Stone Cold Steve Austin

BraveHeartFan;3979874 said:
I can see why the kid likes him. AJ is great in the ring. But he's over the top about it cause some forum of people who think like he does, and some magazine, told him that AJ is the best in the world. THus it's fact and can't be disputed.

That's the biggest problem with that kid.

Good for you Dave. If you don't like it glad you didn't stay. Right move. I'm sure WWE, and all the money they're racking in without you, are really hurt that you're gone.

To be fair...yes.

What you missed was him wrestling. It's the part of AJ Styles that is definately worthwhile and worth seeing. He's average, at best, on the mic but to watch him wrestle is pretty entertaining.

I do agree with R2A on AJ when it comes to the in-ring work.


I've said that many times over the last few years is that one of his problems is that he looks uneasy and doesn't really seem to want to be doing the talking.

That happens to some guys. Even Bret Hart admits for the longest time, when he first started wrestling, he had it rough cause he was never comfortable with it. He eventually got passed that to become better on the mic, above average (and his heel turn and Anti-America/Pro-Canada stuff was quite good IMO), but it's not always that easy for guys to over come that.

AJ really does need a mouth piece. Someone to talk for him and let him do the wrestling. He would benefit a great deal from that.

AJ isn't bad enough to need a permanent mouth piece, he isn't Lashley bad, but to have a manager that does some of the more intense promos for him wouldn't hurt. But it would make him seem weaker than he is, I mean after all he is the best worker in the company besides arguably Angle, and one of the top 3 wrestling today, so it would make him seem weaker than he is.

He has been improving though, so hopefully he continues to do so and this becomes a non-issue, the difference between 2-3 years ago and now is very impressive, 2-3 years ago he was "BAD" on the mic, now he is passable/average,
RoyTheHammer;3980057 said:
Abyss and Morgan arn't bad with the stick.. i especially like the new "The Art of War" stuff he does.

Abyss can be pretty good on the mic when they've got him doing the right stuff. I don't mind him at all.

Morgan just bores me. He's not as bad as Morrison, as Zrin said, because all Morgan does is bore me.

Morrison makes me feel sorry for him that he's so terrible.
zrinkill;3980058 said:
Abyss is trying to do the mankind thing ...... and Morgan is just awful.

I am talking John Morrison bad.

Eh, i don't mind Morgan on the mic most of the time.

Abyss is working though with the Sun Tzu stuff. Im likin it.
Romo 2 Austin;3980066 said:
AJ isn't bad enough to need a permanent mouth piece, he isn't Lashley bad, but to have a manager that does some of the more intense promos for him wouldn't hurt. But it would make him seem weaker than he is, I mean after all he is the best worker in the company besides arguably Angle, and one of the top 3 wrestling today, so it would make him seem weaker than he is.

He has been improving though, so hopefully he continues to do so and this becomes a non-issue, the difference between 2-3 years ago and now is very impressive, 2-3 years ago he was "BAD" on the mic, now he is passable/average,

a few thoughts...IF he's going to do mic work.....they better write good stuff for him or it will be real bad. The stuff they had him do with Flair..the Ric Jr. Stuff was just awful. At no point was he believable as a swinging playboy type like Flair is. That was horrible. He should focus on his in ring the mic stuff once in a blue moon...& carry on.
DallasGirl50;3980098 said:
a few thoughts...IF he's going to do mic work.....they better write good stuff for him or it will be real bad. The stuff they had him do with Flair..the Ric Jr. Stuff was just awful. At no point was he believable as a swinging playboy type like Flair is. That was horrible. He should focus on his in ring the mic stuff once in a blue moon...& carry on.

AJ should book him as WWF booked Bret Hart in the mid ninetys, he became the biggest star in the company as an average mic-worker AJ has done the same & can keep growing if booked properly. Dozens of great managers are working indys for $100 a night since neither WWE or TNA use them, they could pick one up and see how it works with AJ, don't put a Flair in that role as it overshadows Styles in the minds of fans from the 80s/90s, put some no name guy who is good on the mic so that everyone knows AJ is the star.
I would make it very simple & it would cost zero...keep him off the mic unless absolutely necessary for storyline purposes. Joe & Daniels last nite were so much better than AJ..& they didn't even say much. I sort of felt sorry for him.
BraveHeartFan;3980073 said:
Abyss can be pretty good on the mic when they've got him doing the right stuff. I don't mind him at all.

Morgan just bores me. He's not as bad as Morrison, as Zrin said, because all Morgan does is bore me.

Morrison makes me feel sorry for him that he's so terrible.

John needs to get back in the ring ASAP...he's becoming an afterthought. Lots of injuries adding up. He can't help getting hurt I know but whatever momentum he had career wise is rapidly slipping away.
DallasGirl50;3980098 said:
a few thoughts...IF he's going to do mic work.....they better write good stuff for him or it will be real bad. The stuff they had him do with Flair..the Ric Jr. Stuff was just awful. At no point was he believable as a swinging playboy type like Flair is. That was horrible. He should focus on his in ring the mic stuff once in a blue moon...& carry on.

Excellent points.

The Flair stuff was just mind blowingly bad. I have no idea why they ever looked at AJ and thought he could pull that off. That was just a terrible, terrible idea and it was completely unfair to AJ.

DallasGirl50;3980106 said:
I would make it very simple & it would cost zero...keep him off the mic unless absolutely necessary for storyline purposes. Joe & Daniels last nite were so much better than AJ..& they didn't even say much. I sort of felt sorry for him.

Again that is the problem for AJ. Joe and Daniels (Daniels especially) are superior on the mic and it shows way to much.

AJ just needs a manager to talk for him some. Not all the time. You could still let him talk here and there but limit it and give him a chance to really get comfortable and grow.

He has improved some over the years, and that's nice to see, but at the pace he's going in that department he'll be well passed the age where he can still do what he does in the ring, by the time his mic skills are up to par.
DallasGirl50;3980111 said:
John needs to get back in the ring ASAP...he's becoming an afterthought. Lots of injuries adding up. He can't help getting hurt I know but whatever momentum he had career wise is rapidly slipping away.

Yep. Yet another downside for a person who can't speak.

See when you can talk on the mic then they can still keep you on the shows. Look at Austin, Hart, HBK, Cena, Angle, etc. when they were hurt for extended amounts of time during their runs. They could still put them on the shows in segments every week and they stayed in peoples minds and relevant.

in fact one of the best things that happen to Austin, is also clearly one of the worst, but when he hurt his neck against Owen. Him being able to be on the shows in segments, talking, and then being able to do that whole thing where it seemed like Vince and the WWF were not allowing him to comeback. Being overly cautious with him, and holding him out, made the fans only love him and want to see him that much more.

That's the power of charisma and mic skills. That's why Austin (and The Rock is probably the absolute best example of this, in all honesty) can walk into wrestling event, anywhere in the world, for the rest of his life and people will explode for him. They'll go crazy.

Guys like Morrison and AJ...unfortunately, and this is very sad, if you took them off TV for 5-10 years they wouldn't get the same reactions. AJ would still get a solid one, for the fans who still remembered his work in the ring, but nothing like a guy like Austin, Rock, Flair, HHH, HBK, Macho Man (RIP), Roddy Piper etc. can/do get when they go away for long periods of time.
I am sure when John comes back he will go right back to fighting Truth...can't imagine who else they would put him with.
Most likely. I'm sure at some point he's going to cost Truth a title match, or something, in order to bring that feud back to the front for Truth.
Morrison will never be anything but a midcarder.

Guy is bad on the stick and is a spot wrestler.
zrinkill;3980314 said:
Morrison will never be anything but a midcarder.

Guy is bad on the stick and is a spot wrestler.

that may be how it all pans out but I suspect he will get a huge push when he returns. Problem for him is, as you said, his lack of mic skills. And nagging injury issues. He has ankle problems. He had that pinched nerve in his neck repaired but is that something that will nag him or once repaired good as new? I don't know...
Somebody asked me what my take on the WWE Smackdown program was?

My take.. its been the same ******* show for 2 months straight now. Same matches, same order, subtle change to the main event. Its unreal.

In short, its terrible. But the yuppies will keep eating it up and bringing WWE the cash.
RoyTheHammer;3980501 said:
Somebody asked me what my take on the WWE Smackdown program was?

My take.. its been the same ******* show for 2 months straight now. Same matches, same order, subtle change to the main event. Its unreal.

In short, its terrible. But the yuppies will keep eating it up and bringing WWE the cash.

I agree that Smackdown has gotten very repetitive.

But then again ...... now that Tough Enough is over for this season they have no competition as the number 2 wrestling show on TV.

There is simply no alternative to those who enjoy professional wrestling.
zrinkill;3981003 said:
I agree that Smackdown has gotten very repetitive.

But then again ...... now that Tough Enough is over for this season they have no competition as the number 2 wrestling show on TV.

There is simply no alternative to those who enjoy professional wrestling.

Yawn.. spare us your shallow wit. You arn't good at trying to get under people's skin lol.

But honestly, even if there was zero competition, it doesn't mean you have to buy into the terrible product being put out. As long as people keep eating up that garbage though, and the WWE hits their numbers, it won't change. Its a bleak outlook for the forseeable future for longtime wrestling fans.
RoyTheHammer;3981022 said:
Its a bleak outlook for the forseeable future for longtime wrestling fans.
I'm not buying that and I've been watching wrestling for 40 years now.
big dog cowboy;3981033 said:
I'm not buying that and I've been watching wrestling for 40 years now.

You enjoy the product being put out there right now by the WWE?

What's your take on SD the past month or so then?
RoyTheHammer;3981022 said:
Yawn.. spare us your shallow wit. You arn't good at trying to get under people's skin lol.


I just commented on your post?

Do not understand why you started with the insults.

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