News: ST: Why the Cowboys believe new QB coach Kellen Moore is a future coaching star


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The lack of experience Moore has is relevant. Several weeks ago Stephen Jones acknowledged Moore’s lack of experience and that the Cowboys may opt for a more experienced QB coach.

I never disputed that his lack of experience as a coach is relevant.


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Did you notice that Dak couldn't throw a deep or mid range out pattern to save his life. Many throws were too high, too far in front, or behind his receivers. If your habits and mechanics are off, it won't do you a bit of good to read a defense if you can't hit the receiver down field.

I didn't say working on mechanics isn't important, I just said that isn't all there is to being a QB coach.
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Quick, tell us what present Cowboys QB beat Moore out for a starting position?
And yet Moore is going to teach the QB that beat him out, how to be a better QB?
That should prove to be interesting.

Your point is irrelevant because there is no historical link between being a high quality NFL player and being a high quality NFL coach. As I've said before, if being a high quality NFL player were a requirement to be a high quality NFL coach, there would be almost no high quality coaches in the NFL at all. There are zero QB coaches currently in the NFL that made a mark as an NFL player, and actually only a couple that even made it to the NFL as a player at all. Several NFL QB coaches weren't even QB's at whatever level of football they reached as a player.

Look around the NFL and make note of all the coaches that you believe are high quality coaches - not just QB coaches, but head coaches and coordinators and position coaches. You will find that very few even played in the NFL at all, and of those that did, only a small percentage were high quality players.


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I didn't say working on mechanics isn't important, I just said that isn't all there is to being a QB coach.
Kellen Moore is an unknown quantity. Instead of hoping that he can help Dak improve, a trainer that has a track record would be in the teams and Daks best interests going forward.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I never disputed that his lack of experience as a coach is relevant.

You said ”many of the reasons people give for not liking it aren't really relevant.” Many of the reasons that are being given are that he doesn’t have enough experience.


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You said ”many of the reasons people give for not liking it aren't really relevant.” Many of the reasons that are being given are that he doesn’t have enough experience.

I also talked about there being some reasons that are relevant . If you want to have a reasonable discussion you can't just pick and choose what you want to pay attention to and ignore what doesn't suit you.


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Kellen Moore is an unknown quantity. Instead of hoping that he can help Dak improve, a trainer that has a track record would be in the teams and Daks best interests going forward.

A trainer? Again, you seem to think mechanics are all that matter, and that's just not true. Granted that is an important element, but that's far from the entire job.

As for "hoping" Moore can help Dak, granted Moore's like of experience in a formal coaching role is a bit of a concern, but it's not as if the Cowboys would be taking a wild shot in the dark with someone they are completely unfamiliar with. The team is very familiar with him and his mindset and work ethic and understanding of the game and the offense, plus both Romo and Prescott have spoken very highly of Moore and his help to them in preparing for games.

I've also made the point that Josh McDaniel, who is the current Patriots O-Coordinator, and supposedly will be the new head coach for the Colts, was given the QB coaching job in New England in 2004 at only 28 years old and with only 2 years as a DEFENSIVE assistant coach under his belt, and after having not played QB since high school. Obviously we can't know that Moore will do as well as McDaniel has, but it does speak to the fact that years of being a QB coach isn't a necessity.
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Kellen Moore is a future superstar of coaching because they hired him and he's Linehan's cabana boy. And he looks really cool in a leather helmet.

If you could taste his margarita's an Mai Tai's you wouldn't be so hard on him, and he always make's sure the drinks are full.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I also talked about there being some reasons that are relevant . If you want to have a reasonable discussion you can't just pick and choose what you want to pay attention to and ignore what doesn't suit you.

You’re the one who’s been pushing for a discussion on this topic, I wanted to move on after we shared our opinions. It’s not a topic that’s worth a lengthy discussion. This is a reasonable discussion. It’s clear by reading your posts that you don’t think experience is that important. You brought up Josh McDaniels and his lack of experience but he had several years of coaching experience before becoming the Pats QB coach. You mentioned Brad Van Pelt and his lack of experience when he became a QB coach. You keep devaluing experience.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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I think JJ isnt quite as involved as one might believe. I think those powers have been deferred over to others like Stephen and Charlotte. I think they just let Jerry "THINK" he's giving solid input. Final decisions are Stephens to make and on rare occasion JJ jumps in. See the Manziel ordeal.
Nothing suggests this. Especially the Charlotte part. She has particular parts of the business and certainly not much to do with talent acquisition or the coaching staff. Other than playing footsie with Garrett under the draft day table.

I know it is cute to think he is the doddering old man who everyone ignores and humors, but until someone that matters says it, I will take Jerry Jones' word for who has the final say.


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Except my comments. I want all y'all to take them as gospel and not argue with me. Even if they seem a bit odd, give them some time to marinate in there and you will accept them or forget them. And throw a Like in there just in case I was right. Especially if you know I am wrong. I am into pity Likes.
your style is inimitable, coach. and please accept my pity like.:)


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Why the Cowboys believe new QB coach Kellen Moore is a future coaching star


The Dallas Cowboys are turning to former backup QB Kellen Moore to serve as the QB coach going forward.

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You just can't make this stuff up
You just can't


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Your point is irrelevant because there is no historical link between being a high quality NFL player and being a high quality NFL coach. As I've said before, if being a high quality NFL player were a requirement to be a high quality NFL coach, there would be almost no high quality coaches in the NFL at all. There are zero QB coaches currently in the NFL that made a mark as an NFL player, and actually only a couple that even made it to the NFL as a player at all. Several NFL QB coaches weren't even QB's at whatever level of football they reached as a player.

Look around the NFL and make note of all the coaches that you believe are high quality coaches - not just QB coaches, but head coaches and coordinators and position coaches. You will find that very few even played in the NFL at all, and of those that did, only a small percentage were high quality players.

1. They didn't start as QB coach from day 1

2. As a green QB coach they were not responsible for developing a young and struggling QB

This is a stupid hire and no amount of spin from your ilk can shine this load of crap


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You’re the one who’s been pushing for a discussion on this topic, I wanted to move on after we shared our opinions. It’s not a topic that’s worth a lengthy discussion. This is a reasonable discussion. It’s clear by reading your posts that you don’t think experience is that important. You brought up Josh McDaniels and his lack of experience but he had several years of coaching experience before becoming the Pats QB coach. You mentioned Brad Van Pelt and his lack of experience when he became a QB coach. You keep devaluing experience.

So, because I was engaging in a discussion you think that somehow makes it reasonable for you to misrepresent what I said? I guess we will have to disagree on that.

As for McDaniels, are you really saying a year as an unpaid graduate assistant in college and 2 years as a defensive assistant coach in the NFL is significantly greater preparation to be a QB coach than 20 years as a QB at every level from Pee Wee to the NFL, and are you really saying that teaching defensive techniques and working with defensive game plans is a better training ground for a QB coach than having actually played QB, and actually having worked with QB coaches and with other QBs and having worked with offensive game plans?


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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You just can't make this stuff up
You just can't
I could, but I don't write sport's fiction and I wouldn't want to put my audience through such an excruciating experience.
Real life is always more cray cray than fiction.
Even the superhero movies.


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1. They didn't start as QB coach from day 1

2. As a green QB coach they were not responsible for developing a young and struggling QB

This is a stupid hire and no amount of spin from your ilk can shine this load of crap

You are talking about something entirely different than what my post addressed. The argument I referred to was the one about Moore not having been a high quality NFL player. Your point is a different topic, so it doesn't make sense to act as if it applies.

But if you want to discuss a different point, you are right that most didn't start from day 1 as a QB coach, and I have never denied there is some concern with that. But I think it's also fair to point out a lot of QB coaches started with very little coaching experience - maybe day 2 or 3 by comparison, and almost all didn't even have the advantage of playing QB beyond high school or college. Some didn't play QB at all at any level. Josh McDaniels started as QB coach in New England at 28 years old and after 2 years of being a defensive assistant coach, and he never played in the NFL and hadn't played QB since high school.

It's nice to know I have an ilk though.
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You Have an Axe to Grind
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So, because I was engaging in a discussion you think that somehow makes it reasonable for you to misrepresent what I said? I guess we will have to disagree on that.

As for McDaniels, are you really saying a year as an unpaid graduate assistant in college and 2 years as a defensive assistant coach in the NFL is significantly greater preparation to be a QB coach than 20 years as a QB at every level from Pee Wee to the NFL, and are you really saying that teaching defensive techniques and working with defensive game plans is a better training ground for a QB coach than having actually played QB, and actually having worked with QB coaches and with other QBs and having worked with offensive game plans?

I criticized Moore’s hiring due to inexperience just like many have and you responded with this comment.

Obviously Garrett was promoted too quickly, but otherwise has there been an ongoing, consistent issue with hiring inexperienced coaches?

As for McDaniels, one year as a graduate assistant along with the two years as a Pats assistant is more experience than Moore has. Belichick is the one who made the decision to bring aboard McDaniels. He clearly made the right decision. I trust Belichick’s judgment a lot better than I do Jerry’s. Jerry is talking up Moore like he did Garrett years ago. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s going to attempt to groom Moore as a future Cowboys HC much like he did Garrett. lol Jerry knows a good puppet when he sees one.