Stone Cold Steve Austin

Jericho also tweeted the following last night regarding CM Punk's promo: "Congrats to @cmpunk and Vince McMahon for doing something tonight that hasn't been done in awhile...make history."

MVP tweeted the following on CM Punk's RAW promo: "My verdict after watching the @CMPunk promo, he just had his Austin 3:16 moment."
Mick Foley: "I have no idea where this @cmpunk thing might go, but I know I'll be watching. Captivating stuff."

Jim Ross: "Most compelling, controversial end of Raw in a long time. @cmpunk edgy, attitudinal & full of rage. Don't know what to think. Wow."

Joey Styles: "Holy crap! I thought I was bad when I was shooting on Vince and the company. OMG! Holy crap!"

Billy Corgan: "@CMPunk that may have been the GREATEST promo i have ever paraphrase Paul E, 'you sir, are *** hardcore'..."
Maryse: "@CMPunk for President of the United-States...."

Daniel Bryan: "With revolution dripping off his lips with every word, @CMPunk was a god last night."

Chris Jericho: "Congrats to @cmpunk and Vince McMahon for doing something tonight that hasn't been done in awhile...make history."

Steve Austin wrote the following on the CM Punk promo that closed Raw: "just melted my 52 inch TV with a scorching hot, content, and of the best promos I've ever seen."

These were more reactions found at
JBL also tweeted the following on CM Punk's RAW promo: "CM Punk's promo-shoot or work? Who cares? When you are so good that you can put that doubt in viewers minds you have done your job very well"

His promo last night was outstanding. These are the kinds of things why I like CM Punk. When you turn that guy loose he can really cut a great promo.

Awesome work last night.
Regardless of who is the real genius behind the scenes, the thing to always keep in mind is that professional wrestling is an elaborate production, a staged show at its essence. While Punk was able to make even the most jaded fans suspend their disbelief last night, make no mistake that the entire segment was preplanned, right down to the Sopranos-like cut to black.

In fact, the planning probably goes all the way back to the earliest reports of Punk’s contract winding down. The weeks of speculation and backstage leaks were all planted by WWE to build up to last night’s climax. If that’s true, then something truly special is at work here.

For all the complaints of WWE being unable to slowly build a memorable storyline, this one can be traced back to Punk’s return to TV last November.

Punk was placed in a prominent position on Raw, first as an announcer, then as the leader of the New Nexus, a spot that kept him in the spotlight while still maintaining the illusion that he was being underutilized by the company. With the end of his real-life contract coming up, WWE fooled us all by making us think Punk was truly unhappy and on his way out, and leaked information confirming those suspicions.

When Punk tore into the backstage politics last night, he was playing to our preconceived notion of reality. That, along with a split from the predictable PG show we’ve become accustomed to, made the promo effective and believable.

Read the entire article at

It's an all around great job by all those involved in this thing. Punk is amazing in the way he's pulling it off. Easily the best thing going, anywhere, in wrestling today is CM Punk.
Punk is a natural on camera with the mic...that's why when he was hurt they kept him on camera announcing. Last nite was his best though...
BraveHeartFan;3981877 said:
It's an all around great job by all those involved in this thing. Punk is amazing in the way he's pulling it off. Easily the best thing going, anywhere, in wrestling today is CM Punk.

But..but..AJ was voted the best. Think AJ could have pulled that off last night? I don't.
DallasGirl50;3981980 said:
But..but..AJ was voted the best. Think AJ could have pulled that off last night? I don't.

Not only do I not think it I know he couldn't have. Now no disrespect to AJ meant there but the guy simply doesn't have the charisma or the mic skills to pull something of that nature off. Never has and he most likely never will.

I know that magazine is gospel to some, and to each their own, but quite frankly they're wrong just like they have been many times over when they select their #1.

Punk is light years better than AJ. It's not even a competition.
Cant wait for MITB to see how this angle plays out.

This could be the start of an all time great angle.
@CMPunk just melted my 52 inch TV with a scorching hot, content, and of the best promos I've ever seen.

Ladies and germs-I have no idea why @CMPunk wore my shirt tonite...but it looked damn good on him...thanks @AverageJoeArt for the design.

@EricCalcara_35 what the hell do you know about a worked shoot? And fake as hell? was a damn good promo and thats the bottom line.

Tons More Talents Tweet On CM Punk

Tommy Dreamer: “Just watched @cmpunk promo. GREAT. WWE has everyone talking. Could actually create their own competition. Kudos 2 Punk & VKM b different”

Zach Gowen: “WWE shoulda gave @CMPunk the ball a long time ago. Dude connects with people on a whole other level. Mad love for punk. Outta this world.”

Shane Helms: “And @CMPunk took his own “Rocket to the Moon” tonight!! I’m gonna have a drink in his honor! A big glass of Pepsi! :)

Batista: “well im embarrassed to say that i seem to be the only loser in the world that didn’t see the cmpunk promo!! so my goal of the day is to see it. i was watching Pawn Stars. love me some Chumley!! heard he raised HELL though!!! i have house envy because of Punk by the way!”

Blue Meanie: “Just saw the @CMPunk end of RAW on YT. TREMENDOUS! Punks is 1 of the best on the mic. Congrats to #ColtCabana and #ROH for the shoutouts! WWE should let Punk go back to ROH with the WWE to play up the “I left” angle and eventually come back. WWE could give ROH a rub as a shot TNA as they did with ECW vs. WCW. They could do a “state of the WWE belt” and show Punk on ROH shows with the belt. There’s so many cool things they could do. Not only for the storyline but also help a ROH get some good pub. Wrestling needs more companies to make it.”

Shad Gaspard: “@CMPunk DAMN I love you brotha!”

Trish Stratus: “Sorry @joeystyles but @cmpunk on #Raw…OMG! What did y’all think of that?”

Maria Kanellis: “After seeing the events of today. I have to say some people are THE BEST IN THE WORLD….;)

MVP: “My verdict after watching the @CMPunk promo, he just had his Austin 3:16 moment.

JBL: “CM Punk’s promo-shoot or work? Who cares? When you are so good that you can put that doubt in viewers minds you have done your job very well”

JBL Via his Facebook: “I haven’t watched a wrestling program since well before I left WWE 2+ years ago. Heard about CM Punk’s promo and watched it this morning-WOW! That was awesome, as good as I have ever seen. I worked with CM when he first became champ-really enjoyed it and really happy to see what a stud he has become. When you can put doubt as to whether shoot or work-you have done your job very well!”

Shawn Michaels: “Gettin ready 2 head home. 2 words 4 @CMPunk- thata boy. Felt like old times. Anywho, back 2 my normal life, tweet u on touchdown:)

Chavo Guerrero: “Did u see @CmPunk promo last night? WOW! If all those things are being said by a guy being used…think how I feel! Good Job Punk! Work or shoot, @CmPunk ‘s promo was true. I know Punk & half if not all of that promo was off the cuff. Cm Punk has always done things his Way, and for that I admire him. Kudos Punker! :)

Bill DeMott: “CMPUNK put the lockerroom on notice…you better be #willing to step up! Things just got very real.who is #willing to take a chance?”

Taz: “Punk did a great job & I always liked him when we were in wwe together and his work! But I must say There r many of us who were NEVER pushed to the level Punk was & were NEVER allowed to shoot like that, he’s lucky he was allowed to do that But it was very strong & real!! I liked a lot! Good stuff Punk!”

And Lastly

Kurt Angle: “CM Punk had classic promo last night. Good for Him. But if U ever say another word about Me again, Ur toast! If U don’t believe Me, try Me!”

:lmao2: Angle must Be drunk again.
zrinkill;3982537 said:
JBL: “CM Punk’s promo-shoot or work? Who cares? When you are so good that you can put that doubt in viewers minds you have done your job very well”

JBL Via his Facebook: “I haven’t watched a wrestling program since well before I left WWE 2+ years ago. Heard about CM Punk’s promo and watched it this morning-WOW! That was awesome, as good as I have ever seen. I worked with CM when he first became champ-really enjoyed it and really happy to see what a stud he has become. When you can put doubt as to whether shoot or work-you have done your job very well!”

X-Pac also had a video posted (can't link to it because of language) where he said basically the same or shoot, what's the difference? The fact that there was doubt was the important point, so just enjoy it :)
On a related note, by coincidence.....RoH just set a record for number of PPV buys for their show.

Reported by Adam Martin of
ROH’s “Best in the World 2011″ iPPV this past Sunday, airing live from the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City, drew an estimated 1,900 buys reports The Figure Four Weekly Newsletter. This beat out the previous record set last December for the company’s “Final Battle 2010″ iPPV. It was considered an impressive number with ROH no longer being part of HDNet for months now and no real way to promote outside of the internet. It was also the first iPPV available on the iPhone, iPad and Android platforms (something ROH wasn’t aware of until the day of the show). Fans could also stream the show live on television with a Roku box for the first time as well.
That promo is how you bring attention to your company. What they're doing with Punk is absolutely brilliant.
Its gonna Be funny if WWE starts endorsing ROH (like they used to with ECW)
and ROH takes over TNA in the ratings.

zrinkill;3982552 said:
Its gonna Be funny if WWE starts endorsing ROH (like they used to with ECW)
and ROH takes over TNA in the ratings.


Something about this post had me laughing again, for sure.
zrinkill;3982552 said:
Its gonna Be funny if WWE starts endorsing ROH (like they used to with ECW)
and ROH takes over TNA in the ratings.



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