Video: Stephen Jones: Will Jaylon Play? Zeke Update


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The NFL is in a real pickle on this.

Jerry, and now Stephen, have sent a warning. Any suspension will be challenged, so get ready for it. Don't you dare do it.

The league wants to suspend Zeke, and owners are pressuring for it (especially one), but there simply isn't adequate grounds to do so, and the NFL knows it. When you take over a year on an investigation, you look really stupid if you don't suspend him. (What in the world have you been doing all this time then?)

The NFL is trying to find a way to save face. I think they're trying to "negotiate" behind the scenes as to what Zeke and the Cowboys will accept. But the Cowboys are balking at any suspension, so here we are. The league is stuck, and they know it.

The NFLPA is perched and waiting, too.

This could get messy. The NFL needs to do the right thing, and just drop it.


Well-Known Member
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The NFL is in a real pickle on this.

Jerry, and now Stephen, have sent a warning. Any suspension will be challenged, so get ready for it. Don't you dare do it.

The league wants to suspend Zeke, and owners are pressuring for it (especially one), but there simply isn't adequate grounds to do so, and the NFL knows it. When you take over a year on an investigation, you look really stupid if you don't suspend him. (What in the world have you been doing all this time then?)

The NFL is trying to find a way to save face. I think they're trying to "negotiate" behind the scenes as to what Zeke and the Cowboys will accept. But the Cowboys are balking at any suspension, so here we are. The league is stuck, and they know it.

The NFLPA is perched and waiting, too.

This could get messy. The NFL needs to do the right thing, and just drop it.

The NFL does not have the stones to admit a mistake. they have sold out to the domestic violence fanatics who believe every man is guilty and no woman lies. And by taking this long they have made it worse.

It is clear that unless they got evidence the police did not (and really how likely is that?) they do not have enough evidence to make a credible case especially when the so called victim publicly said she would ruin his career and asked friends to lie about it.

I believe they are delaying as long as they can hoping Zeke would do something really stupid and they could then wrap it all up in conduct detrimental to the NFL. Their last hope was the recent nightclub incident (and look how fast THAT disappeared).

Now they are really up against it as Jerry and Zeke both have made it plain they would not hold still and fight it all the way which will make the NFL look worse and worse as it becomes clear they HAVE no case.


Loud pipes saves lives.
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The NFL is in a real pickle on this.

Jerry, and now Stephen, have sent a warning. Any suspension will be challenged, so get ready for it. Don't you dare do it.

The league wants to suspend Zeke, and owners are pressuring for it (especially one), but there simply isn't adequate grounds to do so, and the NFL knows it. When you take over a year on an investigation, you look really stupid if you don't suspend him. (What in the world have you been doing all this time then?)

The NFL is trying to find a way to save face. I think they're trying to "negotiate" behind the scenes as to what Zeke and the Cowboys will accept. But the Cowboys are balking at any suspension, so here we are. The league is stuck, and they know it.

The NFLPA is perched and waiting, too.

This could get messy. The NFL needs to do the right thing, and just drop it.

It's actually getting entertaining now.

Zimmy Lives

Well-Known Member
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The NFL is in a real pickle on this.

Jerry, and now Stephen, have sent a warning. Any suspension will be challenged, so get ready for it. Don't you dare do it.

The league wants to suspend Zeke, and owners are pressuring for it (especially one), but there simply isn't adequate grounds to do so, and the NFL knows it. When you take over a year on an investigation, you look really stupid if you don't suspend him. (What in the world have you been doing all this time then?)

The NFL is trying to find a way to save face. I think they're trying to "negotiate" behind the scenes as to what Zeke and the Cowboys will accept. But the Cowboys are balking at any suspension, so here we are. The league is stuck, and they know it.

The NFLPA is perched and waiting, too.

This could get messy. The NFL needs to do the right thing, and just drop it.

The simple solution to slapping Zeke's hand for naughty behavior is fining his butt. The fine can be a hefty one and everyone would agree it was deserving for Zeke's poor lack of judgment.

Anything more than a fine would be bad business for the commish and for the NFL.


Regular Joe....
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I think he's getting suspended. I think it's going to be 4 games or so and I don't really think the Cowboys can do anything about it, other then waste money on a Lawyer. Nobody in the league is going to support Jerry on this IMO. I think it is what it is.


Well-Known Member
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The NFL is in a real pickle on this.

Jerry, and now Stephen, have sent a warning. Any suspension will be challenged, so get ready for it. Don't you dare do it.

The league wants to suspend Zeke, and owners are pressuring for it (especially one), but there simply isn't adequate grounds to do so, and the NFL knows it. When you take over a year on an investigation, you look really stupid if you don't suspend him. (What in the world have you been doing all this time then?)

The NFL is trying to find a way to save face. I think they're trying to "negotiate" behind the scenes as to what Zeke and the Cowboys will accept. But the Cowboys are balking at any suspension, so here we are. The league is stuck, and they know it.

The NFLPA is perched and waiting, too.

This could get messy. The NFL needs to do the right thing, and just drop it.
When Jerry spoke the other night, it did not seem that a possible suspension would come from the domestic violence charge. It seemed to me it had to do with the girls blouse incident.


Well-Known Member
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When Jerry spoke the other night, it did not seem that a possible suspension would come from the domestic violence charge. It seemed to me it had to do with the girls blouse incident.

which is even dumber frankly. You look at video of that parade and such all sorts of things were happening that were much worse; which is to be expected from something that was pretty much like Mardi Gras in New Orleans. The FACT that the woman seemed to not be offended at all was rather glaring; so trying to use that looks even worse then the DV BS.

The Quest for Six

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If Zeke gets suspended, would it surprise me, no, if he doesn't get suspended, it wouldn't surprise me either but I believe Zeke will probably get a game or two as a pattern of behavior under the leagues player conduct policy( you don't need a criminal charge or conviction to suspend a player), numerous calls to police with regards to domestic incidents, exposing a woman's breast, speeding ticket(100 in a 70 zone) for which he plead guilty and is now contesting, night club incident where he leaves the scene and all of a sudden the victim isn't talking, doesn't want charges, witnesses either changed their story or aren't cooperating.......sound like a pay off to keep quiet to me......Zeke won't be the only Cowboy facing a suspension, Carroll will receive a couple games for his DuI incident and Wilson will probably face a lengthy(6 or 8 game) suspension for his road rage/ gun incident....


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
When Jerry spoke the other night, it did not seem that a possible suspension would come from the domestic violence charge. It seemed to me it had to do with the girls blouse incident.

That is the NFL's way out on this. Nothing on the DV, but the blouse incident can come under the personal conduct policy.
But not deserving of anymore than 2 games, which is even a but much.

Maybe fine him like $100K or even $200K but no game suspensions.
Even if any suspensions, then they should still appeal it. However the NFL may try to give 4 games just to make up for what they couldn't do on the DV issues.


Well-Known Member
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The NFL is in a real pickle on this.

Jerry, and now Stephen, have sent a warning. Any suspension will be challenged, so get ready for it. Don't you dare do it.

The league wants to suspend Zeke, and owners are pressuring for it (especially one), but there simply isn't adequate grounds to do so, and the NFL knows it. When you take over a year on an investigation, you look really stupid if you don't suspend him. (What in the world have you been doing all this time then?)

The NFL is trying to find a way to save face. I think they're trying to "negotiate" behind the scenes as to what Zeke and the Cowboys will accept. But the Cowboys are balking at any suspension, so here we are. The league is stuck, and they know it.

The NFLPA is perched and waiting, too.

This could get messy. The NFL needs to do the right thing, and just drop it.

The NFLPA is extremely weak.

The Quest for Six

Well-Known Member
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I think he's getting suspended. I think it's going to be 4 games or so and I don't really think the Cowboys can do anything about it, other then waste money on a Lawyer. Nobody in the league is going to support Jerry on this IMO. I think it is what it is.

I believe Zeke gets suspended for a game or two, I hope he doesn't get a four game suspension, but we don't have access to all the leagues investigation material either....


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
If Zeke gets suspended, would it surprise me, no, if he doesn't get suspended, it wouldn't surprise me either but I believe Zeke will probably get a game or two as a pattern of behavior under the leagues player conduct policy( you don't need a criminal charge or conviction to suspend a player), numerous calls to police with regards to domestic incidents, exposing a woman's breast, speeding ticket(100 in a 70 zone) for which he plead guilty and is now contesting, night club incident where he leaves the scene and all of a sudden the victim isn't talking, doesn't want charges, witnesses either changed their story or aren't cooperating.......sound like a pay off to keep quiet to me......Zeke won't be the only Cowboy facing a suspension, Carroll will receive a couple games for his DuI incident and Wilson will probably face a lengthy(6 or 8 game) suspension for his road rage/ gun incident....

So if a player goes to a bar, and a fight breaks out, and he is not involved, he should get suspended for it? Who said Zeke left the scene? I never seen anything on that. There was no charges and no one was talking, and conflicting statements. But yet this should be considered an offense.

So next time a player from any team goes anywhere, then a fight breaks out, and he is innocent, but the NFL sets a precedence, that player needs to be suspended also?


Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I believe Zeke gets suspended for a game or two, I hope he doesn't get a four game suspension, but we don't have access to all the leagues investigation material either....

The NFL doesn't have access to their own material, so they just make it up....:lmao2:


Well-Known Member
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I think he's getting suspended. I think it's going to be 4 games or so and I don't really think the Cowboys can do anything about it, other then waste money on a Lawyer. Nobody in the league is going to support Jerry on this IMO. I think it is what it is.
But the NFL will lose this case in court. The police have refused to give them access to the evidence because they determined there was no crime. Therefore, any information they have is private to Elliott and not the NFL's business.

Nobody in the league will support Jerry? Kraft will. Snyder will. There are only about 6 owners that wield any power at all.

And the NFLPA damn sure will. In fact, they might threaten to strike over this.

If a player gets suspended over nothing illegal whatsoever, then ALL players are incredibly vulnerable to the whims of the league and the blackmail threats of their jilted girlfriends.

A suspension here would set a very dangerous precedent for players.