Suh wins appeal

The main reason I knew it would get overturned was all he had to do was get an arbitrator that hates Dallas. Not too hard really.
Wow. What is up with the NFL office.
Well I don't agree with what the NFL did but since he won the appeal and will be able to play then lets watch him get his *** kicked by Dallas on Sunday. Wow just Wow!!!
You just knew the further it went during the day the better chance he had. I had heard the announcement was going to be made late morning and it's already past 5:00 EST.

Nobody will ever convince me this decision is more about the Cowboys than it is about the Suh.

I'm fairly convinced myself, Cowboys=drama (win lose or draw) and that's what the league cares about
I knew there was gonna be some funny business when I heard they were not gonna take his previous acts into consideration when making a decision.

I don't see how this fine makes sense with that statement. That's a fine for a repeat offender for something serious. The whole over turning makes almost no sense. I wonder if the NFL should have done two games so the baby splitter could have split the baby.
I knew there was gonna be some funny business when I heard they were not gonna take his previous acts into consideration when making a decision.

I know which is stupid. A person's past offense should absolutely be considered for the 2nd, 3rd, and 14th offense.
How can anyone claim that this was unintentional? You don't shift your weight like that on "accident." There was no pile or traffic. Clear as day.
Guess we're going to have to run sweeps instead of rushing up the middle then.
Well I don't agree with what the NFL did but since he won the appeal and will be able to play then lets watch him get his *** kicked by Dallas on Sunday. Wow just Wow!!!

Him playing makes a win a lot tougher since we will be one dimensional now. Now it falls all on Romo and that has me worried. I thought we caught a huge break when they announced his suspension.
Thats pathetic, basically they are accepting that Suh stomped on someone with the fine but they arent suspending him
told you all yesterday it was not a big deal, shouldn't of been suspended in the first place..

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