Yeagermeister;2801049 said:
I wrote this review about it on a website, it pretty sums up that movie.
The movie abused the camcorder first person view. It was great for a while but shaky cam was pretty annoying. The movie used some guy's stupid going away party as a plot device so that when the monsters came, they'd all be together. The monster's origin wasn't even hinted at, leaving their existence and origin left COMPLETELY open for interpretation. I'm all for making the viewer think, but that was just lazy writing.The end, aka "Thanks for your money", tried to use "the camcorder as the storyteller" but completely failed. Massive disappointment.
I am still throwing up from this. . .I don't not even know what to call it. . . .Sucky? No it was worse then that. I didn't have any regrets in my life until I saw this movie. It has made me so frustrated I do not even know how to explain. The whole thing could have been great-besides the fact that there was no script and no image. Everything was just a blurry image of stupid screams. I kept praying that the monster would eat the camera guy to end my misery.
It was torture! Watching this movie was t-o-r-t-u-r-e! There is no reason to go and see this movie. Unless of course you are looking for a bad time, big headache, and somehow to waste your money. This could have been a good movie.. But it wasn't. The trailer was more interesting than the movie. The movie can be summed up in one word: Worthless. Can they even call this a movie? From what I've seen the producers have no right in calling this a movie. How did they manage to put this on the big screen?
This movie tries to hard to be cool... The 9-11 flashbacks were a little has been. The whole first half hour dragged on for so long, you were probably woken up by the first bang. And after that, you were just trying to prevent yourself from going into epileptic fits. This movie is so shaky, boring, dragtastic.
I pray to god that this style of film making dies with this film. I did not pay $9 to watch a guy run around with a handheld video camera. If Blair Witch Project meets Godzilla meets Starship Troopers meets You Tube is your thing, then this movie is for you.
Please ... save yourself the 70 minutes.