Star Wars The Last Jedi Spoiler Thread

Coming from someone who has a Sesame Street character as his avatar. What's wrong with having sexy women in the future and in space. The movie looked like a Hag-a-thon the hottest chick was Chewabacca(played by Janet Reno) . Seriously we really needed old women in this movie??? Leah I understand, but Laura Dern had to be in this movie???What about that women who's nose looked like it's her own lightsaber??? What is wrong with having foxy women in space??? It would have sold the movie better than all the PC crap they keep pushing....OK back to the movie storyline I think the Emperor had used Snokes as his image to teleport like Luke Skywalker just did. Snokes(Emperor) isn't dead he just let Rai and Solo believe he was is my opinion.

Look at it this way. It's Star Wars. Drop the Star and the last S and science fiction/fantasy war movie remains the base concept.

Next, consider all the fictional or nonfictional war movies that have been made. Patton. Apocalypse Now. Saving Private Ryan. Tora! Tora! Tora! The list goes on and on.

Now, ask yourself, "Hey? Where are all the sexy women fighting in war movies?"

There are exceptions to every rule. Wonder Woman kicked butt in World War I but Steve Trevor tried covering her up every chance he could get, which he did not do throughout the movie (thank goodness). And we can thank Jabba for stripping Leia down to the nitty gritty. Then Luke had to bust in, killing rancors and freed his sister by swinging her from Jabba's barge like Tarzan, which Lucas borrowed straight from Episode IV. So, on second thought, there ARE sexy woman in the past and in the future but they are very rarely seen fighting in war movies. :p
PC crap? :rolleyes:

The rebellion/resistance was old and fading, there was no movement out in the universe who would come to their aid when they were slowly getting wiped out by the first order ... but lets get some young, hot sexy chicks to run around half dressed and get killed while we wait to see what happens in the end. :facepalm:
Yeah you would be ticked if some hot chicks get bumped off. Lets have Laura Dern give that great man-hating line in the movie to the pilot. "I have had flyboys like you before try to run the show"..Translation "I'm a old embittered hag who hates men and can't stand that I have to squat to pee.NO ONE SHOULD BE HAPPY".!!! Yeah Star Wars won over the Oprah Crowd.ZZZZZZZZ Good Job Disney!!!!. You think in the future in space we could have hot women instead of a bunch hateful cows ready to bash men for even being alive. THAT'S IT!! I'M SIDING WITH THE EMPIRE!!!

Star Trek series wend downhill as soon as they got the women out of mini-skirts.

Look at it this way. It's Star Wars. Drop the Star and the last S and science fiction/fantasy war movie remains the base concept.

Next, consider all the fictional or nonfictional war movies that have been made. Patton. Apocalypse Now. Saving Private Ryan. Tora! Tora! Tora! The list goes on and on.

Now, ask yourself, "Hey? Where are all the sexy women fighting in war movies?"

There are exceptions to every rule. Wonder Woman kicked butt in World War I but Steve Trevor tried covering her up every chance he could get, which he did not do throughout the movie (thank goodness). And we can thank Jabba for stripping Leia down to the nitty gritty. Then Luke had to bust in, killing rancors and freed his sister by swinging her from Jabba's barge like Tarzan, which Lucas borrowed straight from Episode IV. So, on second thought, there ARE sexy woman in the past and in the future but they are very rarely seen fighting in war movies. :p
So where is the planet full of hot women? Barbarella and the Duran Duran planet?
Yeah you would be ticked if some hot chicks get bumped off. Lets have Laura Dern give that great man-hating line in the movie to the pilot. "I have had flyboys like you before try to run the show"..Translation "I'm a old embittered hag who hates men and can't stand that I have to squat to pee.NO ONE SHOULD BE HAPPY".!!! Yeah Star Wars won over the Oprah Crowd.ZZZZZZZZ Good Job Disney!!!!. You think in the future in space we could have hot women instead of a bunch hateful cows ready to bash men for even being alive. THAT'S IT!! I'M SIDING WITH THE EMPIRE!!!

Star Trek series wend downhill as soon as they got the women out of mini-skirts.

Sinister plots abound to embed Hollywood entertainment with (insert whatever conspiracy floats your boat here)... smh :rolleyes:
Both "The Force Awakens" and "The Last Jedi" suck!!! Both Disney produced. Yet Rogue One was awesome because Lucas did it.... The Last Jedi How can you explain Commander Leia being shot out into space and yet has this Mary Poppins moment floating through space and not being able to breath but she survives as she floats to another ship. Disney movies suck!!! Kylo Ren huge nose gets in the way of his lightsaber fights. Who can't see a mile away that Rai and Finn are going to fall in love. Also Finn born from birth to be a Stormtrooper .Finn's whole life brainwashed by the Empire easily becomes a rebel just because he has the hots for Rai with not a struggle, but Ben Solo does struggle with good and evil????GIVE IT BACK TO LUCAS!!!
Both "The Force Awakens" and "The Last Jedi" suck!!! Both Disney produced. Yet Rogue One was awesome because Lucas did it.... The Last Jedi How can you explain Commander Leia being shot out into space and yet has this Mary Poppins moment floating through space and not being able to breath but she survives as she floats to another ship. Disney movies suck!!! Kylo Ren huge nose gets in the way of his lightsaber fights. Who can't see a mile away that Rai and Finn are going to fall in love. Also Finn born from birth to be a Stormtrooper .Finn's whole life brainwashed by the Empire easily becomes a rebel just because he has the hots for Rai with not a struggle, but Ben Solo does struggle with good and evil????GIVE IT BACK TO LUCAS!!!

Not aware of Lucas having much, if anything, to do with Rogue One.
Both "The Force Awakens" and "The Last Jedi" suck!!! Both Disney produced. Yet Rogue One was awesome because Lucas did it.... The Last Jedi How can you explain Commander Leia being shot out into space and yet has this Mary Poppins moment floating through space and not being able to breath but she survives as she floats to another ship. Disney movies suck!!! Kylo Ren huge nose gets in the way of his lightsaber fights. Who can't see a mile away that Rai and Finn are going to fall in love. Also Finn born from birth to be a Stormtrooper .Finn's whole life brainwashed by the Empire easily becomes a rebel just because he has the hots for Rai with not a struggle, but Ben Solo does struggle with good and evil????GIVE IT BACK TO LUCAS!!!

Lucas had nothing to do with Rogue One.

Lucas had total control over the prequels.

Despite huge flaws, TLJ is still better than the prequels.

Let's not give it back to Lucas, let's just keep Rian away from writing anymore nonsensical plots.
Lucas had nothing to do with Rogue One.

Lucas had total control over the prequels.

Despite huge flaws, TLJ is still better than the prequels.

Let's not give it back to Lucas, let's just keep Rian away from writing anymore nonsensical plots.

The prequels aren't good movies, but if you take a step back and view the prequels as a concept, the story being told is actually pretty great.

Lucas is just an awful director and writer. In my eyes, he's more like a Stan Lee/Jack Kirby – universes in his head but needs help fleshing them out beyond the obvious.
My Star Wars Best-To-Worst Film List

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Episode IV: A New Hope
Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi
Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith
Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Rogue One

Episode II: Attack Of The Clones
Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

Originally, I placed TLJ above TFM but I thought how well each movie entertained me and edited my list before posting it.
My Star Wars Best-To-Worst Film List

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Episode IV: A New Hope
Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi
Rogue One
Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith
Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Episode II: Attack Of The Clones
Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
Episode I: The Phantom Menace
My Star Wars Best-To-Worst Film List and BTW I liked them all.

Episode IV: A New Hope
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi
Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith
Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
Rogue One
Episode II: Attack Of The Clones
Episode I: The Phantom Menace
The prequels aren't good movies, but if you take a step back and view the prequels as a concept, the story being told is actually pretty great.

Lucas is just an awful director and writer. In my eyes, he's more like a Stan Lee/Jack Kirby – universes in his head but needs help fleshing them out beyond the obvious.

I agree. I think he would be okay if you just let him come up with the story and then let others craft the screenplay and direct.
The prequels aren't good movies, but if you take a step back and view the prequels as a concept, the story being told is actually pretty great.

Lucas is just an awful director and writer. In my eyes, he's more like a Stan Lee/Jack Kirby – universes in his head but needs help fleshing them out beyond the obvious.
I agree. I think he would be okay if you just let him come up with the story and then let others craft the screenplay and direct.

Yes. Agreed 100%

My TOP 3 favorite Star Wars movies in order


After ep9... my top 3 could change to...


If you look for it... there is great writing in this new trilogy.
It was very good movie except for some miss-placed lines in it.
Take them out or re-write them and it's excellent.

Lots of things happened that I thought would not.
Well - the kill off's of the main characters is in full swing.

Why not C3PO or R2D2.
After ep9... my top 3 could change to...


If you look for it... there is great writing in this new trilogy.
Well - the kill off's of the main characters is in full swing.

Why not C3PO or R2D2.

I would be ok with that.

The killing off of old characters... it just makes sense...

It’s life... it’s real life.... next generation comes up... takes over..

There is so much emphasis and hate about it. I don’t get it.


Was watching “The Toys that made us”

Star Wars films: $7 billion thus far
Star Wars Toys, etc: $14 billion


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