Stoudemire calls Bowen, Ginobili ‘dirty’ players

phillycowboyslover;1495582 said:
good to know we have such friendly cowboy fans here.

Why should I be friendly to you? You're not interested in being friendly. If I feel insulted, I'm less inclined to be friendly... sue me.
MC KAos;1496346 said:
and your jelous your team doesnt have players with the balls that gino and bowen have

cheap shots do not = balls.

And how can Gina have balls? Sounds like an oxymoron.
zrinkill;1496470 said:
Jealousy is a hell of a thing.
jealous of a guy who kicks guys coming down and kneeing guys in the nuts:rolleyes: and a woodpecker who goes flying 5 feet back whenever he makes physical contact while playing defense:rolleyes:
bigbadroy;1496783 said:
jealous of a guy who kicks guys coming down and kneeing guys in the nuts:rolleyes: and a woodpecker who goes flying 5 feet back whenever he makes physical contact while playing defense:rolleyes:

Yet they both have more titles than your pathetic Mavs team ..... old nut puncher jason terry and cry baby dirk .....

zrinkill;1496895 said:
Yet they both have more titles than your pathetic Mavs team ..... old nut puncher jason terry and cry baby dirk .....


but...but....they won 67 games and won the division!!!!!!!!

:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:
This is totally unrelated to the topic, but I'm reminded of a Mavs-Lakers postgame interview when Don Nelson was still coaching the Mavs. Shaq and Nellie had a feud going on (Hack-A-Shaq) and Shaq made the comment that he still had three more titles than Don Nelson.

To which Nelson later responded - "I won five championships with the Boston Celtics, so technically I'm still two up on Shaq. But we're tied as coaches."
zrinkill;1496895 said:
Yet they both have more titles than your pathetic Mavs team ..... old nut puncher jason terry and cry baby dirk .....


My dad can beat up your dad!

zrinkill;1495347 said:
I love the snide remarks ..... and I have no problem letting it go when we are all rooting for the Cowboys ......

If the Mavs and Spurs were not both great teams ...... we would not have such a budding great rivalry ......

I don't "really" think that any Mav fans "really" believe that the Spurs players are trying to injure other teams players ...... just like I don't "really" think that Dirk is overrated or that Porter and Jackson are "really" thugs .....

Its just fans talking smack to each other ......

And to tell ya the truth ...... when compared to my Cowboys ...... I could care less about any of these basketball teams ..... ;)

As a belated response and my 2 cents on the topic, I don't mind the comments if done in fun.

But I am not a fan of the disrespect that's been demonstrated lately on both sides. It's a total lack of class (more like something that rhymes with class):

"All Mavs fans are [insert phrase]!" :lmao2:

"All Spurs fans are [insert phrase]!" :lmao:

"Bowen is dirty! Ginobili is a flopper!" :laugh2:

"Duncan isn't that good!" :laugh1:

"Irk is overrated! The Jet grabs man nuggets!"

The Real Mavs Man;1497112 said:
This is totally unrelated to the topic, but I'm reminded of a Mavs-Lakers postgame interview when Don Nelson was still coaching the Mavs. Shaq and Nellie had a feud going on (Hack-A-Shaq) and Shaq made the comment that he still had three more titles than Don Nelson.

To which Nelson later responded - "I won five championships with the Boston Celtics, so technically I'm still two up on Shaq. But we're tied as coaches."

pretty funny. :laugh2:
phillycowboyslover;1497170 said:
pretty funny. :laugh2:

That's one thing I miss with Nellie - he was entertaining. He was not known for defense, but he's shown he can play it when he has the players.
peplaw06;1496635 said:
cheap shots do not = balls.

And how can Gina have balls? Sounds like an oxymoron.

cheap shot? whatever, i say he was clearing him out, its not a big deal. i think its a lot worse when someone punches a guy in the balls like "the jet" did. By the way that guy should come up with something original, the jet played for the rockets 12 years ago.

and ginO has more balls than any player on the mavs. what do you want to compare him to, dirk? ya i dont even have to discuss that with you anyone who watched the playoffs will tell you ginobili has more cojones and heart than Irk. Maybe you didnt watch the first round against denver or so far this series with phoenix. ginobili consistently gets pounded and fouled hard by opponents for no reason and he steps up his game just like he did yesterday after almost getting his eye poked out. You can also go back and look at highlights of him in the 04 olympics and 05 playoffs if you are questioning his cojones.
bigbadroy;1496783 said:
jealous of a guy who kicks guys coming down and kneeing guys in the nuts:rolleyes: and a woodpecker who goes flying 5 feet back whenever he makes physical contact while playing defense:rolleyes:
ya and i guess he somehow faked that eye injury right? he "flopped" his eye into bleeding and closing up completely. the fact of the matter is that ginobili gets pounded when he drives on a consistent basis
MC KAos;1497281 said:
cheap shot? whatever, i say he was clearing him out, its not a big deal. i think its a lot worse when someone punches a guy in the balls like "the jet" did. By the way that guy should come up with something original, the jet played for the rockets 12 years ago.
I never denied Jet's shot was cheap. I'm simply saying that a guy who commits cheap shots on other players doesn't mean he has balls. You can't argue that point, so you take a shot at Jet. Oh well, guess I should expect that from you, but it's not a good point.

And Jet uses that nickname because those are his initials. Makes more sense than just being called "Jet." And who says you can't repeat nicknames? YOU??? Boxers repeat nicknames all the time. There's no other Jet in the league at the moment... are you easily confused??

and ginA has more balls than any player on the mavs. what do you want to compare him to, dirk? ya i dont even have to discuss that with you anyone who watched the playoffs will tell you ginobili has more cojones and heart than Irk. Maybe you didnt watch the first round against denver or so far this series with phoenix. ginabili consistently gets pounded and fouled hard by opponents for no reason and he steps up his game just like he did yesterday after almost getting his eye poked out. You can also go back and look at highlights of him in the 04 olympics and 05 playoffs if you are questioning his cojones.
Still can't stay on topic huh? This thread is about those guys committing cheap shots. In some attempt to defend your guys who are committing the cheap shots, you say they have "balls." Great point :rolleyes:

I never put forth Dirk as a guy who has "balls." You just couldn't help taking your own little cheap shot. I guess that means you have "balls.":laugh2:

And poor Gina gets fouled hard by opponents "for no reason?" boo hoo hoo. You're not getting any sympathy from me.
BTW... How about them Warriors cheap shots? You stay classy Baron Davis and Jason Richardson. I guess it wouldn't be a Warriors loss without having a guy or two thrown out at the end of a game.
peplaw06;1497433 said:
I never denied Jet's shot was cheap. I'm simply saying that a guy who commits cheap shots on other players doesn't mean he has balls. You can't argue that point, so you take a shot at Jet. Oh well, guess I should expect that from you, but it's not a good point.

And Jet uses that nickname because those are his initials. Makes more sense than just being called "Jet." And who says you can't repeat nicknames? YOU??? Boxers repeat nicknames all the time. There's no other Jet in the league at the moment... are you easily confused??

Still can't stay on topic huh? This thread is about those guys committing cheap shots. In some attempt to defend your guys who are committing the cheap shots, you say they have "balls." Great point :rolleyes:

I never put forth Dirk as a guy who has "balls." You just couldn't help taking your own little cheap shot. I guess that means you have "balls.":laugh2:

And poor Gina gets fouled hard by opponents "for no reason?" boo hoo hoo. You're not getting any sympathy from me.

i love taking shots at the lame a** mavs, its great. And i said i didnt think either of the "cheap shots" are legitimate. and im also responding to you saying ginobili doesnt have balls since you called him Gina, which you started out of the blue.
The Real Mavs Man said:
But I am not a fan of the disrespect that's been demonstrated lately on both sides.

Guilty as charged sir.

Spurs fans remind me of alot of the idiot, fair-weather Cowboys fans that I sit next to when I go to Cowboys games.

The last game I attended, Philly is absolutely destroying us, the score is about 28-10 philly, or something similar and stupid Cowboys fans are spouting off to Eagles fans (who completely took over TS that night) about 5 Champhionships and all the success we had 10 years ago. They would go on to break all kind of TS scoring records against our defense that night, but of course the Cowboys fans had already left a little after the 3rd Quarter started :rolleyes: .

Usually a debate with a Spurs fan degenerates into is "But but but but my team has titles and your's have none".

That's why I don't respect most of them. I will be cheering for my team that has zero titles from now until the rest of my life, I am not so sure you can say that for some of the Spurs fans on this board.

- Mike G.
mickgreen58;1497575 said:
Guilty as charged sir.

Spurs fans remind me of alot of the idiot, fair-weather Cowboys fans that I sit next to when I go to Cowboys games.

The last game I attended, Philly is absolutely destroying us, the score is about 28-10 philly, or something similar and stupid Cowboys fans are spouting off to Eagles fans (who completely took over TS that night) about 5 Champhionships and all the success we had 10 years ago. They would go on to break all kind of TS scoring records against our defense that night, but of course the Cowboys fans had already left a little after the 3rd Quarter started :rolleyes: .

Usually a debate with a Spurs fan degenerates into is "But but but but my team has titles and your's have none".

That's why I don't respect most of them. I will be cheering for my team that has zero titles from now until the rest of my life, I am not so sure you can say that for some of the Spurs fans on this board.

- Mike G.

that would be a very valid argument if the spurs werent playing great and well on their way to another title. its one thing to argue about past accomplishments when the team isnt doing good at the present time, but its another thing to boast about past titles as your team is competing for a title that same year

and ill be a spurs fan for the rest of my life, its all ive known, i was born into it. same with the cowboys and my School, the University of Texas (at austin and san antonio, since ive attended both)
Mav fans were nowhere to be found till 3 years ago ..... now we have guys claiming to be fans their entire lives .... :rolleyes:

All year Mav fans have been talking trash ...... and now suddenly they become holier than thou saints ...... :laugh2:

Funny funny stuff ......
zrinkill;1497632 said:
Mav fans were nowhere to be found till 3 years ago ..... now we have guys claiming to be fans their entire lives .... :rolleyes:

All year Mav fans have been talking trash ...... and now suddenly they become holier than thou saints ...... :laugh2:

Funny funny stuff ......

I became a fan as a teenager in the late 90s when Don Nelson took over. Cuban buying the team really helped push the team over the top and out from under the terrible 90s teams when they averaged 20 wins a season. I still would have liked to have seen how Mashburn-Jackson-Kidd could have done with a couple of seasons together - or even a full season, as it turned out.

And I welcome anyone to find my "trash talk" from this season. From beginning to end all I cared about was the playoffs, and we all know how that ended.
The Real Mavs Man;1497670 said:
I became a fan as a teenager in the late 90s when Don Nelson took over. Cuban buying the team really helped push the team over the top and out from under the terrible 90s teams when they averaged 20 wins a season. I still would have liked to have seen how Mashburn-Jackson-Kidd could have done with a couple of seasons together - or even a full season, as it turned out.

And I welcome anyone to find my "trash talk" from this season. From beginning to end all I cared about was the playoffs, and we all know how that ended.

well thats why your name is well earned