Apparently, it inspired you to respond.
Will it be different?
There was a story I once read about Stephen entering the lockerroom at half time during the time that Bill Parcells was HC. He had very strict rules about who could be there, he didn't want any distractions, he wanted the team focused.
Bill Parcells wanted him to leave but Stephen stated that he could go anywhere he wanted. He refused to leave in front of the players.
Some might agree with Stephen. However, his refusal undermined, or revealed the lack of, Parcell's authority as HC. Besides, what could Stephen Jones possibly contribute to second half adjustments?
Do you think Stephen Jones earned his position? Did he rise up through the ranks from junior scout to regional scout to assistant director, earning each promotion through the performance of his duties? Do you think any of the 31 other teams would hire him at his present position or any other?
He could do one thing only for me to be convinced that things were going to be different if he were the owner and that would be if he immediately hired a qualified GM and kept his nose out of football operations. Do you think that is going to happen?