Stephen Jones podcast with Ed Werder, doesn't seem happy with JG


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I like it. Stephen and Jerry are polar opposites. Jerry is so much in the background now and is letting him takeover. While I don't agree with his FA plan and restructures, I understand them as well.

I've heard that Dak wants you to be in position. Not two steps back, or forward, or off kilter. That's what Stephen is talking about with Aikman. This is the same offense he ran. When Troy would let it go guys were not even out of the breaks yet. That's this offense. A WR will be in a particular spot on time. 3-5-7 step drop. Boom. But Dez, amongst others have been late, or didn't run the route at correct depth, or whatever and boom. Dak is risk adverse and what he means is he has tried to stay within the confines of this offense.

Just my .02 even thow I hate this scheme.....


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I like it. Stephen and Jerry are polar opposites. Jerry is so much in the background now and is letting him takeover. While I don't agree with his FA plan and restructures, I understand them as well.

I've heard that Dak wants you to be in position. Not two steps back, or forward, or off kilter. That's what Stephen is talking about with Aikman. This is the same offense he ran. When Troy would let it go guys were not even out of the breaks yet. That's this offense. A WR will be in a particular spot on time. 3-5-7 step drop. Boom. But Dez, amongst others have been late, or didn't run the route at correct depth, or whatever and boom. Dak is risk adverse and what he means is he has tried to stay within the confines of this offense.

Just my .02 even thow I hate this scheme.....

Dak needs to understand as Jones said, he’s going to need to make plays off schedule. The other team make money to play too, they’re not going to just let you run you’re routes to your spot every play. And don’t get it twisted, Dak’s been late on throws also.


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Troy Aikman rather than Tony Romo. Dak is better running a system than improvising on the fly. He anticipates Daks next contract to resemble franchise QB money.
Who was the guy who said this?


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Stephen watched Philly happen without its starting QB, LT, MLB, RB, and CB.

The Dak stuff was based purely on hope. There is nothing about Dak so far that remotely resembles Troy Aikman. Troy had a powerful and accurate arm and he was most comfortable in the pocket. That is the polar opposite of Dak.
Troy had the Great Wall protecting him. How did he look in 1997?


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Pretty much vintage Stephen here.

It is interesting to hear them talk about Dak's preference for precise route running, and that being part of the thinking behind the addition of Hurns. Whether you believe it's an issue or not, it sounds like it's something Dak has requested.
Doubt it.

You can see it in his play.


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Dak is throwing for about 150 yards a game. He has no pocket presence at all and a weak, inaccurate arm.

Dallas failed to score 10 points in three consecutive critical midseason games, and managed 12 against Seattle and only 6 in the finale against Philly's third stringers.

It's not comparable.
Cowboys averaged 17.9 a game in 1996

Let’s be real: Troy Aikman is a top 5 most overrated human beings ever
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Beyond tired of Jerry
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I was listening to the Domsday Podcast with Matt Mosley and Ed Werder last night. Werder did a one on one interview with Stephen which lasted a solid 20 minutes. I found some of what he said pretty interesting especially in regards to the JG:

Team has underperformed given the talent level and should be perennial playoff contenders and competing for championships.

When you're intimately involved in selecting players, this is called deflection. It's debatable whether the talent level, especially on defense, has been championship caliber.

JG is JG, I get it. But a key flaw in the Cowboys organizational structure is there is no GM to fire. So either the Joneses have to accept some responsibility for the failures, or just blame everything on the coach and hire a new one. How many have we been through since the last title? I'm surprised JG has lasted this long, to be honest.


First words were not Mom or Dad but Flex Defense
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People are missing the point and getting their panties in a wad.

Aikman was a system player and not an improvisational player, while Tony was Romodini. That's all he's saying. He's not saying that Dak is identical in every way to Aikman.

I tried to clarify that multiple times after my OP. Sorry to get some people in here all fired up for no reason, my bad, I should have made that more clear in my OP.
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All of y’all are arguing about Dak, Troy, and Romo and not focusing on the real problems!!! Jones has won again. It doesn’t matter which Jones, Jerry or Steven. They do what they always do because us Cowboys fans fall for it every year. They deflect!!! By the time TC starts, we’ll all believe 2018 is the year. They are the worlds best entertainment salesmen and promoters.

They even have some of you believing Guys like McClay and Garret aren’t part of the problems. How can you say you are set up to take the BPA in the draft, but your record shows you have guys like Taco as a first round pick, or Smith as a second round pick the year before. You’re trying to convince us that your BPA Philosophy is real, but Taco was drafted in the first round? Was he really that high on your board? If so, then what the heck is McClain and his scout team doing? Something doesn’t compute.

Once again , SJ is no different than JJ. Y’all will see that when he takes over and all the same people stay around, Same FO, same coaches, same scouts, it will be the same outcome. Until one of them cleans the house 100%, things will remain the same.

The bright side is, summer is not that far away, we will all be believers in just a few months. :)


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Stephen watched Philly happen without its starting QB, LT, MLB, RB, and CB.

The Dak stuff was based purely on hope. There is nothing about Dak so far that remotely resembles Troy Aikman. Troy had a powerful and accurate arm and he was most comfortable in the pocket. That is the polar opposite of Dak.

I would say Dak is the anti Aikman. Two different styles. Im not sure how you could ignore what Philly did in a relatively short amount of time.


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I tried to clarify that multiple times after my OP. Sorry to get some people in here all fired up for no reason, my bad, I should have made that more clear in my OP.

It was clear enough in the quote itself. The distinction being made was between system players and improvisational players, with Dak and Aikman being the former, and Romo the latter.

Unfortunately, because of the writing, one did actually have to put two and two together before jumping at the outrage gotcha, and that's apparently too much to ask.


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I was listening to the Domsday Podcast with Matt Mosley and Ed Werder last night. Werder did a one on one interview with Stephen which lasted a solid 20 minutes. I found some of what he said pretty interesting especially in regards to the JG:

Team has underperformed given the talent level and should be perennial playoff contenders and competing for championships.

Team has not handled adversity well and zero excuses for injuries/no Zeke. He said injuries are a part of every NFL teams season and you have to adapt on the fly, mentioned the way the Eagles responded and not just at QB.

No position is off limits in the first round except for probably QB/RB and will take BPA/highest player ranked on their board if it's close. He said teams get in trouble when they reach due to need.

Has huge confidence in Dak and thinks he is a franchise QB. He said his style of play compares more closely to Troy Aikman rather than Tony Romo. Dak is better running a system than improvising on the fly. He anticipates Daks next contract to resemble franchise QB money.

He is pleased with the FA moves done so far. He still believes 100% in the philosophy of building through the draft and that most free agents are vastly overpaid. He did admit that last year they did a poor job in FA.

No word on Z. Martins contract. Had very little to say about Dez, only that he thinks very highly of him as a player and a person and they will be getting together soon to talk.

Maybe because it was a one on one podcast with Werder, Stephen sounded more relaxed and less defensive with the Q&A. What really jumped out at me was his indirect shot at JG. When you talk about a team underperforming and not handling adversity well that speaks directly to the HC. This is a far cry from the lollipops and rainbows talk his father usually uses in regards to JG. If this has already been posted I missed it and sorry for rehashed info. Oh and don't shoot the messenger.:)

Wow there might actually be hope for this franchise once Jerry is toast. If Stephen has any brains he has had a front row seat on how NOT to run a franchise. Like most of us, sounds like he is sick of Garrett, tired of Dez, and knows a great young QB in Dak when he sees one. Also understands exactly the type of QB he is and what type of QB he isnt. Poor guy..............he probably just sits there all day and shakes his head at his father. His entire day is trying to talk his father out of stupid things.


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Stephen watched Philly happen without its starting QB, LT, MLB, RB, and CB.

The Dak stuff was based purely on hope. There is nothing about Dak so far that remotely resembles Troy Aikman. Troy had a powerful and accurate arm and he was most comfortable in the pocket. That is the polar opposite of Dak.
It's too bad for you they're going to sign him to a record deal. Sit back and enjoy yourself. The show has just begun.


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Did Stephen criticize the FO for talent acquisition? I disagree with his assessment of the talent on our roster.
Especially on the defensive side for the better part of the last 8 years.