Star Wars Force Awakens SPOILER Thread - Don't Click If You Haven't Seen!

Good stuff.

Theres a good chance it's not Luke's daughter.

There was talk about a kenobi grandchild from a love interest from way back when. Maybe between ROTS and ANH?

There was talk of Luke hooking up with a kenobi offspring.

I wonder if Kylo ever challenged Luke in any way? Back at school.

Yeah I heard that about the Kenobi idea and I think that's definitely a possibility.
I saw something where they said they made a concerted effort to mimic the old school effects of the original 3. The CGI in 1-3 is horribly dated.

Yeah I liked the throw back feel of the movie. I enjoyed that quite a bit to be honest.
Yeah and yet this is a skywalker triple trilogy set.

Luke says, my father had it, I have it, my sister has it, now you gave it.

Gotta be a skywalker.

True, true. Very interesting.

I wouldn't be shocked if she was his kid but I just don't see the story way to do it without Ren knowing about her. But I'm sure they can figure out a way around that.
Hmmmm....I don't remember Ren saying he knew her...I guess I missed that. I don't recall him knowing who she was. Maybe I'm just forgetting when he mentioned this.

When it was reported to him that the bb unit escaped with the assistance of a girl... he forced chocked his officer, pulled him forward, and exclaimed "What girl?!!?!
He told Rey upon their initial meeting "I've heard a lot about you"....

And in her flashback, he makes reference to "the girl", before she gets pulled away....

The girl (Rey), is special (and everyone refers to her as "The Girl")... she's not random, but her past has been wiped from her for some reason.... the cues say she is related to the Skywalkers, as @REDVOLUTION said, the monolog from Luke in the trailer points to this as well.
When it was reported to him that the bb unit escaped with the assistance of a girl... he forced chocked his officer, pulled him forward, and exclaimed "What girl?!!?!
He told Rey upon their initial meeting "I've heard a lot about you"....

And in her flashback, he makes reference to "the girl", before she gets pulled away....

The girl (Rey), is special (and everyone refers to her as "The Girl")... she's not random, but her past has been wiped from her for some reason.... the cues say she is related to the Skywalkers, as @REDVOLUTION said, the monolog from Luke in the trailer points to this as well.

Okay I remember him saying he heard a lot about her but I thought he meant since they started chasing her and the droid to find the map. I didn't realize he meant he'd heard about her prior to that.

But now that you mention it I didn't even take note, at the time, of the way he said what girl. I just blew that off at the time as he was just trying to find out if they knew what girl they were looking for but...yeah I could see that now.

So it could be a situation where he knows she could be Skywalkers daughter then...but even then I just don't get it to be honest. If he knew about her why would he not find her, first, and take her out or use her to draw out Skywalker?

Unless they're saying he had no idea where she was but just immediately assumed the droid they were looking for was going to be this girl that he's known about all along? That seems a little flimsy, to be honest.

But good points either way. Those were definitely clues to the idea that he might have known who she actually was.
Ok so the exact dialogue is...


Luke Skywalker:
The Force is strong in my family.
My father has it.
I have it.
My sister has it.
You have that power, too. (Doesn't say daughter or niece)



The Force is strong in my family.
My father has it.
I have it and... [looks directly at Leia]
My sister has it. (NO REVEAL YET)

[waits for the words to sink in]
Yes. It's you, Leia



YODA: Remember, a Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware. Anger, fear, aggression. The dark side are they. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Luke... Luke... do not... do not underestimate the powers of the Emperor or suffer your father's fate you will. Luke, when gone am I... the last of the Jedi will you be. Luke, the Force runs strong in your family. Pass on what you have learned, Luke. There is... another... Sky... walker

pass on to Leia.... The Jedi school in TFA


A Hint at Darth Plagueis

Luke: Master Yoda, you can't die.
Yoda: Strong am I with the Force, but not that strong.



OBI WAN KENOBI: To protect you both from the Emperor, you were hidden from your father when you were born. The Emperor knew, as I did, if Anakin were to have any offspring, they would be a threat to him. That is the reason why your sister remains safely anonymous.

So, Snoke, gets a jump start on new batch of skywalkers. Turn them early so he can keep control. Kylo looks to have been turned early.

This trilogy will end darker. Kylo killed Han. No more light for you. Lol
Kylo Ren must die a horrible, horrible death.

Yes, the Edward Scissorhands clone will die.... Rey must kill him in a fabulous way.

Not all movies are better the second time you see them... this isn't one of those. I think knowing what not to expect enhanced my ability to just let the story unfold. When's the next movie due out?
Hmmmm....I don't remember Ren saying he knew her...I guess I missed that. I don't recall him knowing who she was. Maybe I'm just forgetting when he mentioned this.

neither do I

He wanted her lightsabre but nowhere do I remember him saying he remembers her.
Not all movies are better the second time you see them... this isn't one of those. I think knowing what not to expect enhanced my ability to just let the story unfold. When's the next movie due out?

the cartoon episode 3.5 is out this December, then next year Episode 8 is out
saw it this weekend with the grandson. Hated it and he loved it. Just not my idea of a good movie. A bunch of alien space ships fighting each other reminded me of Independence Day. All we needed was for Randy Quaid to be flying one of the ships into the weapon staging area saying "I'm Back!"

Seriously, the whole movie was to put the maps together to find Luke-Why wait for R2D2 to come back around. Just beam up Jack Sparrow, I am sure he has one.

And the ending. Seriously? She walks up the Mountain with incredible views, looks him in the eye all seriously and hands him his light saber. Luke was probably thinking, I have been up here for 50 years and you bring me a light saber? How about a cheeseburger.

Sorry guys, between my grandkid keeping me up to date on what was going on and the guy to my right that was telling his wife all the meanings of what was going on, I was seriously disappointed in the movie.

It was Independence Day with worse acting. And Solo needed to die. and he should have taken Princess Leah with him. They are not 30 years old any more.
saw it this weekend with the grandson. Hated it and he loved it. Just not my idea of a good movie. A bunch of alien space ships fighting each other reminded me of Independence Day. All we needed was for Randy Quaid to be flying one of the ships into the weapon staging area saying "I'm Back!"

Seriously, the whole movie was to put the maps together to find Luke-Why wait for R2D2 to come back around. Just beam up Jack Sparrow, I am sure he has one.

And the ending. Seriously? She walks up the Mountain with incredible views, looks him in the eye all seriously and hands him his light saber. Luke was probably thinking, I have been up here for 50 years and you bring me a light saber? How about a cheeseburger.

Sorry guys, between my grandkid keeping me up to date on what was going on and the guy to my right that was telling his wife all the meanings of what was going on, I was seriously disappointed in the movie.

It was Independence Day with worse acting. And Solo needed to die. and he should have taken Princess Leah with him. They are not 30 years old any more.

I find I generally disagree with your tastes in movies. This is no exception. The comparisons to Independence Day are pretty out there (and the acting was much better in TFA as well - the best of any Star Wars).
I find I generally disagree with your tastes in movies. This is no exception. The comparisons to Independence Day are pretty out there (and the acting was much better in TFA as well - the best of any Star Wars).

they had acting in TFA? sorry, but outside harrison ford, this series never really has been about quality actors. take out corvette summer and some movie where hammell is again skywalker what else has he done? fisher? not to knock the originals, for what they were i loved 'em. opening day of return of the jedi it was my high school grad present to go to dallas and sit in line overnight to watch the first days viewing. that was so incredible.

i have a "mock" revenge of the jedi poster hanging up in my movie room.

however, i saw no reason to call this VII when it's nothing more than a dressed up IV.

i see no reason to call it a 9 part series anymore when you have completely changed the original concept.

this isn't to say i dug what lucas did in 1-3. those sucked in epic proportions and i have zero desire to go back and watch them again. VII is up there with them.

this also isn't to say the acting in independence day was the same, but i get what he's saying here. the whole movie seems like a lot of parts loosely joined together to start history over again.

let me ask you this - take away all other star wars movies. gone. poof. whisper in the wind gone. would *this* star wars movie done anywhere near what it has done? would you feel the same way about the story if this was the only one out there? they made it like a reboot, so make it stand on it's own?

did it?

no. not to me.

so i know full well i'm in the minority, but put me down as this just not making sense.

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