'Star Wars: Episode VII' Cast Announced

How are Michael Fassbender or Benedict Cumberbatch not in this? But I don't expect it to be anything more than a money grab like the last "Star Wars" films that were more of Star Wars theme park interpretation.

I'm optimistic.

The problem with the prequels was George Lucas' deteriorating vision. And really, if we're diving into it more, George Lucas should only SHARE credit with a few others for episodes 4-6, so he wasn't exactly going to nail it on his own, anyway.

But when you put someone in charge who loved the films growing up, you're going to get a refreshed vision that's true to what made audiences love it in the first place.

That's why guys like Spielberg and Cameron were so great at what they did. They were the first generation of movie directors that loved film as kids. They were able to study film. Perfect it. And overall inject that element of care into their work that made us care about it just as much.

And with the backing of a studio like Disney, you have to imagine this will go better than the prequels.
I'm optimistic.

The problem with the prequels was George Lucas' deteriorating vision. And really, if we're diving into it more, George Lucas should only SHARE credit with a few others for episodes 4-6, so he wasn't exactly going to nail it on his own, anyway.

But when you put someone in charge who loved the films growing up, you're going to get a refreshed vision that's true to what made audiences love it in the first place.

That's why guys like Spielberg and Cameron were so great at what they did. They were the first generation of movie directors that loved film as kids. They were able to study film. Perfect it. And overall inject that element of care into their work that made us care about it just as much.

And with the backing of a studio like Disney, you have to imagine this will go better than the prequels.

I think Disney alone is enough for a better version. Take a look at what they are doing with Marvel.
Of all the star treks after the original...DS9 was the only one I did not care for.

Quark and Odo were the only characters I really cared to watch much.

Which was weird because I liked Worf and Chief on SNG but they did not do much for me on DS9.

Frankly it was a boring show to me and I never could get into it.

I kind of wish they would do another star trek series now. It's been a few years and they could do another one on SyfY or something.
If a new series is coming, it's highly likely it will follow the rebooted franchise format than the old TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT format. I found a somewhat related comment made by Matty Coto concerning the old format:


Fans were lukewarm to say the least when it came to These are the Voyages, the series finale. But Coto explained that this show was meant to be the finale to all eighteen years of Star Trek, not just Enterprise, and that the two shows before it, Demons and Terra Prime, make up the true finale to Enterprise. “I really liked those episodes. My heart was really in that because I felt it was a fitting end for the series,” said Coto. “The show ended up coming back to Earth and to our solar system, and the idea was that humanity still had one hurdle to go through, and that was a part of humanity was not accepting of aliens and aliens on our world, because some people felt we were being corrupted. We had to exorcise our last vestige of xenophobia. I thought it was a really fitting end for Enterprise because one of the basic tenets of Star Trek is Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. This was a way to address that idea, that we’d not quite reached there yet...

...“I’m not saying that to deride These Are the Voyages… We – Brannon and Rick [Berman] and I – always looked at Demons and Terra Prime as the finale for Enterprise, and These Are the Voyages… was intended to be a finale for the entire eighteen-year run of Star Trek, starting with Next Gen all the way to Enterprise. That’s how it was looked at.

Tricia Helfer is a natural brunette. BSG fans had the opportunity of seeing the comparison when she played the rebel models.



I assume you've watched the newest Battlestar, right? If not, “Six” is a model number for a human looking Cylon (Tricia Helfer, the blonde in the red dress). There are a bunch of Sixes, all identical in appearance, except for minor differences like hair color, style, etc. @DallasEast posted a picture in the post below yours as an example.

The most common appearing Six (Caprica 6) was the first one introduced who also popped up in visions of a main character. IMO, it wasn’t the best look for Helfer. She looked better in other incarnations of ‘Six’ on the show.
Partly by making one of the dumbest movies of all time ("Prepare the Red Matter!") (I didn't watch the second one), but mostly by turning Star Trek into Generic Sci-Fi Action Franchise.

I agree with you somewhat,i dont have much confidence in Abrams and he rewrote the screenplay too.
I assume you've watched the newest Battlestar, right? If not, “Six” is a model number for a human looking Cylon (Tricia Helfer, the blonde in the red dress). There are a bunch of Sixes, all identical in appearance, except for minor differences like hair color, style, etc. @DallasEast posted a picture in the post below yours as an example.

The most common appearing Six (Caprica 6) was the first one introduced who also popped up in visions of a main character. IMO, it wasn’t the best look for Helfer. She looked better in other incarnations of ‘Six’ on the show.

Yes. I did see it.
Just disagree. Thought it was best looking "6" model.
Sorry dallas east... That last trek movie was awful.

Copying the best storyline of Khan. No imagination.

The Uhura/Spock thing.
The switch of Kirk and Spock screaming "Khaaaaaannnn".

The original Khan was crap IMO. I don't get how it gets the accolades that it does. And that has nothing to do with the dated FX, it was just a poorly crafted/written/acted film.
The original Khan was crap IMO. I don't get how it gets the accolades that it does. And that has nothing to do with the dated FX, it was just a poorly crafted/written/acted film.


The Wrath of Khan was released in North America on June 4, 1982. It was a box office success, earning US$97 million worldwide and setting a world record for first-day box office gross. Critical reaction to the film was positive; reviewers highlighted Khan, the film's pacing, and the character interactions as strong elements. Negative reaction focused on weak special effects and some of the acting. The Wrath of Khan is generally considered to be the best film of the entireStar Trek series and is credited with the creation of substantial renewed interest in the franchise.

Despite crappy effects. The "complete" movie sucked you in.
Am I the only one who has trouble making it through "The Search for Spock"? I feel so bad for JTK when the Klingons kill his son.
Am I the only one who has trouble making it through "The Search for Spock"? I feel so bad for JTK when the Klingons kill his son.
It's an emotional scene (if I'm allowed to say that about a Trek movie), but it's not an overwhelming one for me. One of my favorite scenes is Kirk getting his revenge by repeatedly kicking the Klingon captain in the face until the guy drops into the lava.

My vote for trouble-making-it-through Trek movie goes to The Final Frontier. That's got to be (in my opinion) the worst of the series. Having Nichelle Nichols do a fan dance in shadow..? That's just one of a number of scenes I can only shake my head at.
Scarlett Johansson and Joss Whedon have done an excellent job with the Black Widow character. She is as deadly on screen as she is in the comics.

I think they finally got it right in The Winter Soldier.

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