

Jerry could have counseled Zeke to work with the NFL and get a reduction in games. He could have helped to negotiate that but that didn't happen. Now, the usual response that you get when you suggest this is, "What kind of man admits to something he didn't do?" I would say that if that's the position you want to take, that's fine but smoothing that over is where Jerry could have helped. Instead, he took a position that he could not win and it helped nothing. It only hurt the team. Jerry's job, as GM and owner is not to fight a crusade on behalf of one player IMO. His job is to help the team win championships IMO. What he did last year did not help that goal, at all.

Have a holy war if you wish but it's not going to matter, any more then it did before. The same folks who didn't want to hear that argument will not care. The League will not care and Jerry will eventually pay. That is my opinion.


Loud pipes saves lives.
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it just may be that those owners dislike jerry more than kraft. he still has his followers, as evidenced by his influence in getting the rams to move to los angeles. but obviously, there are those who don't care for the guy.

What handful of owners are after Jerry? Maybe Jerry is appealing just to get this information.

Personally, I would like to face my accusers, maybe he is smoking them out and finding out "officially" who they are and put them on record. Then, he sends out Larry Allen to "Speak" to them.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
What handful of owners are after Jerry? Maybe Jerry is appealing just to get this information.

Personally, I would like to face my accusers, maybe he is smoking them out and finding out "officially" who they are and put them on record. Then, he sends out Larry Allen to "Speak" to them.
He knows, he threatened to sue them after approving their negotiating of the extension. And when he threatened to sue, he turned all of them against him. Fat cats don't like being openly threatened.

Booger believes his own BS and thinks he's bigger than the NFL. He is not nearly the biggest fish in that pond.


Lightning Rod
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You paint an interesting picture. I wonder how you would stand up to the light of day? You are a guy who thinks money is everything, who thinks anybody who doesn't overspend on material things is lessor and who objectifies women on the daily, yet claims to love them all.

Work on you Canadian, you got enough going on all by yourself.

I don't objectify chicks in the least.

Did you marry the first woman to kiss you? Asking for a friend.


Lightning Rod
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Do you know what the NFL incurred, with regards to expense? If you do, post it. However, you didn't answer the question. If it cost you money to have to defend yourself, wouldn't you want to recompense that cost? It's a yes or no question.

they did not incur two million because Jerry's organization swore two affidavits regarding the irreparable harm. The irreparable harm argument was already there with the witchhunt against Zeke. If they don't go rogue and suspend him for nothing, and then set up a rubber stamp appeal, this never happens.

The NFL is only going after Jerry because Goody wants to prove his manhood is bigger than Jerry's. If you think this is legit, then I have a bridge to sell you.


Well-Known Member
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If Jerry has to pay, hope he gets the 2million in pennies to pay the league office. Now that would be funny seeing a dump truck deliver the fine with the driver wearing Roger the clown shirt. Draft idea for those attending this years event. Imagine seeing 60 to 90 thousand fans wearing these shirts. Someone can make a fortune!