Stoudemire calls Bowen, Ginobili ‘dirty’ players

peplaw06;1495090 said:
my my how opinions change when it's your team involved. You weren't of that opinion when Jet "threw Baron to the ground.":rolleyes:

i still think he got away with one as there was clear visual evidence of him throwing him to the ground...but my actual response was something to the effect of...

"i won't be surprised if the nba reacts, especially given his past."

they didn't react, and i never brought it up again.

so, what's your point?
phillycowboyslover;1495094 said:
i still think he got away with one as there was clear visual evidence of him throwing him to the ground...but my actual response was something to the effect of...

"i won't be surprised if the nba reacts, especially given his past."

they didn't react, and i never brought it up again.

so, what's your point?

The point is you didn't consider the NBA the final say on that incident. You just said you still think he got away with one, despite the fact that there was virtually no news regarding that incident.

You're using the same argument I made after Game 5 in Dallas. You didn't like it when I used it... but now you want to put it forth. How convenient.

It's really not that hard to figure out the point, if you'll actually think before typing.
peplaw06;1495104 said:
The point is you didn't consider the NBA the final say on that incident. You just said you still think he got away with one, despite the fact that there was virtually no news regarding that incident.

You're using the same argument I made after Game 5 in Dallas. You didn't like it when I used it... but now you want to put it forth. How convenient.

It's really not that hard to figure out the point, if you'll actually think before typing.

of course i considered it. hence the "not bringing it up again."

but ultimately, you didn't care about my opinion then, and i don't care for yours now, and the nba cared for neither.

so, what are you arguing about?

i also don't know why you continually make snide remarks about my intelligence. I've never attacked you personally once, yet you insist on continuing to do that.

it doesn't make me respect you, sir.
peplaw06;1495088 said:
Then if this isn't their "worst," I'd hate to see them when they're really jealous.

The jealousy continues .... :lmao2:


Something the Mavs will never experience.
zrinkill;1495117 said:

Something the Mavs will never experience.

great shot.

it's awesome that the admiral...

a) got to go out on one deserved that more

b) still attends most home spurs games

phillycowboyslover;1495122 said:
great shot.

it's awesome that the admiral...

a) got to go out on one deserved that more

b) still attends most home spurs games


c) HAS HUGE GUNS!!! man i hope i look like than when im fourty:bow:

hey you going to the game tomorrow philly?
zrinkill;1495117 said:

Something else that's amazing about that shot - it gives away Tim Duncan's secret! Three hands! One hand holds up the trophy, another is around Robinson, and a third (holding a camcorder) comes out of his side.

I guess he wanted to record the moment.
phillycowboyslover;1495109 said:
of course i considered it. hence the "not bringing it up again."
You JUST said in this thread you still think Terry got away with one. I don't see what's so hard to understand about that.

but ultimately, you didn't care about my opinion then, and i don't care for yours now, and the nba cared for neither.

so, what are you arguing about?

i also don't know why you continually make snide remarks about my intelligence. I've never attacked you personally once, yet you insist on continuing to do that.

it doesn't make me respect you, sir.

1) I really don't care if I have your respect or not. I'm not out for your respect.

2) Maybe you need to reread the thread here...

That thread is full of "snide remarks" from you. And the first time you responded to one of my posts you included one.

Everytime I make an argument you say "what's your point?" or something to that effect. You just said something like that again in this post. I always have to explain myself to you or dumb it down. It gets annoying.

I can debate with multiple Spurs fans and never get one of the "what's your point," "lame argument," nor do I have to continually interpret my posts for them. I guess that's some passive agressive way for you to try to discredit me. I picked up on it. Don't cry because I called you on it, and decided to give you some of your own medicine.
I love the snide remarks ..... and I have no problem letting it go when we are all rooting for the Cowboys ......

If the Mavs and Spurs were not both great teams ...... we would not have such a budding great rivalry ......

I don't "really" think that any Mav fans "really" believe that the Spurs players are trying to injure other teams players ...... just like I don't "really" think that Dirk is overrated or that Porter and Jackson are "really" thugs .....

Its just fans talking smack to each other ......

And to tell ya the truth ...... when compared to my Cowboys ...... I could care less about any of these basketball teams ..... ;)
MC KAos;1495144 said:
c) HAS HUGE GUNS!!! man i hope i look like than when im fourty:bow:

hey you going to the game tomorrow philly?

nah, going monday.

If this guy had to play against the "Bad Boys" he might actually cry.
zrinkill;1495347 said:
I love the snide remarks ..... and I have no problem letting it go when we are all rooting for the Cowboys ......

If the Mavs and Spurs were not both great teams ...... we would not have such a budding great rivalry ......

I don't "really" think that any Mav fans "really" believe that the Spurs players are trying to injure other teams players ...... just like I don't "really" think that Dirk is overrated or that Porter and Jackson are "really" thugs .....

Its just fans talking smack to each other ......

And to tell ya the truth ...... when compared to my Cowboys ...... I could care less about any of these basketball teams ..... ;)

i think dirk is overrated!
phillycowboyslover;1495575 said:
nah, going monday.


sweet, you should see the noise makers they gave out in game 3, they were freaking LOUD!!! it still hurts my ears
MC KAos;1496091 said:
sweet, you should see the noise makers they gave out in game 3, they were freaking LOUD!!! it still hurts my ears

anything is better than the pom poms i got last game.

i love the spurs....but pom poms? weak giveaway.

bigbadroy;1496298 said:
bowen is a dirty player. ginobli is just a big-nosed flopper

and your jelous your team doesnt have players with the balls that gino and bowen have
bigbadroy;1496298 said:
bowen is a dirty player. ginobli is just a big-nosed flopper

bowen nails three's with an entire bench screaming in his ear.
:)lmao2: ...priceless)

ginobili gets a nasty cut, and then puts in 10 points in under 2 minutes.
