Star Wars Force Awakens SPOILER Thread - Don't Click If You Haven't Seen!

they had acting in TFA? sorry, but outside harrison ford, this series never really has been about quality actors. take out corvette summer and some movie where hammell is again skywalker what else has he done? fisher? not to knock the originals, for what they were i loved 'em. opening day of return of the jedi it was my high school grad present to go to dallas and sit in line overnight to watch the first days viewing. that was so incredible.

i have a "mock" revenge of the jedi poster hanging up in my movie room.

however, i saw no reason to call this VII when it's nothing more than a dressed up IV.

i see no reason to call it a 9 part series anymore when you have completely changed the original concept.

this isn't to say i dug what lucas did in 1-3. those sucked in epic proportions and i have zero desire to go back and watch them again. VII is up there with them.

this also isn't to say the acting in independence day was the same, but i get what he's saying here. the whole movie seems like a lot of parts loosely joined together to start history over again.

let me ask you this - take away all other star wars movies. gone. poof. whisper in the wind gone. would *this* star wars movie done anywhere near what it has done? would you feel the same way about the story if this was the only one out there? they made it like a reboot, so make it stand on it's own?

did it?

no. not to me.

so i know full well i'm in the minority, but put me down as this just not making sense.

I look at it as a sequel not a reboot. It relies heavily in the OT, but that is not a problem to me. SW movies have always repeated ideas.

I also think a lot of it has to do with trying to restore goodwill with the fans after all the damage done by the prequels.

TFA definitely had some quality performances. Much more so than older Star Wars movies (as you seem to agree the acting in them was less than stellar).

If you take away all the other movies, of course this wouldn't do as well, and people wouldn't feel the same. A good chunk has to do with Han, and what was established before. I have no problems with sequels tieing into, and relying on, their predecessors and not standing on their own without them. Take away all but Empire (widely considered the best) and you have a movie that doesn't stand on it's own either.

I don't see how you can say it is just iv and then say the original concept is completely changed. That is a complete contradiction.

Is the film flawed? Yes. More so than any other SW? No.
I look at it as a sequel not a reboot. It relies heavily in the OT, but that is not a problem to me. SW movies have always repeated ideas.

I also think a lot of it has to do with trying to restore goodwill with the fans after all the damage done by the prequels.

TFA definitely had some quality performances. Much more so than older Star Wars movies (as you seem to agree the acting in them was less than stellar).

If you take away all the other movies, of course this wouldn't do as well, and people wouldn't feel the same. A good chunk has to do with Han, and what was established before. I have no problems with sequels tieing into, and relying on, their predecessors and not standing on their own without them. Take away all but Empire (widely considered the best) and you have a movie that doesn't stand on it's own either.

I don't see how you can say it is just iv and then say the original concept is completely changed. That is a complete contradiction.

Is the film flawed? Yes. More so than any other SW? No.

heh, because it is.

this is just star wars IV all over again with updates twists so "this" generation can take control of it. part 1.
the original concept was 4-6, 1-3 then 7-9 to tell the whole story. so the original concept, by making 7 an updated 4, has changed what 7-9 were supposed to be. now given how bad 1-3 were and lucas's only likely deviations, maybe he had no real concept for a trilogy of trilogies.

in any event, it was just a blah movie to me that was so full of deja vu it couldn't stand on it's own to continue the story.
I saw it and thought it was pretty good. Seemed obvious to me that Rey was a student at Luke's jedi academy. Luke hid her and wiped her memory to keep her safe from Kylo Rena and his hate squad while he took his trip to crazy-town. Please note:

- Her vision of Luke and R2-D2 was not a vision at all, it was actually a memory where she was with him when he came back to find that Ren had killed everyone.
- She didn't just learn how to use the force and fight with a light saber, she already had trained. Reflexes kicked in when she needed to use her powers.
- Luke hid her in a desolate desert planet like the one her grew up on because he is nostalgic like that
- Luke did not look even remotely surprised to see her (looked a little sad actually) because he foresaw back when he hid her that this day would come

Lastly, she will be Han and Leia's daughter. Luke wiped her from everyone's memory to keep her safe and the family/Ren from looking for her.

I'm the man.
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I find I generally disagree with your tastes in movies. This is no exception. The comparisons to Independence Day are pretty out there (and the acting was much better in TFA as well - the best of any Star Wars).

that is no problem. I tend to lean toward movies with great acting and writing. This had neither. The digital effects were outstanding tho and probably deserves an award for that. but other than that, a waste of $28 to watch it in IMAX
I saw it and thought it was pretty good. Seemed obvious to me that Rey was a student at Luke's jedi academy. Luke hid her and wiped her memory to keep her safe from Kylo Rena and his hate squad while he took his trip to crazy-town. Please note:

- Her vision of Luke and R2-D2 was not a vision at all, it was actually a memory where she was with him when he came back to find that Ren had killed everyone.
- She didn't just learn how to use the force and fight with a light saber, she already had trained. Reflexes kicked in when she needed to use her powers.
- Luke hid her in a desolate desert planet like the one her grew up on because he is nostalgic like that
- Luke did not look even remotely surprised to see her (looked a little sad actually) because he foresaw back when he hid her that this day would come

Lastly, she will be Han and Leia's daughter. Luke wiped her from everyone's memory to keep her safe and the family/Ren from looking for her.

I'm the man.

That's an interesting theory and a great reason why Rey could do everything without trying hard. But wouldn't Kylo have recognised her or felt her force presence and said "I've been searching for you "?
neither do I

He wanted her lightsabre but nowhere do I remember him saying he remembers her.

Only thing I could remember was him saying she was the girl he'd been hearing about. But it didn't appear it was said in a way in which we should think he knew her. *Shrugs*
That's an interesting theory and a great reason why Rey could do everything without trying hard. But wouldn't Kylo have recognised her or felt her force presence and said "I've been searching for you "?

I tend to think Luke wiped them all. From what I saw, Ren has some strong aspects as it pertains to the Force, but he is obviously mentally weak as the movie made sure to show with his temper tantrums and internal conflict. I'm sure Luke could have eliminated her from everyone's consciousness including Ren's.

My theory is that Kylo Ren not only turned on Luke, but got others to turn with him (that is why he has so much street cred with the new emperor). Luke most likely had to kill them in defense, but could not bring himself to kill Ren due to being his nephew. All of this probably drove him over the edge, possibly toward the dark side of the force, which is what Dark Turd or whatever the new Emperor Bad guy is called wanted to happen the entire time.

Luke had to go into hiding so that he did not give into his feelings of revenge, kill his nephew and succumb to the dark side. Before doing so, he hid Rey knowing he could not protect her in his current mental state.
Great movie. What if snoke is the former jedi master sifodious and later darth tyranus who created the clone army...he does resemble the cloners on that planet.
I tend to think Luke wiped them all. From what I saw, Ren has some strong aspects as it pertains to the Force, but he is obviously mentally weak as the movie made sure to show with his temper tantrums and internal conflict. I'm sure Luke could have eliminated her from everyone's consciousness including Ren's.

My theory is that Kylo Ren not only turned on Luke, but got others to turn with him (that is why he has so much street cred with the new emperor). Luke most likely had to kill them in defense, but could not bring himself to kill Ren due to being his nephew. All of this probably drove him over the edge, possibly toward the dark side of the force, which is what Dark Turd or whatever the new Emperor Bad guy is called wanted to happen the entire time.

Luke had to go into hiding so that he did not give into his feelings of revenge, kill his nephew and succumb to the dark side. Before doing so, he hid Rey knowing he could not protect her in his current mental state.

It would be a bit weak if he could remove her from Kylos memory but could exert no other control over him.
I saw it and thought it was pretty good. Seemed obvious to me that Rey was a student at Luke's jedi academy. Luke hid her and wiped her memory to keep her safe from Kylo Rena and his hate squad while he took his trip to crazy-town. Please note:

- Her vision of Luke and R2-D2 was not a vision at all, it was actually a memory where she was with him when he came back to find that Ren had killed everyone.
- She didn't just learn how to use the force and fight with a light saber, she already had trained. Reflexes kicked in when she needed to use her powers.
- Luke hid her in a desolate desert planet like the one her grew up on because he is nostalgic like that
- Luke did not look even remotely surprised to see her (looked a little sad actually) because he foresaw back when he hid her that this day would come

Lastly, she will be Han and Leia's daughter. Luke wiped her from everyone's memory to keep her safe and the family/Ren from looking for her.

I'm the man.

you had me with the first part - memories, not visions. i can go with that and i *wish* they'd have played upon that more. however, it would explain why she's able to do jedi mind tricks but i wish they'd have done it more in mystery, not comedy, to foreshadow better.

and no - i can't believe han would see her in his ship and treat her like a stranger. i'd be inclined the kenobi route before solo.

solo kenobi - now that would be a great character name.
It would be a bit weak if he could remove her from Kylos memory but could exert no other control over him.

I'm sure he could make him hop on one leg and bark like a dog because Kylo is mentally weak, but I never saw a Jedi do long term manipulation of people's thoughts and emotions so I suspect that it is a path to the dark side (all the fun stuff is).

Plus, Luke probably had a pretty big mental break at that point. He probably felt responsible for Kylo turning to the dark side and therefore any deaths associated with it and it ate him up. Luke recognized Rey was powerful and the next great Jedi master and he therefore spent more time mentoring her so that she could keep her powers under control. Kylo was not on that level and got jealous/dark-sidey because of it. Kylo most likely organized the hate-squad to not only kill off all the other jedi pupils, but to also personally kill off his sister.
you had me with the first part - memories, not visions. i can go with that and i *wish* they'd have played upon that more. however, it would explain why she's able to do jedi mind tricks but i wish they'd have done it more in mystery, not comedy, to foreshadow better.

and no - i can't believe han would see her in his ship and treat her like a stranger. i'd be inclined the kenobi route before solo.

solo kenobi - now that would be a great character name.

I saw his offering her a "job" as more watching out for her, like he did recognize her on a subconscious level.
I'm sure he could make him hop on one leg and bark like a dog because Kylo is mentally weak, but I never saw a Jedi do long term manipulation of people's thoughts and emotions so I suspect that it is a path to the dark side (all the fun stuff is).

Plus, Luke probably had a pretty big mental break at that point. He probably felt responsible for Kylo turning to the dark side and therefore any deaths associated with it and it ate him up. Luke recognized Rey was powerful and the next great Jedi master and he therefore spent more time mentoring her so that she could keep her powers under control. Kylo was not on that level and got jealous/dark-sidey because of it. Kylo most likely organized the hate-squad to not only kill off all the other jedi pupils, but to also personally kill off his sister.

Man, Kylo came out like gang busters. He is preoccupied with someone and Poe shoots at him and he holds that "pulse" shot a real long time. He later releases it and it blows something up. Lol
I saw it and thought it was pretty good. Seemed obvious to me that Rey was a student at Luke's jedi academy. Luke hid her and wiped her memory to keep her safe from Kylo Rena and his hate squad while he took his trip to crazy-town. Please note:

- Her vision of Luke and R2-D2 was not a vision at all, it was actually a memory where she was with him when he came back to find that Ren had killed everyone.
- She didn't just learn how to use the force and fight with a light saber, she already had trained. Reflexes kicked in when she needed to use her powers.
- Luke hid her in a desolate desert planet like the one her grew up on because he is nostalgic like that
- Luke did not look even remotely surprised to see her (looked a little sad actually) because he foresaw back when he hid her that this day would come

Lastly, she will be Han and Leia's daughter. Luke wiped her from everyone's memory to keep her safe and the family/Ren from looking for her.

I'm the man.

Good theory, but Ren doesn't seem old enough for that to fit. Rey is young, but she was really young when she was left on Jakku-- don't see Ren being an adult at that time like he was seemingly portrayed to be.

I would really love for her not to be a skywalker if possible... Or even a Solo.

A Kenobi would be interesting, but I really want her to be her own character. Not everything has to tie together, IMO.
To elaborate a bit more, I would really like for her to be completely unrelated to anyone previously.

Star Wars has a nice cop out they can always go to with "the force", but what are the odds of

A.) Rey finding a droid in distress on a large baron planet by chance...
B.) then being lead aboard the millennium falcon so that Han could find her.

That's already a little too convenient, but even more so if she and Luke have a history.
To elaborate a bit more, I would really like for her to be completely unrelated to anyone previously.

Star Wars has a nice cop out they can always go to with "the force", but what are the odds of

A.) Rey finding a droid in distress on a large baron planet by chance...
B.) then being lead aboard the millennium falcon so that Han could find her.

That's already a little too convenient, but even more so if she and Luke have a history.

Good theory, but Ren doesn't seem old enough for that to fit. Rey is young, but she was really young when she was left on Jakku-- don't see Ren being an adult at that time like he was seemingly portrayed to be.

I would really love for her not to be a skywalker if possible... Or even a Solo.

A Kenobi would be interesting, but I really want her to be her own character. Not everything has to tie together, IMO.

Three trilogies.

In sequential order

Episodes 1, 2 and 3 - all about Anakin skywalker (young Ani was like Damian from The Omen)

Episodes 4, 5 and 6 - all about Luke skywalker

Episodes 7, 8 and 9 - skywalker lineage... Nothing else makes sense... Changing it for the sake of changing it. I don't know that that works? This may still be about Luke in large part. Did he find a way to get to ancient beginnings, can he use the light and dark side for balance, etc.
Just my thought of the day.

As much as it would make sense for Snoke to be Plagueis.

I think Snoke turns out to be new villain from Jedi school times.
that is no problem. I tend to lean toward movies with great acting and writing. This had neither. The digital effects were outstanding tho and probably deserves an award for that. but other than that, a waste of $28 to watch it in IMAX

$28? damn, saw it in IMAX 3D for $12.50
Three trilogies.

In sequential order

Episodes 1, 2 and 3 - all about Anakin skywalker (young Ani was like Damian from The Omen)

Episodes 4, 5 and 6 - all about Luke skywalker

Episodes 7, 8 and 9 - skywalker lineage... Nothing else makes sense... Changing it for the sake of changing it. I don't know that that works? This may still be about Luke in large part. Did he find a way to get to ancient beginnings, can he use the light and dark side for balance, etc.

Yeah I'm not saying it's easy to make work, but it's just what I want to see.

I'm a huge Star Wars fan, I just have a problem with the whole nepotism thing, haha.

I mean, there are supposedly quadrillions of beings in the Star Wars universe. And even though that number isn't explored in the movies, it's pretty clear that there are at least 10s or 100s of billions based on how many planets there are. Hell there have been 10s of billions KILLED in just episode IV and VII.

What are the odds of Rey being thrust into action completely on a whim and being Luke Skywalker's daughter?

I mean, the odds aren't even good that she's even related to a relatively unknown Kyle Katarn in anyway shape or form.

Why can't she be a new chosen one like Anakin was initially?

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