Star Wars Force Awakens SPOILER Thread - Don't Click If You Haven't Seen!

Just saw it today, pretty cool to see the original SW remade in Imax 3D, and it was my first Imax 3D so that was nice. I think my biggest issue was they built a machine that could suck all the power from a sun and not blow up but a few grenades and X wing fighters take it out? My favorite part was the camera angle from behind showing Daisy Ridley walking up the steps at the end.
I couldn't tie anything in to the prequels because I don't hardly remember anything about them they were so bad.
I couldn't tie anything in to the prequels because I don't hardly remember anything about them they were so bad.

I believe they had said that they wouldn't connect anything to the prequels.

With that said. All three prequels are about Anakin transformation to Vader.
Everything else in those movies is just filler.

Technically, Darth Plagueis was NEVER in the prequels. Just a story, real or not, told by Palpatine to Anakin.

I believe it's a genius way of tying them together in a roundabout way.

Plagueis able to create life. Creates little Anakin.
Plagueis able to cheat death. He lets Sidious rid the galaxy of all Jedi.
Plagueis comes back as Snoke. Resume his project of Anakin Skywalker bloodline.

To take a line from Battlestar Galactica... "All this has happened before and it will happen again"
My daily Star Wars ramblings

I think Finn is a descendent of Lando Calrissian.

"I've just made a deal that will keep the empire out of here forever"
"That wasn't our deal"
"This deal is getting worse all the time"

Finn: "I'm a big deal"

I sure hope not. There are enough relationships and relatives to make this huge galaxy seem small, I'd hate to see another connection to the past make it seem even smaller.
She's Meryl Streep compared to Natalie Portman. I think that's the first time I've heard someone say that about her, I thought she was great

I totally agree with you. While I thought they made her character too flawless, I thought she did a great job in the role.
I saw it Saturday and I LOVED it. I absolutely loved the movie.

I felt like it was a lot more like the feel of the original 3 movies then the more recent ones.

I only had a couple minor complaints but I won't really delve into them here cause they're just nitpicking what I felt was an otherwise really good movie. I'll probably go see it again.
I am betting Snokes is Darth Plagueis mentioned by Palpatine in Episode III. Just a guess. I like your theory about Rey being Luke's daughter.

I was thinking this as I watched the movie but then I decided that made absolutely zero sense.

Unless Luke had that daughter AFTER Kylo Ren turned on him, while he was training, it wouldn't make a lick of sense. If he had the daughter while Kylo was being trained by Luke then he'd obviously know that Luke Skywalker had a daughter and he'd know that she was his daughter when they met in this movie.

So I don't think she can be Luke's daughter. In her memories of her parents leaving she is a little child so she would have been around, and old enough, for Kylo to know her if Luke had here when he was training him.

I thought the knew people in this show did a great job though. I actually really liked the Rey and Fin characters. I enjoyed it all very much.
I was thinking this as I watched the movie but then I decided that made absolutely zero sense.

Unless Luke had that daughter AFTER Kylo Ren turned on him, while he was training, it wouldn't make a lick of sense. If he had the daughter while Kylo was being trained by Luke then he'd obviously know that Luke Skywalker had a daughter and he'd know that she was his daughter when they met in this movie.

So I don't think she can be Luke's daughter. In her memories of her parents leaving she is a little child so she would have been around, and old enough, for Kylo to know her if Luke had here when he was training him.

I thought the knew people in this show did a great job though. I actually really liked the Rey and Fin characters. I enjoyed it all very much.
Good points
I was thinking this as I watched the movie but then I decided that made absolutely zero sense.

Unless Luke had that daughter AFTER Kylo Ren turned on him, while he was training, it wouldn't make a lick of sense. If he had the daughter while Kylo was being trained by Luke then he'd obviously know that Luke Skywalker had a daughter and he'd know that she was his daughter when they met in this movie.

So I don't think she can be Luke's daughter. In her memories of her parents leaving she is a little child so she would have been around, and old enough, for Kylo to know her if Luke had here when he was training him.

I thought the knew people in this show did a great job though. I actually really liked the Rey and Fin characters. I enjoyed it all very much.

Good stuff.

Theres a good chance it's not Luke's daughter.

There was talk about a kenobi grandchild from a love interest from way back when. Maybe between ROTS and ANH?

There was talk of Luke hooking up with a kenobi offspring.

I wonder if Kylo ever challenged Luke in any way? Back at school.
I sure hope not. There are enough relationships and relatives to make this huge galaxy seem small, I'd hate to see another connection to the past make it seem even smaller.
Agreed. It makes sense that a Force-sensitive Sith Lord wannabe would have a connection to the main characters, but to somehow connect Finn to Lando would be silliness.
More ramblings and theories from the interwebs. None from Boston.

The force awakens

Is it Snoke awakening? (Plagueis)

Are the Knights of Ren the bad students of Luke's school?
Luke and captain phasma had Rey.
Rey looks a lot like Shmi Skywalker
Obi wan and Satine had children.
Palpatine/Sidious never even tried to kill Plagueis. He's always been the puppet master.
Luke loses light saber at lando's place. It falls to the Ground? Floats into putter space?

How about this:
Kylo is the physical embodiment of the spirit of darth Vader. Rey is the physical embodiment of annakin's spirit.
That way obi wan's "certain point of view" speech will actually seem logical
I saw it Saturday and I LOVED it. I absolutely loved the movie.

I felt like it was a lot more like the feel of the original 3 movies then the more recent ones.

I only had a couple minor complaints but I won't really delve into them here cause they're just nitpicking what I felt was an otherwise really good movie. I'll probably go see it again.

I saw something where they said they made a concerted effort to mimic the old school effects of the original 3. The CGI in 1-3 is horribly dated.
Ok going to see it again.


1. What does Kylo really know about Grandpa Vader? He was turned or Luke defeated him and sidious?

2. In ROTJ, did Luke burn body or just Vader suit? Did Anakin disappear like obi wan and yoga? We just didn't see it?

3. How does the Vader helmet survive and make it back for TFA?
Same question for Luke's light saber?
Ok going to see it again.


1. What does Kylo really know about Grandpa Vader? He was turned or Luke defeated him and sidious?

2. In ROTJ, did Luke burn body or just Vader suit? Did Anakin disappear like obi wan and yoga? We just didn't see it?

3. How does the Vader helmet survive and make it back for TFA?
Same question for Luke's light saber?

1. We don't know, at this point.
2. Anakin is shown with Yoda and Obi Wan in spirit form at the end of ROTJ. It pissed a lot of people off, because Lucas remastered it and spliced in Hayden Christensen

3. No one knows at this point.
1. We don't know, at this point.
2. Anakin is shown with Yoda and Obi Wan in spirit form at the end of ROTJ. It pissed a lot of people off, because Lucas remastered it and spliced in Hayden Christensen

3. No one knows at this point.

1. Yeah, that's interesting though.
2. Yes, I knew that. They only put Hayden's head. It's the same body right down to every wrinkle in the clothing. Funny stuff.
3. Luke probably pulled it from the fire. Show and tell at the Jedi academy. Lol
Ok. Went to see it again.

My mindset going in this time was... Ok, let me see what's going on here... In every way... At every corner.
Accept all that is... Understand as much as you can.

1. IMO.... It's not "a new hope " all over again.
2. In the Rey flashback it looks like Ren saves her from stormtrooper?
3. Ren may have been the one to put her on Jakku.
4. The obvious answer is Rey is Luke's child. If so, good. If not, don't get too crazy in making her someone else's kid simply for the sake of being someone else's kid.
5. There are many hints of kenobi with Rey. Music playing when she is sneaking around the ship is reminiscent of Obi wan going to shutoff tractor beam.
6. Snoke is "wise" says Ren.... again, Plagueis was labeled as "wise". Don't make it someone else simply for no good reason.
7. They could have done a better job with Leia. She could have looked better. Her bad acting, bad lines... when looking bad are not forgiveable like they were a galaxy far, far away.
8. I forgot about the obi wan and yoga voices... So I only caught the tail end.
9. The scene outside with the leader Hux and phasma addressing the legion of troopers was very hitler-like.
10. Hux shows disrespect to Ren(like one or two admirals with Vader).What's the Ren/Hux connection? If any?

*** no way of knowing if "Rey of Hope" is Luke's child.

11. Did Luke do a midiclorian creation trick and make her?
12. Is she a skywalker/kenobi. No good reason to make her a kenobi too.
13. Is she Rens little sister?
14. Han and Leia had zero chemistry.
15. I can accept and enjoy entire movie EXCEPT death star3
Ok. Went to see it again.

My mindset going in this time was... Ok, let me see what's going on here... In every way... At every corner.
Accept all that is... Understand as much as you can.

1. IMO.... It's not "a new hope " all over again.
2. In the Rey flashback it looks like Ren saves her from stormtrooper?
3. Ren may have been the one to put her on Jakku.
4. The obvious answer is Rey is Luke's child. If so, good. If not, don't get too crazy in making her someone else's kid simply for the sake of being someone else's kid.
5. There are many hints of kenobi with Rey. Music playing when she is sneaking around the ship is reminiscent of Obi wan going to shutoff tractor beam.
6. Snoke is "wise" says Ren.... again, Plagueis was labeled as "wise". Don't make it someone else simply for no good reason.
7. They could have done a better job with Leia. She could have looked better. Her bad acting, bad lines... when looking bad are not forgiveable like they were a galaxy far, far away.
8. I forgot about the obi wan and yoga voices... So I only caught the tail end.
9. The scene outside with the leader Hux and phasma addressing the legion of troopers was very hitler-like.
10. Hux shows disrespect to Ren(like one or two admirals with Vader).What's the Ren/Hux connection? If any?

*** no way of knowing if "Rey of Hope" is Luke's child.

11. Did Luke do a midiclorian creation trick and make her?
12. Is she a skywalker/kenobi. No good reason to make her a kenobi too.
13. Is she Rens little sister?
14. Han and Leia had zero chemistry.
15. I can accept and enjoy entire movie EXCEPT death star3

Rey was top secret, as she sarcastically told bb8 upon first meeting when he said he was topic secret.

She was super nice with the saber, because she was nice with her staff as showed in her scavenging, and fight at the junk yard.

Kylo Ren knew who she was. He asked "what girl when homeboy told him bb8 got away, he also told her he heard a lot about her.

Han and Leia confirmed her secret identity when maz asked "who's the girl"(cut away), & Leia referred to her aa "the girl"... Than from her force sensitivity sent her to luke.

R2D2 stayed in low power mode until Rey (Skyywalker?) showed up. Powered up to complete the map when she arrived.

Her secret lies in her flashbacks, she was at those events.. They weren't random, culminating were Kylo saying "leave girl", her seeing the Knights of Ren assassinate someone, than being pulled away and left on a planet. (By the way han said he destroyed the academy, not killed the students)

Its possible that they wiped Reys mind as a child (maybe she was being trained already?). Fin's mind was erased as a storm trooper taken away from his parents... Hence their bond.

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